similar to: HOW to use the survivalROC to get optimal cut-off values?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1200 matches similar to: "HOW to use the survivalROC to get optimal cut-off values?"

2010 Dec 05
HOW to use str() after the survivalROC (or another library in R) to get optimal cut-off values
I have the same problem of a previous request HOW to use the survivalROC (or another library in R) to get optimal cut-off values? I want to use the time-dependent survivalROC package.according to the,reference material,it only gives a partial set of ordered cut-off values .eg. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(mayo) str(mayo) attach(mayo)
2010 Dec 20
Metafor package
I have some question about metafor package. I'm interest to perform a random effect meta-analysis of proportion (single group summary of prevalence of disease in a population as reported by different study) It ask: 1. "PFT": The Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformed proportion is reported to be equal to 1/2*(asin(sqrt(xi/(ni+1))) + asin(sqrt((xi+1)/(ni+1)))). Hovewer, i
2012 Mar 28
Problems with R Commander version 1.8-3
Dear all, I use R 2.14.2 for Windows XP I have no problem with R Commander version 1.7-2, but now I have a problem with R Commander (Rcmdr) version 1.8-3. After I lunch R Commander (sdi as well standard) if I try to import data (i. from Stata datafile) I have this Warning message: Error in structure(.External("dotTclObjv", objv, PACKAGE = "tcltk"), class =
2012 Mar 29
Subject: Re: Problems with R Commander version 1.8-3
Subject: Re: [R] Problems with R Commander version 1.8-3 Many thanks for your kindly replay. I just use a At this time I use an earlier version of the package. I try to install the Rcmdr from R-Forge. Many tanks again Message: 21 Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 08:04:09 -0400 From: "John Fox" <jfox at> To: <petretta at> Cc: r-help at
2011 Feb 20
Help Metafor
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile URL: <>
2012 Nov 07
R: net reclassification index after Cox survival analysis
Dear all, I am interested to evaluate reclassification using net reclassification improvement and Integrated Discrimination Index IDI after survival analysis (Cox proportional hazards using stcox). I search a R package or a R code that specifically addresses the categorical NRI for time-to-event data in the presence of censored observation and, if possible, at different follow-up time points. I
2012 Sep 25
Extrapolating Cox predicted risk
Dear all I generated predicted risk of death for each subject in the study by means of Cox proportional hazards model at 8 year of follow-up, a time point at which follow-up was more than 90% complete. It is possible to extrapolate to 10-year the predicted risk of each subjet by assuming an exponential distribution? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your consideration.
2009 Jul 15
negative Somers D from Design package
Dear R help My problem is very similar to the analysis detailed here. If we use the mayo dataset provided with the survivalROC package the estimate for Somer's Dxy is very negative -0.56. The Nagelkerke R2 is positive though 0.32. I know there is a difference between explained variation and predictive ability but I am surprised there is usch a difference given that even a non predictive model
2014 Jun 23
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 64, Envío 33
Hola, Marta, Por lo que he podido ver tus datos ya tienen calculados las tasas de verdaderos y falsos positivos (TPR y FPR). También parece que los tienes ordenados por la variable FishSpeed y supongo que también por las que parecen marcas de tiempo. No necesitas ROCR porque con un simple plot te sale algo parecido a una curva. Eso sí, veo que son medidas repetidas en el tiempo para cada valor de
2009 Nov 04
if nobody knows the answer to my question on time-dependent ROC (see below), does any body know how TP and FP are related to classes and samples (orders) in non-time dependent ROC? Any reference? Thanks --- On Tue, 11/3/09, carol white <wht_crl at> wrote: > From: carol white <wht_crl at> > Subject: ROC > To: r-help at > Date:
2009 Nov 03
My question would be related more to time-dependent ROC (survivalROC package): I would like to know how true positives (TP) and false positives (FP) are related to the order of survival times and diagnostic markers. That is, having the a set of TP and FP, each of them is calculated from which diagnostic marker and survival times. Let's take mayo data set. How could I match the TP and FP
2007 Jun 25
Good morning to everybody, I have a problem : how can I import excel files in R??? thank you very much Erika Frigo Università degli Studi di Milano Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Veterinarie per la Sicurezza Alimentare (VSA) Via Grasselli, 7 20137 Milano Tel. 02/50318515 Fax 02/50318501 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 May 12
Can ROC be used as a metric for optimal model selection for randomForest?
Dear all, I am using the "caret" Package for predictors selection with a randomForest model. The following is the train function: rfFit<- train(x=trainRatios, y=trainClass, method="rf", importance = TRUE, do.trace = 100, keep.inbag = TRUE, tuneGrid = grid, trControl=bootControl, scale = TRUE, metric = "ROC") I wanted to use ROC as the metric for variable
2007 Nov 30
meta-analysis on diagnostic tests (bivariate approach)
Hello friends of R list, Im a physician and Im not that good in statistics. I have posted similar email in the epi-sig list but no one aswered so far. Im cunducting a systematic review on two diagnostic test for a particular tropical disease. I found a free software that make most of the analysis called MetaDiSc. However there is a paticular analysis that I wuould like to try that it is not
2006 Mar 31
ROC optimal threshold
hello, I am using the ROC package to evaluate predictive models I have successfully plot the ROC curve, however ?is there anyway to obtain the value of operating point=optimal threshold value (i.e. the nearest point of the curve to the top-left corner of the axes)? thank you very much, jose daniel anadon area de ecologia universidad miguel hernandez espa?a
2012 Jul 26
optimal cut off with Epi package
Dear all, I would like to calculate the optimal cut off (threshold) of a test using the Epi package. Here I am presenting some data based on the output of two tests. I am interested in identifying the optimal cut off an its 95% CI. Running the ROC() function with the Epi package I obtain a nice picture that returns what I interpret as the optimal cut off with lr.eta=0.431. would be this the
2011 Feb 14
Optimal Y>=q cutoff after logistic regression
Hi, I understand that dichotimization of the predicted probabilities after logistic regression is philosophically questionable, throwing out information, etc. But I want to do it anyway. I'd like to include as a measure of fit % of observations correctly classified because it's measured in units that non-statisticians can understand more easily than area under the ROC curve, Dxy, etc.
2007 Jul 26
ROC curve in R
Hi, I need to build ROC curve in R, can you please provide data steps / code or guide me through it. Thanks and Regards Rithesh M Mohan [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Dec 15
Name conflict between Epi and ROC packages
The name conflicts in Epi and ROC packages (2 'ROC' functions are the problem) cause the following code to work once, but not twice: library(MASS); data(cats); x = cats[,2] y = ifelse(cats[,1]=='F',0,1) library(Epi); ROC(x,y,grid=0)$AUC library(ROC); AUC(, x, What is the standard way of resolving name conflicts? Ask maintainers to resolve
2011 Feb 21
ROC from R-SVM?
*Hi, *Does anyone know how can I show an *ROC curve for R-SVM*? I understand in R-SVM we are not optimizing over SVM cost parameter. Any example ROC for R-SVM code or guidance can be really useful. Thanks, Angel. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]