similar to: How do empty strings affect sorting?

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2006 Mar 31
RE: drag and drop sorting with an empty lis
I ran into this issue too. My solution was to add an "onUpdate" function to the sortable that tests the container to see if it''s got any children or not: function is_empty(container) { if ($(container).hasChildNodes()) { Element.removeClassName($(container),''empty''); } else if (!$(container).hasChildNodes()) {
2007 Jul 13
More sorting problems with untokenized index
I''m having problems sorting on untokenized fields. I have one field that sorts fine, but there are others that seem to sort on a different field. Here''s the index description: acts_as_ferret :remote=>true,:fields=>{:name=>{:boost=>2},:name_for_sort=>{:index => :untokenized}, :city=>{:boost=>2}, :city_for_sort=>{:index=>:untokenized},
2005 Jul 07
Allowing drops on "empty" sortable
Hey folks, On the Drag and Drop demo page in the Sortable Lists Demo section: If you drag all of the items from the first list into the second list, it appears that you cannot drag a list item back into the first (now empty) list. Is there a way to allow a Sortable that is empty of draggable items to accept dropped items? Danilo
2006 Aug 30
AAF Sorting by date - what am I doing wrong?
I''m trying to sort my search results by Date, in descending order. I''ve done quite a bit of reading through the forums here, and I''ve tried two different suggestions. This just returns results in the same order as a search without a sort: sort_fields = [] sort_fields <<"ferret_created_at",:reverse => :true)
2006 Apr 24
AJAX drag and drop sorting with pagination
Drag and drop sorting is great but if you had a list of, say, 100 items, you''d probably want to show only 10 per page. Has anyone seen any way to use the a drag and drop style sorting method over a number of pages? I see it working by having the displayed list sortable as normal then an item is moved to the next page by dragging it onto the ''next'' link... maybe...
2006 Jul 12
Reverse sorting
I am getting strange results when I reverse sort a query. I am sorting by date, but it doesn''t seem to be related to dates (I have tried just integers). I also paginate the results. Items in the result set are sometimes duplicated and the not ordered at all. When I try a non-reverse sort I don''t see duplicates and the ordering is correct. Any ideas what is going on? Thanks
2007 Jul 09
Problems with sorting of search results
Hey .. maybe someone got a hint for me .. I''ve got a problem with the sorting of search results .. strangely enough, the sorting is fine on my mac development environment, but not okay on my linux live system. I got a field in my index called hierarchy. It contains long strings like: Living together > Family > Brother-In-Law Living together > Family > Marriage > Wife
2006 Dec 28
Sorting/Ordering Search Results
Hello All, I am having an issue with AAF and sorting results of a search. Right now, I have results being split onto pages of 10. The results are being sorted alphabetically, but not across multiple pages - it''s just sorting the 10 it pulls down on each page. I noticed another post from April regarding this same issue ( where the issue was
2006 Jan 20
Questions about Searching
Hi, I have some questions about searching with Ferret. I have a user index with first_name, last_name and full_name (which is just first plus last with a space). Here are a couple of questions: 1) If I store the fields tokenized, it appears as though queries are case-insensitive. However, for untokenized, the query is case-sensitive. How can I make the untokenized searches case-insensitive?
2006 Sep 22
Searching untokenized fields
Hi .. I tried to exclude certain objects from my search, by adding appropriate term queries .. i = i.field_infos.add_field(:type, :index => :untokenized, :term_vector => :no) i << {:type => "Movie", :name => "Indiana" } i << {:type => "Movie", :name => "Forrest" } i << {:type =>
2005 Aug 05
disable Sortable
Can a Sortable be disabled/deactivated/destroyed once it''s been created? I''ve tried a few different things with no success. Here''s what I''m doing: I have an ordered list. When a particular event happens, I created a Sortable from the list. I clone the list prior to creating the Sortable so I can revert to the original list if sorting is canceled. If, however,
2006 Oct 02
Another web app using Ferret
I am apart of a team that runs a student site called Studicious ( We have been using Ferret from the beginning, and recently added acts_as_ferret and sorting to the system. As you can see if you try the search, sorting is not working as expected. I am using this code (w/ find_by_content): :sort =>, :reverse => false)
2009 May 26
[PATCH server] fix for Bug 466731 - There is no title for the third column in User Access page and can't be sorted
Added column title and made it sortable. Signed-off-by: Scott Seago <sseago at> --- src/app/models/pool.rb | 4 +++- src/app/views/user/_grid.rhtml | 2 +- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/app/models/pool.rb b/src/app/models/pool.rb index 0a63723..3c95684 100644 --- a/src/app/models/pool.rb +++ b/src/app/models/pool.rb @@ -57,7
2006 Jul 31
Sorting performance
I''m using acts_as_ferret to index one of my rails models. Right after I start the app the first request that orders by some ferret field will take very long. Subsequent ones seem to be fast. I guess some caching is going on. Any tips on solving this? Pedro.
2005 Oct 13
I''ve got a page I''ve implemented a bunch of observables and sortables. There are around 330 items in the list. The Observables (for hide/show of sublists) don''t seem to impact performance, but the Sortables take a very long time to load when the page is refreshed or submitted--even after accounting for the server-side processing and latency. I''ve
2005 Jul 18
scriptaculous dragdrop.js empty list problem
Hi, I''ve just been having a look at the scriptaculous drag-n-drop library, which looks exceedingly good. I''m running across a show-stopper here, though - something that''s cropping up in both the online demos and my own test scripts. If I set up two lists so that I can drag items between them, then if either list becomes empty, I can''t drag elements back into
2007 Mar 28
Questions on tokenized x untokenized and date sorting
Gents, does this definition will allow me to search inside title, sub_title and url and sort by score, rank_sort, last_updated_at_sort ? acts_as_ferret :fields => { :title => {:boost => 2, :store => :yes}, :sub_title => {:store => :yes}, :url => {:store => :yes}, :rank_sort =>
2007 Jul 25
DRb not starting
Hi, I have my Model as follows: class Mutation < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret ({:fields => {:description=>{}, :product_id=>{:index => :untokenized}, :product_description=>{}, :product_label_description=>{}, :product_label_free=>{}, :product_product_id_supplier=>{}, :product_description_supplier=>{}, :supplier_description=>{}, :pub_date_sort
2005 Oct 14
events after sort
hi, i''ve just started use prototype.js et al, i am currently creating a sortable list with: Sortable.create(''id'', { onChange: myFunc }); but what i really want is an event that occurs after the li''s have been reordered and settled into the new list order. how would i do that? i know i can do for exampe: Event.observe(''id'',
2005 Sep 14
table sorting/manipulation library?
I have a library I''ve developed that I believe is the most flexible and useful table sorting/striping/row-selecting library around. Big features: Single and multiple-level sort Arbitrary sort criteria (IP address, date, etc.) Works with table headers that are > 1 row or column large Stripe tables and/or enable row selecting Row selecting supports drag-select and SHIFT-click No extra