similar to: problem with package rsm: running fit.mult.impute with cph

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "problem with package rsm: running fit.mult.impute with cph"

2010 Dec 02
Last post: problem with package rsm: running fit.mult.impute with cph -- sorry, package was rms
Sorry everybody, temporary dyslexia. Sent from my BlackBerry wireless smartphone
2010 May 05
Error messages with psm and not cph in Hmisc
While sm4.6ll<-fit.mult.impute(Surv(agesi, si)~partner+ pubty+ FPA+ strat(gender),fitter = cph, xtrans = dated.sexrisk2.i, data = dated.sexrisk2, x=T,y=T,surv=T, runs perfectly using Hmisc, Design and mice under R11 run via Sciviews-K, with library(Design) library(mice) ds2d<-datadist(dated.sexrisk2) options(datadist="ds2d")
2007 Oct 12
accessing ylim set by xyplot
Hello, I would like to know if there is a clever way to avoid the problem illustrated below within the xyplot function. x <- seq(1:10) y <- seq(1:10) pr1 <- xyplot(x ~ y) u <- seq(1:12) v <- seq(1:12) pr2 <- xyplot(u ~ v, col = "red", more = FALSE) prts <- list(pr1, pr2) for(i in prts) print(i, more = TRUE) I realize that one possibility is to
2004 Sep 20
RE: Samba 'make install' chokes on textproc/expat2 & now openldap
At 14:24 9/19/2004,, wrote: >Personally, unless one has great need not to, I highly recommend upgrading >to samba3 to start with. The perfomance gains alone I found well worth it. >Plus if you plan to integrate into a network with 2k/XP/2K3, it will greatly >improve compatibility. OK. I tried to install samba 3.0.7,1. Got the same error:
2009 Aug 11
how to do model validation and calibration for a model fitted by fit.mult.impute?
Dear all, I used fit.mult.impute in Dr. Harrell's Design package to fit a cox ph regression model on five imputed datasets, where all missing predictors were filled by multiple imputation using R package Mice. Are there any functions able to do bootstrapping or cross-validation for the aggregated model? I tried function 'validate' and 'calibrate' in Design package, but
2012 May 28
rms::cr.setup and Hmisc::fit.mult.impute
I have fitted a proportional odds model, but would like to compare it to a continuation ratio model. However, I am unable to fit the CR model _including_ imputated data. I guess my troubles start with settuping the data for the CR model. Any hint is appreciated! Christian library(Hmisc) library(rms) library(mice) ## simulating data (taken from rms::residuals.lrm) set.seed(1) n <- 400 age
2010 Nov 01
Error message in fit.mult.impute (Hmisc package)
Hello, I would like to use the aregImpute and fit.mult.impute to impute missing values for my dataset and then conduct logistic regression analyses on the data, taking into account that we imputed values. I have no problems imputing the values using aregImpute, but I am getting an error at the fit.mult.impute stage. Here is some sample code (I actually have more observations and variables to
2004 Jun 15
fit.mult.impute and quantile regression
I have a largish dataset (1025) with around .15 of the data missing at random overall, but more like .25 in the dependent variable. I am interested in modelling the data using quantile regression, but do not know how to do this with multiply imputed data (which is what the dataset seems to need). The original plan was to use qr (or whatever) from the quantreg package as the 'fitter'
2011 Mar 24
.Fortran successful, R locks up.
Howdy, I am having a problem with a library compiled from some legacy fortran code. I can call the library, it runs as it should, returns a list, and gives a ">" prompt, but then locks up the R session. Functions typed in return nothing. ctrl-c results in a new prompt that is still locked up, and R overwhelms the processor. This happens on Mac, Windows, and Linux exactly the same. I
2003 Jul 27
multiple imputation with fit.mult.impute in Hmisc
I have always avoided missing data by keeping my distance from the real world. But I have a student who is doing a study of real patients. We're trying to test regression models using multiple imputation. We did the following (roughly): f <- aregImpute(~ [list of 32 variables, separated by + signs], n.impute=20, defaultLinear=T, data=t1) # I read that 20 is better than the default of
2008 Nov 26
multiple imputation with fit.mult.impute in Hmisc - how to replace NA with imputed value?
I am doing multiple imputation with Hmisc, and can't figure out how to replace the NA values with the imputed values. Here's a general ourline of the process: > set.seed(23) > library("mice") > library("Hmisc") > library("Design") > d <- read.table("DailyDataRaw_01.txt",header=T) > length(d);length(d[,1]) [1] 43 [1] 2666
2011 Jun 23
Rms package - problems with fit.mult.impute
Hi! Does anyone know how to do the test for goodness of fit of a logistic model (in rms package) after running fit.mult.impute? I am using the rms and Hmisc packages to do a multiple imputation followed by a logistic regression model using lrm. Everything works fine until I try to run the test for goodness of fit: residuals(type=c("gof")) One needs to specify y=T and x=T in the fit. But
2012 Aug 02
[LLVMdev] TableGen related question for the Hexagon backend
On Aug 1, 2012, at 1:53 PM, Jyotsna Verma <jverma at> wrote: > > Currently, we rely on switch tables to transform between formats. However, > we would like to have a different mechanism to represent these relationships > instead of switch tables. I am thinking of modeling these relations in > file and use TableGen to generate a table with
2012 Aug 01
[LLVMdev] TableGen related question for the Hexagon backend
Hi, I'm looking for some suggestions on a problem related to the Hexagon backend. Hexagon architecture allows instructions in various formats. For example, we have 3 variations of the add instruction as defined below: ADDrr : r1 = add(r2, r3) --> add 2 32-bit registers ADDrr_p : if(p0) r1 = add(r2, r3) --> predicated version of ADDrr instruction, executed when p0 is true ADDrr_np :
2011 Mar 31
fit.mult.impute() in Hmisc
I tried multiple imputation with aregImpute() and fit.mult.impute() in Hmisc 3.8-3 (June 2010) and R-2.12.1. The warning message below suggests that summary(f) of fit.mult.impute() would only use the last imputed data set. Thus, the whole imputation process is ignored. "Not using a Design fitting function; summary(fit) will use standard errors, t, P from last imputation only. Use
2010 Nov 26
contour figure from rsm
Dear r users, I wanted to perform contour figure from response surface model result. I typed this: > model = rsm (Index ~ SO(NV, SKLON, pH), bonita) > summary(model) > par(mfrow = c(2, 3)) > contour (model, ~NV+SKLON+pH) However, I got the error answer as follows: Error in lmobj$data[, nm] : object of type 'environment' is not subsettable Has someone any suggestions to
2012 Oct 17
Superficie de respuesta con rsm y nnet
Hola compañeros de la lista. Los molesto con la siguiente duda. En un diseño central compuesto (CCD) con dos factores (V1 y V2) y una variable de respuesta (R), utilizando valores codificados (-1.4142, -1, 0, 1, 1.4182), al aplicar la orden: rsm.segundo.orden <- rsm(R ~ Bloque + SO(V1, V2), data = DATOS.Codificados) Obtengo el siguiente modelo: R = 103.92 -2.16
2006 Nov 29
1D & 2D response plots from RSM models
Hello R experts I am looking for: - advice - sample commands - pointers in MASS 4E - packages That help to produce 1D and 2D response plots from quadratic RSM linear regression models that have been produced in R. Let me explain a little what I mean. For 1D plots I mean the variable range (either scaled or actual) on the X axis and the Y axis showing the model prediction (preferably with
2012 Aug 16
[LLVMdev] TableGen related question for the Hexagon backend
Hi Everyone, After some more thoughts to the Jacob's suggestion of using multiclasses for Opcode mapping, this is what I have come up with. Please take a look at the design below and let me know if you have any suggestions/questions. I have tried to keep the design target independent so that other targets could benefit from it. 1) The idea is to add 3 new classes into
2005 Jan 20
samba 3.0.10 is mult task
Hi (sorry I do this question again, but my computer is block and I lost all my e-mail) I will install samba 3.0.10 in solaris 9/10. I would like to know if this version of samba is multi task. Today I use the samba 2.2.2 in solaris 8 (server with 2 processor), bat the "sons process of samba" work only one processor (100%) and the other processor be empty (0%) [the "sons