Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "help interpreting a model summary"
2010 Apr 04
ggplot2 geom_rect(): What am I missing here
Hi R fans,
As a newbie following the five-hour rule (after hitting my head against
the wall for five hours, post to this list), I am appealing for some
help understanding geom_rect() in ggplot2.
What I want to do is very simple. I want to generate a plot of
rectangles. Each one represents a business cycle. The x-values will be
pairs representing the start and end of each cycle. The y-values
2006 Sep 13
Retrieving value computed in inner function call
Dear R users,
Consider the following example function:
f = function(a,b) {
g = function(x) a*x + b
h = function(x) g(x)^2 + x^2
opt = optimize(h,lower = -1, upper = 1)
x.min = opt$minimum
h.xmin = opt$objective
g.xmin = g(x.min)
return(c(x.min, h.xmin, g.xmin))
In my real problem the function that plays the role of "g" is costly
to compute. Now, to
1997 May 27
R-alpha: signif( small , d) gives NA
signif(.) is a <primitive> function.
Unfortunately, I couldn't even find WHERE in the source,
signif(.) is defined.
Here are the symptoms:
xmin <- .Machine $ double.xmin
signif(xmin,3) #--> NA
umach <- unlist(.Machine)[paste("double.x", c("min","max"), sep='')]
for(dig in 1:10) {cat("dig=",dig,": ");
2008 Jul 30
read XML
I have a xml exported by Manifold GIS but I'm not being able to import it
into R using XLM package.
The file have this structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <layout>
<name>Layout 2</name>
- <elements>
2008 Aug 11
Unexpected parameter problem using rsaga.geoprocessor() {RSAGA}
I discovered SAGA, an interesting free GIS, a few days ago and now, I
would like to use it from within R 2.6.2 using the RSAGA package. I read
the documentation for this package and thought that I understood it
correctly for trying to call some of the SAGA modules. For getting the
information on the usage of and arguments required by the SAGA command
line "Import Binary Raw
2006 Jul 10
Setting the colors of lines in a trellis plot...
With some help from those with expertise on this list, I managed to
produce a plot using trellis that looked like I wanted it to look.
Now, I need to take the same plot and make the lines on it color, but
I want to specify the color for the lines myself.
I've managed to make the key use the colors I want. I've managed to
make the symbols of the actual plot use the colors I want. But I
2006 Feb 21
color quantization / binning a variable into levels
Hi all,
I'd like to quantize a variable to map it into a limited set of integers
for use with a colormap. "image" and filled.contour" do this mapping
inside somewhere, but I'd like to choose the colors for plotting a set of
polygons. Is there a pre-existing function that does something like this
well? i.e., is capable of using 'breaks'?
2017 Aug 24
rmutil parameters for Pareto distribution
In https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution, it is clear what the
parameters are for the pareto distribution: *xmin *the scale parameter and
*a* the shape parameter.
I am using rmutil to generate random deviates from a pareto distribution.
It says in the documentation that the probabilty density of the pareto
The Pareto distribution has density
f(y) = s (1 + y/(m
2007 Jun 04
Abstract plot
I want to make a plot, but instead of showing _numerical_ values,
I would like to show _symbolic_ values.
For example, I want to plot a function y = a x + b, where
x varies between Xmin and Xmax. I would like the plot
to show, in the x-axis, the strings Xmin and Xmax, instead
of their numeric values. Is it possible?
Alberto Monteiro
2014 Jun 15
abline; setting plot limits
Relatively new user with a question regarding abline.
I want to draw a st. line fit to some data but I want the line to span the
range of the x-data and NOT the plot limits.
In short the line spans xmin to xmax(of plot axis) but I want it to span
xmin to xmax (of x data).
Can this but done with abline or do I have to use lines and construct the
line from a+bx?
Paul Rydelek, Ph.D.
5232 Dorset
2008 Apr 22
Using the 'by' function within a 'for' loop
Dear R experts,
I am sorry for sending this email again. I would
imagine yesterday and maybe today, have been very busy
days with the release of R v 2.7.0. I join all the R
users who are very gratful for your contant work and
efforts, specially knowing that you are doing this for
the sake of science, without gettig any compensation
for that.
Having written that, I decided to send the
2000 Dec 14
Accuracy problem in dchisq for non-central chi-squared
I think I have identified a inaccuracy in dchisq when the non-centrality
parameter is non-zero and large. Here's a little test:
sys.dchisq.test <- function(N = 100000,mean = 0)
z <- rnorm(N,mean = mean, sd = 1)
x <- z^2
xmin <- min(x)
xmax <- max(x)
br <- seq(xmin,xmax,length = 101)
dbr <- br[2]-br[1]
p <- dchisq(br,df = 1,ncp =
2006 Jun 28
read file with readBin (the file was saved with a C-routine)
I have problems with using of "readBin" to read files, which was written in C with "fwrite". In the C-File there is the following Code:
where MyitINI is a structure of the following form
typedef struct{
int KernelFileSave; /* Determined, if Systemmatrix saved or not.*/
char KernelFileName[200]; /* A-Matrix name
2009 Sep 15
wilcox.test p-value = 0
hi, folks,
how have you gone about reporting a p-value from a test when the
returned value from a test (in this case a rank-sum test) is
numerically equal to 0 according to the machine?
the next lowest value greater than zero that is distinct from zero on
the machine is likely algorithm-dependent (the algorithm of the test
itself), but without knowing the explicit steps of the algorithm
2013 Mar 22
ggplot2 will not draw a rectangle. Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class XXX"
What am I missing? When I run the code below I get the error message
"Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class function"
Googling suggests a message of "Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class XXX" is not uncommon but I don't see why I am getting a "function" error unless I am using some reserved word?
2010 Dec 02
2D Random walk
I've wrote some code to simulate a random walk in 2 dimensions on a lattice.
Basically I want to add something in to make it plot it point by point so
you can see what is going on.
Heres my code for the random walk in 2d
for (i in 1:N-1)
2004 Sep 24
Error with repeat lines() in function
I have a function that does some plotting. I then add lines to the
plot. If executed one line at a time, there is not a problem. If I
execute the function, though, I get:
Error in ans[[1]] : subscript out of bounds
This always occurs after the second lines command, and doesn't happen
with all of my data points (some do not have errors). Any ideas?
2006 Jul 18
send a list from R to C
Hello at all !
What is the correct form to give a list form R (e.g. list(c(-1,1),
"TestFile") ) to C. I have no problems, if I don't use character and I have
also no problems to give a character vector form R to C. But, if I combine
real and strings in a list then I don't know the correct syntax.
I try it with following (an example):
SEXP writeFile(SEXP headerR){
2005 Jul 12
what is the .Machine$double.xmin for a 64 bit machine?
I use a 32 bit machine. For those using 64 bit machines,
what is the .Machine$double.xmin for for machines?
regards. Stephen.
----- Original Message -----
From: Achim Zeileis <Achim.Zeileis at wu-wien.ac.at>
Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 10:51 am
Subject: Re: [R] exact values for p-values - more information.
> On Tue, 12 Jul 2005, S.O. Nyangoma wrote:
> > > If they
2012 Aug 29
spatial correlation in lme and huge correlation matrix (memory limit)
I'm trying to introduce a (spatial) exponential correlation
structure (with range=200 and nugget.effet of 0.3) in a lme model of
this form: lme(ARBUS~YEAR, random=~1|IDSOUS).
The structure of the data is "IDSOUS" "XMIN" "YMAX" "YEAR" "ARBUS"
with 2 years of data and 5600 points for each year.
I do: