similar to: Overlay of two graphs of different axes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Overlay of two graphs of different axes"

2008 Jul 16
Labelling curves on graphs
Hi Folks, I'd be grateful for good suggestions about the following. I'm plotting a family of (X,Y) curves (for different levels of another variable, Z): say 6 curves in all but could be more or less -- it's a rather variables situation. I'd like to label each curve with the value of Z that it corresponds to. The problem is that the layout (shapes, spacings, ranges of X over
2012 Aug 06
Overlay Histogram
Dear all, For two sets of random variables, say, x <- rnorm(1000, 10, 10) and y <- rnorm(1000. 3, 20). Is there any way to overlay the histograms (and density curves) of x and y on the plot of y vs. x? The histogram of x is on the x axis and that of y is on the y axis. The density curve here is to approximate the shape of the distribution and does not have to have area 1. Thank you
2007 Apr 05
Plotting multiple curves with lattice graphs
Hi List, I would like to plot multiple curves (parametric density curves) in one plot. For example: # parameters for three normal density curves parms = data.frame(ID=c(1,2,3),mu=c(50,55,60),sigma=c(10,12,15)) # I can easily draw three normal density curves using curve(): curve(dnorm(x,mean=parms$mu[1],sd=parms$sigma[1]),from=0, to=150, ylab="density", col="red")
2013 May 25
How to plot two functions a(t) & b(t) along with x & y axes respectively in r ?
  Sir,                 I, Tanumoy Pal, a student of M.Sc. Statistics ,am a beginner in R language. I want to write a program on SPRT in R. For this i want to draw the OC curve. You know that for drawing of OC curve we have to draw L(πh ) vs. πh . I want to know that is there any default function exists in R which can give this graph? That is, if we give the range of  h, the function will give the
2008 Sep 02
Help with nonlinear regressional
Dear All, I am doing experiments in live plant tissue using a laser confocal microscope. The method is called "fluorescence recovery after photo-bleaching" (FRAP) and here follows a short summary: 1. Record/ measure fluorescence intensity in a defined, round region of interest (ROI, in this case a small spot) to determine the initial intensity value before the bleaching. This
2003 Sep 04
Overlaying graphs
----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard A. O'Keefe" <ok at> To: <paul at> Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 2:56 AM Subject: Re: [R] Overlaying graphs > I do not know how to overlay the curve graphic on top of hist graphic. > > Do you know about the "add=TRUE" option for plot()? > > I am hoping to show visually
2005 Aug 02
question on graphs and finding area under a curve
Question on graphs: The default case for drawing a graph in R, is where a little space is left on the x and y axis before the first tick i.e. even if I say xlim=c(0,1) -- there will be some space between the edge of the x-axis and where 0 is placed. If I want 0 on the edge, how do I do it in R? Area under the curve: I have a 45 degree line and a curve above or below it. Is there a way in R
2009 May 09
Histogram frequencies with a normal pdf curve overlay
Dear List, When I plot a histogram with 'freq=FALSE' and overlay the histogram with a normal pdf curve, everything looks as expected, as follows: x <- rnorm(1000) hist(x, freq=FALSE) curve(dnorm(x), add=TRUE, col="blue") What do I need to do if I want to show the frequencies (freq=TRUE) with the same normal pdf overlay, so that the plot would still look the same? Regards,
2000 Sep 19
Graphing measured and fitted distributions
Hi All, What I would like to do is the following: a) fit a probability function to a measured data set. This would be user specified, e.g., normal, lognormal, etc. and then b) take the probability function and plot it with the histogram of the measured data set. This function would be displayed as a smooth curve. This would involve "re-sizing" the probability function to match
2012 Jul 05
function curve() swap axes
Dear all, I'm using the curve() function to plot discharge Q against water depth a. However, I would like to have a graph of water depth a plotted against discharge Q. How can this be done? Minimal working example: S0 = 0.004 n = 0.04 tanalpha = 1.4/1.5 par(mar = c(5,5,1,1)) # b, l, t, r
2007 Dec 12
Overlay PDF on histogram
Hi, I thought that I had read somewhere that there was a really simple way to overlay the probability density function of a normal distribution over a histogram, after the histogram has already been plotted. Possibly a one word command. I've found this email from the archives, but I don't think this is what I'm looking for. I thought there was something more simple than
2009 Nov 20
symbol in the plot
a graph question. Thanks a lot in advance. I made two scatterplots on one graph (sigma vs. delta1, sigma vs. delta2) (20 observations of delta1, delta2 and corresponding sigma) the x-axis is sigma, the y-axis is either delta1 or delta2. I connected both scatterplots. To seperate them, one curves is a line with circles, the other curve is a line with squares on it. I want to make a notation
2002 Aug 01
plotting two curves: Why same hight?
R 1.5.1 in a linux machine. I am plotting two curves with curve (): sin(x)/10 and sin(x) together, one below the other one ( using par ( mfrow = c ( 2, 1 ))). What I have noticed is that both curves have the same height but this should not be so since the range of values of the first function is shorter than the one of the second function. In the description of par I could not find any command
2010 Oct 19
nls & optimize
Hi all, I'm plotting to get the intersection value of three curves. Defining the x-axis as dsm, the following code works; dsm = c(800,600,NA,525,NA,450,400,NA,NA,NA,0) s3 = seq(0.05,1.05,0.1) plot(dsm,s3,col="blue",las=1,ylab="fraction",xlab="distance (km)") fc <- function(x,a,b){a*exp(-b*x)} fm <- nls(s3~fc(dsm,a,b),start=c(a=1,b=0)) co <- coef(fm)
2012 Dec 22
plotting and saving diagrams automatically
[if the format of my email is changed or is difficult to understand, a text file is attached for easy understanding]Dear useRs, i was wondering that if its possible in R to automatically generate plots and get it saved at the desired location? i have data of cancer patients, from about 1000 cities around the world. i have converted that data into a list (called tcp) and that list has 1000
2008 May 14
Double y axes plot
Hi all, How could I draw a plot with two y axes? For example, if I need too plot two curves in the same graphic, which are measured in different scales. Thanks a lot in advance, Caio [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Jun 14
scatterplots: (equal axes and overlay)
Hi, I am doing lots of scatterplots for my dissertation and to make the comparable, I would like to have equal x- amd - y axis. Can I specify their scale? Another question adresses overlay scatterplots. Having prae and post measures for each case, is it possible to have them in one graph with symbols or colors for prae and post. So scatterplot(bdiprae,mocoprae) and scatterplot(bdipost,mocopost) in
2011 Dec 01
Change the limits of a plot "a posteriori"
Hi all How can I change the limits (xlim or ylim) in a plot that has been already created? For example, consider this naive example curve(dbeta(x,2,4)) curve(dbeta(x,8,13),add=T,col=2) When adding the second curve, it goes off the original limits computed by R for the first graph, which are roughly, c(0,2.1) I know two obvious solutions for this, which are: 1) passing a sufficiently large
2006 Aug 16
adding multiple fitted curves to xyplot graph
Hello RHelpers, This may already have been answered, but despite days of scouring through the archives I haven't found it. My goal is to add multiple fitted curves to a plot. An example data set (a data frame named df in following code) is: x1 y1 factor1 4 1298.25 0.00000000 1 5 1393.25 0.00000000 1 6 1471.50
2005 Nov 28
overlay additional axes
Greetings, I am trying to add an extra labled axis in position 3 (top x-axis), with numbers that do not match up with the existing axes. Surely this must be possible, and I am just doing it incorectly. So far I have tried the following: #make a plot plot(TIK, type="l", cex=.25, xlim=c(2,32), ylim=c(0,1600)) #try and add a new axis with different numbers in position 3