similar to: scalable < > delimiters in plotmath

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "scalable < > delimiters in plotmath"

2011 Apr 18
splom, plotmath: how to add three lines of information with alignment?
Dear expeRts, I would like to create a scatter plot matrix with splom(). The lower panel should contain some additional information about the samples shown in the upper panel plot, see the splom() call below. Now two questions came up: (1) The lower panels show "tau" and "alpha" on top of each other. How can I plot *three* expressions on top of each other? I tried several
2004 Aug 09
Simultaneous subscripts and superscripts
Dear List, I'd like to add text to a plot where a text symbol has both a superscript and subscript. For example, the variable S with a superscript 2 and a subscript t. I have been able to accomplish this using either expression( paste(S,atop(scriptstyle(2),scriptstyle(t))) ) or expression( {S[t]}^2 ) but the spacing isn't quite right (or rather what I'd like) using either of
2010 Oct 26
ggplot2: how to label lines?
Hi, all, Let's say I have some time series data--10 subjects measured 20 times--that I plot as follows: library(ggplot2) dat <- data.frame(subject=as.factor(rep(1:10, each=20)), time=rep(1:20, 10), measure=as.vector(replicate(10, rnorm(20, mean=runif(1, 0, 15), sd=runif(1, 1, 3))))) p <- qplot(time, measure, data=dat, colour=subject, geom="line") p What would be the
2011 Apr 26
grid stringHeight
Dear all, I'm puzzled by the behavior of stringHeight in the grid package. Consider the following test, library(grid) test <- function(lab="dog", ...){ g1 <- textGrob(lab) g2 <- rectGrob(height=grobHeight(g1), width=grobWidth(g1)) gg <- gTree(children=gList(g1,g2), ...) print(c("height:", convertUnit(stringHeight(lab), "mm",
2009 Sep 28
dichromat, regexp, and grid objects
Dear list, The dichromat package defines a dichromat function which "Collapses red-green color distinctions to approximate the effect of the two common forms of red-green colour blindness, protanopia and deuteranopia." library(dichromat) library(grid) colorStrip <- function (colors = 1:3, draw = TRUE) { x <- seq(0, 1 - 1/length(colors), length = length(colors)) y <-
2010 Mar 10
Dear all, I'm trying to write tabular data to a text file, these data will be the input of a Fortran program. The format needs to be "(i7,2x,7(e15.7,2x))". I have not been able to find a clean way of producing this output with write.table. I searched for a "write.fortran" function similar to read.fortran() in package utils but I couldn't find any. Below is a small
2009 Sep 02
combining grid.text, expression and variables
Dear R-users, I am trying to use the grid.text and expression functions to display several character strings and plotmath text on a viewport. Some strings can include a variable portion (PI.limits in the following example), which I thought could be implemented by combining the bquote and the expression functions. Unfortunately, my expressions do not seem to be evaluated. I would greatly
2009 Oct 06
ggplot equivalent of par(xaxt)
I am playing around learning ggplot and cannot see how to suppress the x or y axis values ( equivalent of xaxt in basic graphics) It must be obvious but I'm not seeing it. Problem ================================================================= timedata <- structure(list(month = structure(c(5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L,
2009 Jul 03
Variable names in lattice XY-plot
Hi, how can I get a more descriptive text instead of the variable names in my XY-lattice plot, according to the table below? Variable text acet = "Acetylaspartate Thalamus" chol = "Choline Thalamus" acetp = "Acetylaspartate parieoc" ino = "Inositole Thalamus" I could not find a solution. Please have a look at my syntax. Thanks a lot,
2010 Sep 21
bivariate vector numerical integration with infinite range
Dear list, I'm seeking some advice regarding a particular numerical integration I wish to perform. The integrand f takes two real arguments x and y and returns a vector of constant length N. The range of integration is [0, infty) for x and [a,b] (finite) for y. Since the integrand has values in R^N I did not find a built-in function to perform numerical quadrature, so I wrote my own after
2009 Apr 03
plyr and table question
Dear all, I'm puzzled by the following example inspired by a recent question on R-help, cc <- textConnection("user_id website time 20 google 0930 21 yahoo 0935 20 facebook 1000 25 facebook 1015 61 google 0940") d <- read.table(cc, head=T) ; close(cc) table(d$user_id) # count the
2010 Aug 11
help to polish plot in ggplot2
Hi, I wanted to generate a plot which is almost like the plot generated by the following codes. category <- paste("Geographical Category", 1:10) grp1 <- rnorm(10, mean=10, sd=10) grp2 <- rnorm(10, mean=20, sd=10) grp3 <- rnorm(10, mean=15, sd=10) grp4 <- rnorm(10, mean=12, sd=10) mydat <- data.frame(category,grp1,grp2,grp3,grp4) dat.m <- melt(mydat) p <-
2011 Mar 09
switch and factors
Dear list, Reading the help page for ?switch didn't give me more than a hint at what's going on here, x = 5 y = 2 foo <- function(a="x"){ switch(a, "x" = x, "y" = y) } foo(factor('x', levels=c('y', 'x'))) # 2 It seems that switch, when given a factor, uses the numeric codes rather than the string
2009 Mar 25
"[.data.frame" and lapply
Dear all, Trying to extract a few rows for each element of a list of data.frames, I'm puzzled by the following behaviour, > d <- lapply(1:4, function(i) data.frame(x=rnorm(5), y=rnorm(5))) > str(d) > > lapply(d, "[", i= c(1)) # fine, this extracts the first columns > lapply(d, "[", j= c(1, 3)) # doesn't do nothing ?! > > library(plyr)
2009 Mar 25
"[.data.frame" and lapply
Dear all, Trying to extract a few rows for each element of a list of data.frames, I'm puzzled by the following behaviour, > d <- lapply(1:4, function(i) data.frame(x=rnorm(5), y=rnorm(5))) > str(d) > > lapply(d, "[", i= c(1)) # fine, this extracts the first columns > lapply(d, "[", j= c(1, 3)) # doesn't do nothing ?! > > library(plyr)
2009 Nov 10
drop unused levels in
Dear list, subset has a 'drop' argument that I had often mistaken for the one in [.factor which removes unused levels. Clearly it doesn't work that way, as shown below, d <- data.frame(x = factor(letters[1:15]), y = factor(LETTERS[1:3])) s <- subset(d, y=="A", drop=TRUE) str(s) 'data.frame': 5 obs. of 2 variables: $ x: Factor w/ 15 levels
2009 May 27
Axis label spanning multiple plots
Hello I need to plot 3 graphs in a single column; the top two plots have the same title, and I would like it to be written only once, centered horizontally and spanning the two plots. Something like t +------------+ | | i | | | | t +------------+ l +------------+ | | e | | | | 1 +------------+ t
2008 Dec 10
tapply within a data.frame: a simpler alternative?
Dear list, I have a data.frame with x, y values and a 3-level factor "group", say. I want to create a new column in this data.frame with the values of y scaled to 1 by group. Perhaps the example below describes it best: > x <- seq(0, 10, len=100) > my.df <- data.frame(x = rep(x, 3), y=c(3*sin(x), 2*cos(x), > cos(2*x)), # note how the y values have a different
2011 Sep 08
problem with math expressions in grid graphics when using line breaks (\n)
I want to plot a multiline annotation including a mathematical expression using grid graphics (grid.text). This works fine for a single line, but the math expression is misplaced when I insert a line break ("\n" escape sequence): grid.text(expression(paste("Some words here\n more ", sigma))) Does someone have an idea how to fix that? TIA! Mark
2010 Aug 27
export 4D data as povray density files
Dear list, I wish to visualise some 4D data as a kind of colour / translucent cloud in 3D. I haven't seen such plots in R (but perhaps I missed a feature of rgl). The easiest option I found would be to export the data in povray's df3 (density file) format and visualise it with povray. The format specification baffles me a little, ;