Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "problems with siar package"
2011 Nov 10
Error in matrix, not ordered vectors or numerical value, and SIAR.
model1 <- siarmcmcdirichletv4(data, source, tef, concdep=0, 500000, 50000)
Error in matrix(1, ncol = (numsources + numiso) * numgroups, nrow =
(siardata$iterations - :
invalid 'ncol' value (too large or NA)
In addition: Warning message:
In Ops.ordered((numsources + numiso), numgroups) :
'*' is not meaningful for ordered factors
Previous message, but more problems:
2011 Nov 10
Errors in SIAR
model1 <- siarmcmcdirichletv4(data, source, tef, concdep=0, 500000, 50000)
Error in matrix(1, ncol = (numsources + numiso) * numgroups, nrow =
(siardata$iterations - :
invalid 'ncol' value (too large or NA)
In addition: Warning message:
In Ops.ordered((numsources + numiso), numgroups) :
'*' is not meaningful for ordered factors
Previous message, but more
2011 Nov 10
Error in Summary.factor(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 4L, : max not meaningful for factors
Beginner, sorry if this is wasting anyone's time, but have been working on
this for a couple of days now, think it should have take a few hours!
The Problem:
Error in Summary.factor(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 4L, :
max not meaningful for factors
I have tried to re-arrange and check formula. I am working in SIAR, and
cannot get model1 to run because of the error
2013 Oct 31
SIAR problem with model running
Hi there,
I am trying to run an MCMC on stable isotope data from certain organisms to
determine their dietary habits in the package SIAR.
I have prepared my data according to Inger, R., Jackson, A., Parnell, A.,
Bearhop, S. : SIAR V4 (Stable Isotope Analysis in R) an Ecologist's Guide
(also better known as 'SIAR for dummies'), which is as follows:
- consumer data table (columns
2012 Jul 04
problem loading siar
I have a problem while loading the "siar" program in R.
When I am loading siar, system does not load convexhull. On the screen I
have seen such writings.
The following object(s) are masked from ‘package:spatstat’:
How can I load the convexhull, how can I unmask from this package? I will
be appreciated if you give advice about this.
2012 Apr 15
Problems loading siar package
I recently bought a new Macbook Pro and installed R via a disk image from an
older computer - it seems to work fine. I then installed the package "siar",
tried to load it via the library command and received the following messages
(note the "mvtnorm" package did not appear to load correctly):
trying URL
2012 Nov 14
SIAR: problem> session aborted
I'm absolutely not brilliant with R yet and working with package SIAR.
1) SIAR reads the first column of a table.txt as "int" instead of "num". Who
can help?
2) I therefore made tables with a data.frame() > that seems to work. But at
the end of the loading proces of the SIARmodel, I get a warning screen with
"Session Aborted". Everything crashes and I can start
2012 Oct 18
siar error
I am trying to run the demoscript for the package "siar". However, using
the example script and example data supplied I cannot get 1) the model to
run unless I specify iterations =500 and burnin = 500 and 2) if the model
does work without crashing R then the function "siarhistograms" does not
work . Can anyone point out where I am going wrong?
>model1 <-
2011 Nov 13
Has anyone used SIAR package add on?
On Nov 12, 2011 at 8:29pm Alex wrote:
> Has anyone used SIAR package add on?
I posted a reply to an earlier question from you on this subject. See
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Errors-in-SIAR-td4029804.html. In it I note
that there are problems with the function from siar (not SIAR) you are
using, but that this may not be "your" problem, that the function calls for
matrices (you
2012 Oct 15
Problema con función readSIAR del paquete solaR
Hace unos días me encontré con un problema en la función readSIAR del
paquete solaR; pensé en actualizar pero no lo hice en el momento.
El caso es que acabo de actualizar el paquete solaR -y el resto de
paquetes también- y veo que el error no se va.
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R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) -- "Roasted Marshmallows"
Copyright (C) 2012 The R
2005 Mar 21
ASTCC: perl / mysql or me???
I try to change something in ASTCC, but I am now totally blind, ....
I hang on one line now. I changed:
vpbx:/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin # diff astcc-original.agi astcc.agi
< # exten => _00XXXXXXXXX,1,DeadAGI(astcc.agi,${CALLERIDNUM},${EXTEN})
> # exten =>
< # exten =>
2003 Jun 26
Plots using POSIX
Is there a reason that the bottom axis changes color when POSIX data is used
in plot function?
For example:
> timedata <- c("2/3/2003","3/4/2003","5/4/2003")
> timedata2 <- strptime(timedata,format="%m/%d/%Y")
> numdata <- c(2,3,4)
> plot(as.POSIXct(timedata2),numdata,col="red",type="o")
As compared to:
2009 Jul 14
Proper Paste for Data Member
I imported a spreadsheet into a variable sh
e.g. sh$aaaa, sh$bbbb, etc...
doing the following:
tsSource <- ts(paste("sh$",NAMEVARIABLE,sep="") ... )
fails. The paste isn't evaluating properly. What is the proper way to
concatenate a data source with a member name such that they evaluate
actual code below:
doEnv <-
2006 Apr 05
hist function: freq=FALSE for standardised histograms
Dear All,
I am a undergraduate using R for the first time. It seems like an excellent
program and one that I look forward to using a lot over the next few years,
but I have hit a very basic problem that I can't solve.
I want to produce a standardised histogram, i.e. one where the area under
the graph is equal to 1. I look at the manual for the histogram function and
find this:
2009 Jul 15
Spaces in a name
I am reading regressors from an excel file (I have no control over the file)
and some of the element names have spaces:
i.e. "Small Bank Aquired"
but I have found that lm(SourceData ~ . - "Small Bank Aquired", mcReg)
doesn't work (mcReg = modelCurrentRegressors)
As they are toggles I have ran them through factor() to be treated propertly
as 0 or 1 but due to the fact I
2010 Mar 17
Converting "factors" to "numeric" in a dataframe
I am currently trying to write a program that minimises the amount of work
required for “auditable” qPCR data. At the moment I am using an Excel (.csv)
spreadsheet as source data that has been transposed to the column format
required for R to read. Unfortunately, this means I have* *to manually
confirm the whole data set prior to doing any analysis, which is taking a
considerable amount of time!
2005 Jul 23
ASTCC gives me only the time, but no cost
I try to track down an error that causes that Astcc just reports the time, but not the costs.
I could narrow the problem down into this sub routine:
sub calccost() {
my ($adjconn, $adjcost, $answeredtime, $increment) = @_;
eval { my $adjtime = int(($answeredtime + $increment - 1) / $increment) * $increment };
my $cost;
print STDERR "Adjusted time is $adjtime, cost is $adjcost with
2004 Feb 06
nnet problem
Hello everybody,
I want to use the nnet library and my problem is that the algorithm seems
to accept only class as target when the neural is fiiting. So the output
when I use predict.nnet is also a class. Is it possible to have numeric
variable as target ? If yes, what is the syntax ?
Thank you.
2012 Aug 19
Prueba de Thom y series temporales homogéneas de prueba
Hola a todos:
Hace unos meses estuve preguntando sobre la prueba de Thom para
comprobar la homogeneidad de series temporales sobre datos de radiación
e insolación (después he visto que también se usa con otras variables
meteorológicas) [0].
El caso es que por distintas razones no había podido avanzar en el
asunto y ahora vuelvo sobre él.
Creé una función para realizar la prueba de Thom pero
2009 Dec 03
Problem with predict() and factors
I am working on a script that takes numeric performance indicators and runs
them against a series of regressors (dummy regressors, yes\no stuff via 0
and 1, e.g. Was is Christmas this week 0=no, 1=yes).
The script is as follows (Written as a function):
-- Begin Script --
doEnv <- function(HOUR,ENVNAME,REPORTNAME) {