similar to: how to you output a vector to a column in excel?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "how to you output a vector to a column in excel?"

2010 Sep 14
extracting objects from lists
If you have 5 data frames and you append them to a list, how do you access the first data frame, not the first value of the first data frame while iterating in a for loop? list = c(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5) where d1..d5 are dataframes. for(i in 1: length(list)){ print(list[1]) } -- View this message in context: Sent from
2010 Sep 14
for loop help
If you have: Name Value A 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 B 6 B 7 In R how do you assign one value to the name: A:9 B:18 -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2011 Feb 08
read.xls counts more rows than I really have in my Excel file
Hi, i'm using read.xls, and it counts more rows in my Excel than I really have. i've used both: especie26 <- read.xls("especie26cargar.xls") datos26 <- read.xls("especie26cargar.xls", header = TRUE, = FALSE, na.strings = "NA", skip = 0, check.names = TRUE, fill = FALSE, strip.white = FALSE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE) when i
2010 Oct 18
excel parser (preferably perl)?
I'm getting tired of converting spreadsheets that someone else updates to csv so my perl scripts can push the data into a mysql database. Is there a better way? I haven't had much luck with perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel (and find it odd that yum prefers the .32 version from epel over .57 from rpmforge anyway). Is the current CPAN version better? Or the equivalent java tools? Or
2003 Jul 16
Hello all, I have always experienced VERY SLOW response times on opening an EXCEL sheet ever since I had started to use SAMBA WAY back. I have been hoping that a newer release would fix this one issue but it never seems to happen. Does anyone know what could be the problem? I can open the same Excel sheet on a Novell server and it opens instantly. I have no problems with WORD documents. They
2001 Jan 11
Reading Excel files from within R.
Dear all, I am interested in reading Excel spreadsheets (*.xls) directly into R (I am using version 1.1.1 at the moment). I have not had much luck so far. For the time being, I have been converting Excel files to comma delimited files (*.csv) and reading these into R (using commands such as "read.csv"). This works well, but it would be more efficient if I could read the Excel files
2007 Apr 18
importing excel-file
Dear R-experts, It is a quite stupid question but please help me. I am very confuced. I am able to import normal txt ant mat-files to R but unable to import .xls-file I do not understand the online help. Can please anyone send me the corresponding command lines? The .xls-file is attached. In my file we use commas for the decimal format (example: 0,712), changes might be needed. Thanks, Corinna
2003 Jul 21
RODBC: problem saving a new table in an "Excel database"
Hi I am using package RODBC version 1.0-1 under R version 1.7.1 on Windows XP Pro. I am having problems writing a new table to an (Excel) database using sqlSave. I connect to an empty Excel spreadsheet using odbcConnectExcel (which, I believe, uses the Microsoft Excel Driver DSN). Then I try and save a new table to the database(spreadsheet) using SqlSave, but obtain an error message. Below is
2008 Mar 05
Excel export into R
Hello, I have this in excel Control 543_BU 123_AT 432_CU I want to be able to import to R so that it will read like this c<-c("543_BU","123_AT","432_CU") output: [1] "543_BU" "123_AT" "432_CU" This is just a short version. I have about 200000 rows and i need a simpler way instead of typing each one. thanks -- View this message
2009 Jan 16
reading data from Excel Spread sheet
Hi all, I tried to read data from Excel spread sheet with using read.csv(file.choose()) and read.delim(file.choose()) but its showing " *ÐÏ.à.*." and also i tried with read.table(file.choose()) then its showing " * V1 1 ÐÏ\021ࡱ* " can any one suggest how to read data from Excel Spread sheet
2007 Dec 14
RJDBC to OpenOffice Calc as RODBC to MS Excel
Under Windows, I have used RODBC to connect to Excel spreadsheets as per the example below: library(RODBC); connect = odbcConnectExcel("testdata.xls"); query = "SELECT [data$.ethn], [data$.sex], [data$.age], [data$.height], [data$.weight], [label$.label] FROM [data$], [label$] WHERE [data$.ethn] = [label$.ethn];" data =
2008 Mar 20
Importing an Excel spreadsheet
Hello I am trying to import an *.xls spreadsheet into R. I am doing this as follows: > read.table(file("A5_DL.xls")) But obtain the error: Error in type.convert(data[[i]], =[i], dec = dec, na.strings = character(0)) : invalid multibyte string at '?????' So I copied it all over to a text document and tried to import that, thus: >
2002 Nov 09
importing data from Excel using RODBC
Hi, I used RODBC to import data from an Excel spreadsheet "*.xls", but some columns were returned as zeros. When I looked at these columns in Excel, I found that thery are results of formula calculations and not entry. My question is: Is there any parameter or command I need to use in order to overcome this problem? Thank you Ahmad Abu Hammour
2007 Jan 17
Excel sheet generation
Hi, Does anyone know of a package that will help with generation of spreadsheets? (xls files, not csv) Thanks, Fredrik --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To unsubscribe
2011 Jul 08
Excel export date format
Hi folks, I have been tormented for some time by Excel's habit of exporting dates to CSV files as mm/dd/yyyy format even if the dates are formatted dd/mm/yyyy in the display. What's worse, if there are dates that are of ambiguous (6/6/2011) and unambiguous (16/6/2011) format in the same column, Excel reformats the unambiguous dates and leaves the ambiguous ones as they were! Yesterday
2007 Dec 12
Importing Large Dataset into Excel
Hello all, I seem to be having a problem importing a data set from Excel into R. I'm using the "read.table" command to import the data with the following line of code: > newborn<-read.table("newborn edit.csv", header=T, sep=",") where "newborn edit.csv" is the name of the file. Unfortunately, I'm getting back the following error message:
2012 May 15
Reading Excel Formulas as values
When I read excel files using the read.xlsx() command any cells that have formulas in them come up as NA. Is there a way to read just the numeric value of the cell without using the "paste value" command in Excel? I need to read in hundreds of Excel spreadsheets and compile them into one large super spreadsheet automatically. Hence the reason I cannot reformat each sheet manually.
2008 Apr 19
Re ad From EXCEL
Hello!!! I have been read a much about as read data from Excel File, but I haven?t found the necesary information to read the data. Now, I can create a channel : channel <- odbcConnectExcel("file.xls") but I don?t know as read the data?? I hope that you could help me. Thank you very much. -- View this message in context:
2009 Jul 02
help exporting to excel via xlsReadWritePro
I’m trying to export a file from R to excel using the xlsReadWritePro function and I keep getting the error below. I get the same error when I use the oledatetime function. My current date format is mm/dd/yyyy, which is how I want it in excel. Also is there anyway to export different datasets to multiple sheets similar to the ods function in SAS? <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
2010 Sep 06
how do I transform this to a for loop
arima1 = arima(data.ts[1:200], order = c(1,1,1)) arima2 = arima(data.ts[5:205], order = c(1,1,1)) arima3 = arima(data.ts[10:210], order = c(1,1,1)) arima4 = arima(data.ts[15:215], order = c(1,1,1)) arima5 = arima(data.ts[20:220], order = c(1,1,1)) arima6 = arima(data.ts[25:225], order = c(1,1,1)) arima7 = arima(data.ts[30:230], order = c(1,1,1)) arima8 = arima(data.ts[35:235], order = c(1,1,1))