Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "x-axis annotation"
2010 Aug 10
axis labels defaulting to scientific notation
The labels on the x-axis are defaulting to scientific notation no matter
how small cex.axis is. How can I override scientific notation to get the
labels to print out as specified? Here is the code (UNIT here is
2010 Aug 30
Band-wise Conditional Sum - Actual problem
Dear R helpers,
Thanks a lot for your earlier guidance esp. Mr Davind Winsemius Sir. However, there seems to be mis-communication from my end corresponding to my requirement. As I had mentioned in my earlier mail, I am dealing with a very large database of borrowers and I had given a part of it in my earlier mail as given below. For a given rating say "A", I needed to have the bad-wise
2009 Aug 12
axis scale
Dear All,
I'm trying to plot a histogram (with the relative frequencies as the Y axis), But the scale of the y axis is given by
0e+00, 1e-04, 2e-04, 3e-04,.........
Now, I have 2 questions
1- Does (1e-04=0.01831563)?
2- If this true,how can i change the given scale to (0.01,0.03,0.05,0.07,0.09)?
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2012 Feb 16
help with e+01 number abbreviations
Dear List,
I will appreciate any advice regarding how to convert the following numbers
[I got in return by taxondive()] in numeric integers without the e.g.
Thank you very much in advance,
> taxa_dive
Species Delta Delta* Lambda+ Delta+ S
Nat1 5.0000e+00 6.4836e+01 9.5412e+01 6.7753e+02 8.7398e+01
2005 Sep 21
controlling usage of digits & scientific notation in R plots; postscript margins
Dear R users:
I assigned students to make some graphs and I'm having trouble answering
some questions that they have. We are all working on R 2.1 on Fedora
Core Linux 4 systems.
1. In the plot, the axis is not labeled by "numbers", but rather
scientific notation like "-2e+08" or such. We realize that means
-200,000,000. We want to beautify the plot. We would rather
2010 Jun 24
how to change the format of numeric variable
The format problem is really annoying. How to get rid of it?
[1] 1e+06
And also when I do barplot,
The data will show as scientific format, when it is larger than 999 (1e+03,
I would like all the data in the digit format (1000, 5000).
Does any function works
2008 Jan 02
rounding format
The code round(0.0002234,4) will return 2e-04, how can
I return 0.0002 instead? I want to print 0.0002
instead of 2e-04 for formating purpose.
Looking for last minute shopping deals?
2019 Mar 21
prettyNum digits=0 not compatible with scientific notation
R developers,
Seems I get a bad result ("%#4.0-1e" in particular) when trying to use prettyNum digits=0 with scientific notation. I tried on both my Linux box and on an online R evaluator and saw the same problem, so it's not limited to my box at least. I see the problem in both R 3.5.3 and R 3.3.2.
prettyNum(1, digits=0)
[1] "%#4.0-1e"
2010 Jul 18
R graphic help
Dear All,
I've done some searching, but to no avail --
I'm plotting x-y data via the "plot" command, and the "log=x" command.
The graphed x values are in scientific notation (1e-02 1e-01 1e+00 etc).
Might you have some idea on how I can get the plot to uses the x values
(0.01 0.10 1.0 10.0 etc) instead? A related Q - where might a good place to
search for such
2010 Aug 27
Band-wise Sum
I have a large credit portfolio (exceeding 50000 borrowers). For particular process I need to add up the exposures based on the bands. I am giving a small test data below.
rating <- c("A", "AAA", "A", "BBB","AA","A","BB", "BBB", "AA", "AA", "AA", "A", "A",
2003 May 02
Suppressing Scientific Notation
R gurus,
Every so often(*) someone asks how to suppress scientific notation in
printing, so I thought I'd give it a shot, but I need some help.
The formatting decision is made(**) on line 286 of src/main/format.c :
if (mF <= *m) { /* IFF it needs less space : "F" (Fixpoint) format */
where mF is the number of characters for "normal" printing and *m is the number
2012 Sep 21
Axis annotation using lattice spplot
Hi there,
I am having difficulties with what seems like a very simple thing.
My objective is to plot a distribution map for a species.
I have produced a plot with spplot which uses a raster, a few shapefiles and
xy points which are the species coordinates.
It all works fine until I want to add coordinates for this map.
I need to have the ticks and labels for those coordinates *inside* the
2017 Aug 11
Annotation Ticks on the axis
Hi all,
I would like to have help in getting annotation ticks (corresponding to the
minor grid) on my plot. Here is my toy example :
par(mar=c(5, 6, 5, 5) + 0.1)
2012 Dec 04
list to matrix?
How do I convert a list to a matrix?
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
list(c(50000, 101), c(1e+05, 46), c(150000, 31), c(2e+05, 17),
c(250000, 19), c(3e+05, 11), c(350000, 12), c(4e+05, 25),
c(450000, 19), c(5e+05, 16))
[1,] Numeric,2
[2,] Numeric,2
[3,] Numeric,2
[4,] Numeric,2
[5,] Numeric,2
[6,] Numeric,2
2004 Feb 19
piece wise application of functions
Dear all,
After struggling for some time with *apply() and eva() without
success, I decided to ask for help.
I have 3 lists labeled with, each contains 3 different
interpolation functions with identical names:
> names(missgp0)
[1] "spl.1mb" "spl.2mb" "spl.5mb"
> names(missgp1)
[1] "spl.1mb" "spl.2mb" "spl.5mb"
2017 Aug 11
Annotation Ticks on the axis
see in line
> -----Original Message-----
> From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of Vivek
> Sutradhara
> Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 11:02 AM
> To: r-help <r-help at r-project.org>
> Subject: [R] Annotation Ticks on the axis
> Hi all,
> I would like to have help in getting annotation ticks (corresponding to the
> minor
2009 Mar 17
bigglm() results different from glm()
Dear all,
I am using the bigglm package to fit a few GLM's to a large dataset (3
million rows, 6 columns). While trying to fit a Poisson GLM I noticed
that the coefficient estimates were very different from what I obtained
when estimating the model on a smaller dataset using glm(), I wrote a
very basic toy example to compare the results of bigglm() against a
glm() call. Consider the
2013 Apr 24
Floating point precision causing undesireable behaviour when printing as.POSIXlt times with microseconds?
Dear list,
When using as.POSIXlt with times measured down to microseconds the default format.POSIXlt seems to cause some possibly undesirable behaviour:
According to the code in format.POSIXlt the maximum accuracy of printing fractional seconds is 1 microsecond, but if I do;
options( digits.secs = 6 )
as.POSIXlt( 1.000002 , tz="", origin="1970-01-01")
as.POSIXlt( 1.999998 ,
2004 Nov 05
Problems with the sort function!?
Hello All.
I am running R 2.0.0 with a Win XP operating system. The same problem occured
with R 1.9.1 but not with R.1.3.1 on a Win NT computer.
My request is about the following problem with the sort function:
The vector price is a vector of 789 asset prices of the following form,
> mode(price)
[1] "numeric"
> price[1:10]
[1] 1.1315 1.1314 1.1313 1.1314 1.1315 1.1316 1.1315
2011 Nov 15
Controlling the precision of the digits printed
Has anyone come across the right combinations to print a limited number of
digits? My trial and error approach is taking too much time. Here is what I
have tried:
> op <- options()
> a <- c(1e-10,1,2,3,.5,.25)
> names(a) <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F")
> # default
> a