similar to: apply family functions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "apply family functions"

2008 Nov 04
ggplot & annotating charts
Dear "R-listers" I've been trying to figure out how to annotate charts in ggplot (ie add text to line charts, highlighted boxes etc). By and large, I can get close to what i want with base graphics, but would ideally like to use ggplot whenever possible (additionally, i would like to add text labels automatically to the chart). The code is below I suspect I need to use geom_rect,
2010 Sep 10
[xts, quantmod] segfault probelm when I work with memcpy function
Hi, I work with SEXP C code and with xts and quantmod packages. I try to touch how xts internal works. So we have R session and: > ls() character(0) > getSymbols('AAPL') # quantmod package [1] "AAPL" > ls() [1] "AAPL" > str(AAPL) An ?xts? object from 2007-01-03 to 2010-09-09 containing: Data: num [1:929, 1:6] 86.3 84 85.8 86 86.5 ... - attr(*,
2006 Aug 07
OS/2 client crash on "Find Close2"
Hello, I have just migrated an old OS/2 file server to a Linux box with Samba 3.0.23a. Now the OS/2 clients crash from time to time. I found a way to reproduce/force the crash using PMMail and did some experiments. The popuplog.os2 on the clients (Warp4 and eComStation) always names a sys3175 in pmshell.exe / doscall1.dll. Using Ethereal and comparing the network traffic between a) a client
2001 Dec 27
read input from STDIN
Hello, I have a perl program which produces the input. Instead of print it to a file then let R read the file, I want to let R to read the input directly from the perl output, I am using a PERL IPC::open2 module for this, local (*Read,*Writer); $pid = open2(\*Read, \*Writer, "R --no-save --slave< my.R") #input to R for(){ print Writer data; } close Writer; #R output
2006 Jul 31
na.rm problem
hi, i am a new member. i am using R in finding correlation between two variables of unequal length. when i use cor(x,y,na.rm=T,use="complete") where x has observations from 1928 to 2006 & y has observations from 1950 to 2006. I used na.rm=T to use the "complete observations". So missing values should be handled by casewise deletion. But it gives me error Error in
1999 Dec 06
perl advice
Hello- Does anyone have a recommendation on how to call R from perl? I'm using the IPC::Open2 module, and running R with the --slave and --quiet options. The problem is that I can't predict how many lines of output I should try to read for each command-- if any! The ultimate goal is to use perl to provide a form-driven web interface, but have R do the underlying calculations. Thanks
2008 Jan 24
Error using Rmetrics to read data
Hi folks. This set of code used to work, but after upgrading to the latest version of Rmetrics it no longer does. Any ideas? SP500<-read.table("SP500.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",") > head(SP500) Date Open High Low Close Volume Close2 1 8/4/2006 1280.26 1292.92 1273.82 1279.40 2530970112 1279.40 2 8/3/2006 1278.22 1283.96 1271.25 1280.27
2006 Dec 14
Saving dates
Hi having trouble saving dates in my form i have the following in the view <%= date_select("details", "open_date") %> and i have @exhibition.open_date = params[:details][:open_date] and then All the other values form (not seen here) get saved but not the dates. What am i doing wrong ? -- Posted via
2004 Oct 04
open3 for windows
Hi all, The topic of creating a unified API for open3 for Windows came up at RubyConf 2004 this year. Park, I was wondering if you would mind if we modified win32_popen so that the API matches the open3 library that ships with Ruby. This also means deciding whether or not to leave in the open2, open4, and posix stuff. I guess it doesn''t hurt to leave this in, although Open3.open4
2016 Jul 20
[PATCH] v2v: make virsh command quiet if v2v is quiet (RHBZ#1358142)
Pass -q to virsh if virt-v2v was run with -q, to reduce its output in quiet mode. Unfortunately this does not currently work in virsh as it should, see RHBZ#1358179, so only after that bug is fixed this change can actually take effect. --- v2v/ | 20 ++++++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
2002 Jul 12
Sweave problem with recursive call, Add.
This diff would be better. Gunnar -------------- next part -------------- 268a269,270 > > ocf <- character() 285,286c287,298 < < tmpcon <- textConnection("output", "w") --- > > options(warn=-1) > if (is.finite(max(as.integer(sub("output","",apropos("output"))),na.rm=TRUE))) {
2002 Jul 12
Sweave problem with recursive call, Add.
This diff would be better. Gunnar -------------- next part -------------- 268a269,270 > > ocf <- character() 285,286c287,298 < < tmpcon <- textConnection("output", "w") --- > > options(warn=-1) > if (is.finite(max(as.integer(sub("output","",apropos("output"))),na.rm=TRUE))) {
2013 Apr 24
Regression on stratified count data
Hi all: For stratified count data,how to perform regression analysis? My data: age case oc count 1 1 1 21 1 1 2 26 1 2 1 17 1 2 2 59 2 1 1 18 2 1 2 88 2 2 1 7 2 2 2 95 age: 1:<40y 2:>40y case: 1:patient 2:health oc: 1:use drug 2:not use drug My purpose: Anaysis whether case and
2016 Sep 15
[PATCH] v2v: -o libvirt: always write pool names (RHBZ#1141631)
When creating the XML for the new guest, always put the name of the pool containing the disks, even when -os specified a pool UUID: libvirt does not handle pool UUIDs for storage, but only names. --- v2v/ | 17 ++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/ index 5fa338f..e934335 100644 ---
2004 Jun 08
level assignment
Hi, i would like recocde some numeric variables in one step, but hanging unexpected in a level asignment problem? for(i in 2:length(msegmente)) { msegmente[,i] <- as.factor(msegmente[,i]) } Problem is that not every level is in every variable, so the asignment is necessary!? levels(LT.200301) <- c(1=AK,3=GC,10=OC, 29=AM,32=IA,38=ACH,52=ZBA,53=A9L,59=EHK) Error: syntax error >
2011 Mar 13
Problem implementing 'waldtest' when using 'mlogit' package
Hi all, I have been working through the examples in one of the vignettes associated with the 'mlogit' package, 'Kenneth Train's exercises using the mlogit package for R.' In spite of using the code unchanged, as well as the data used in the examples, I have been unable to run a Wald test to test two models. Specifically, I have run the following command, where mc and mi2 are
2010 Sep 24
trouble joining win xp machines to samba with ldap backend DC
Greetings, I would like some help figuring this out. I really don't know what to do anymore. whenever I try to join an XP machine to the domain it comes up that username or password is not correct. However I know that the credentials are correct, but when I check the logs of that specific machine, this comes up: [2010/09/24 11:42:38, 5] auth/auth_util.c:make_user_info_map(161)
2013 Jun 12
ILEC Interconnect
Hello Everyone, We are looking to interconnect with a local ILEC over an OC-n transport layer. They basically gave us two options in terms of mapping the SONET to the DS3: * VT1.5s mapping * DS1s mapping The second option is quite clear. We would MUX the connection, and plug the lines into qaud t1 cads etc... The tech mentioned that with the second option we would also need a DACS to convert
2013 May 25
How to plot two functions a(t) & b(t) along with x & y axes respectively in r ?
  Sir,                 I, Tanumoy Pal, a student of M.Sc. Statistics ,am a beginner in R language. I want to write a program on SPRT in R. For this i want to draw the OC curve. You know that for drawing of OC curve we have to draw L(πh ) vs. πh . I want to know that is there any default function exists in R which can give this graph? That is, if we give the range of  h, the function will give the
2010 Oct 02
Ajax observe_field not vorking on Rails
down vote favorite I am trying to create some kind of search in my ruby on rails application and I want to add ajax support. I want when a user types in a search box a word, ajax automatically generates the results. And I have searched almost all internet and I couldn''t find answer to following question: When I type into my text area nothing happens. It is like ajax is not working at