similar to: help with using grid.polygon()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "help with using grid.polygon()"

2012 Aug 06
Identify points that lie within polygon
I have a complex 2D polygon with thousands of vertices, and I'd like to be able to identify points from a large set contained within the polygon, and was wondering if there might be an efficient way of doing this? Any advice would be useful! Here is a small example of what I mean: # make polygon v1<-c(0,1,1,2,1,3,6,7) v2<-c(1,3,3,5,6,7,8,9) plot(v1, v2, type = "n" )
2016 Apr 27
Determine if a set of x and y-latitude points are inside of a polygon using R
Objective: Determine if a set of x and y-latitude points are inside of a polygon using R. Lets say I have 9 polygons. Where I have labeled the polygons to be checked from 1-9. The problem I?m running into is running the to check if those points are in one of several polygons, as my code overwrites the result. To accomplish this I am using the R-built in function called
2009 Jun 25
grid.polygon() + color gradient
Hi, I wonder whether there is a way to generate a polygon (a triangle in my case) with color gradient using grid.polygon() in package grid? I tried something like library(grid) grid.polygon(x=c(0, 0.5, 1), y=c(0.5, 1, 0.5), gp=gpar(col=NA, fill=colorRampPalette(c("green", "lightgray"), space="Lab")(200))) But am only
2016 Apr 28
polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
The angle is not based on the polygon edges, but it can seem that way if you do not use the asp=1 argument in your plot. Try this example, > plot(1:10, 1:10, type='n') > x <- c(1, 3, 5, 3) > y <- c(3, 5, 3, 1) > polygon(x, y, angle=0, density=10) > polygon(x, y + 4.5, angle=45, density=10) > polygon(x + 4.5, y + 4.5, angle=90, density=10) > polygon(x + 4.5, y,
2016 Apr 28
polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
Filling polygons with lines is a throwback to the time when the height of quality graphics was the mechanical pen plotter (a device that used a pen in a mechanical arm to draw the plot on a piece of paper). Computing and printing technology has advanced quite a bit from that day, so you may want to reconsider why you want polygons filled with lines instead of just a solid color (and I consider
2010 Apr 29
Request - adding recycled "lwd" parameter to polygon
Hello dear members of R-help and R-core mailing list, I am not sure if this request is a "ticket" that should be filled somewhere outside the mailing list. If so, I apologize for not doing and would like to know where I should have filled it. And to the subject matter: I would like to use a command like this: plot(c(1,8), 1:2, type="n") polygon(1:7, c(2,1,2,NA,2,1,2),
2010 Apr 29
Request - adding recycled "lwd" parameter to polygon
Hello dear members of R-help and R-core mailing list, I am not sure if this request is a "ticket" that should be filled somewhere outside the mailing list. If so, I apologize for not doing and would like to know where I should have filled it. And to the subject matter: I would like to use a command like this: plot(c(1,8), 1:2, type="n") polygon(1:7, c(2,1,2,NA,2,1,2),
2016 Apr 28
polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
Tena koe Simon plot(1:10, 1:10, type='n') polygon(c(2,3,6,8), c(2,5,5,3), density=20, angle=90) polygon(c(2,3,6,8), 5+c(2,5,5,3), density=20, angle=0) I don't understand your problem. Perhaps if you "provide[d] commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code" it would help. HTH .... Peter Alspach -----Original Message----- From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces at
2012 Feb 16
Defining a viewport scale in {Grid}
Am just feeling my way into the grid library, and cannot figure out how to define the plot limits. 3/5 of the example polygons below plot in the default 0-1 range viewport. But when I try to redefine the viewport the polygons plot in the same places. I also get the same result without employing push/pop. (As you can see from the scale I'm trying to introduce, I want to plot map polygons.)
2007 Sep 20
Superimposing vector polygons over raster grid in a plot
Hello: I would like to superimpose vector polygons (state outlines) from a Shape file on top of a satellite image, imported into a SpatialGridDataFrame from GEOTIFF via gdal_translate and readGDAL. When I plot polygon and point shape files in R, into SpatialPointDataFrame and SpatialPolygonDataFrame, the two feature sets line up geographically, so it seems logical that a SpatialGridDataFrame
2016 Apr 27
polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
I am trying to use the angle option in polygon to create polygons filled with horizontal and vertical lines. The polygons I am crating are irregular and it the angle function appears to set the angle of the shading perpendicular to the polygon sides rather than perpendicular to the axes. Is there any way to set the angle relative to the axes rather than relative to the polygon sides?
2016 Apr 28
polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
Thanks for the question. Here is a sample of the code for my plot: Top = c(34, 39, 42, 45, 46, 41, 41, 40, 43, 38, 33, 33) Bottom = c(24, 29, 32, 36, 32, 34, 32,41, 40, 39, 29, 24) plot(1,1, col = "white", xlim = c(1.3,11.7), ylim = c(0,80), axis = FALSE, xaxt = "n") axis(1, at = c(1:12)) polygon(c(c(1:12),c(12:1)), c(top, bottom), col =
2012 Jan 12
Points inside a polygon
I have a list of bounds for a series of polygons. I do understand the formula to determine whether point i is within polygon X (X[x1] < i[x] & X[x2] > i[x] & X[y1] < i[y] & X[y2] > i[y]), and I can apply this throughout the dataset. However, this naive algorithm doesn't scale very well. The data set contains 10,000 points consisting of (n,e) pairs where I'm
2009 Feb 05
Does the "labpt" object in the Polygons-class represent the centroid of the polygon
Hello, I need to calculate the centroids of some spatial polygons that I have placed into a Polygons-class object. Is the labeling point in the Polygons-class the centroid of the polygon? Thank you for your help.
2013 Sep 19
How do I ensure that the polygon in spatstat::owin(poly=<polygon>) does not have “negative area”
I am a new user of the R spatstat package and am having problems creating a polygonal observation window with owin(). Code follows: library("maps") library ("sp")` library("spatstat") <- map("state", "massachusetts:main", fill=T) # This returns a data frame includding x and y components that form a polygon of massachusetts mainland`
2009 Jul 22
R extract vertices for polygon
Dear R users, I'm trying to extract from a given matrix (GROUP) the coordinates of the vertices of the different groups (i.e. 3, 7, 1 . . .) to plot the polygons to delineate the area in which each group "wins" and colour it diferentially. I can make a simple point plot, but I would like to add polygons with full colored area. The example is with a 5x5 matrix, but I'm working
2007 Oct 08
do not plot polygon boundaries with spplot {sp}
Hi, Is there a simple way to suppress the plotting of polygon boundaries with spplot() ? # simple list of 12 colors cols <- brewer.pal(12, "Paired") # plot pile of polygons, with 12 classes: spplot(x, zcol='class2', col.regions=cols, scales=list(draw=T), xlab="Easting (m)", ylab="Northing (m)") ... seems to work well. However the polygon boundaries
2018 May 16
Raster extract by polygon generating NAs
Greetings! I'm using the extract command (raster package) with a raster layer (x) and a spatial polygons dataframe (y). I'm using it to extract the sum of raster values by each spatial polygon. However, I'm getting NAs as a result for some polygon IDs, which I know isn't true because that doesn't happen in ArcGIS. Does anyone experienced the same issue? Thanks! Joao
2010 Jun 02
Faster union of polygons?
Dear R-helpers, thanks for yesterday's speeding-up tip. Here is my next query: I have lots of polygons (not necessarily convex ones, and they never have holes) given by x,y coordinates. I want to get the polygon that is the union of these polygons. This is my current method, but I am hoping there is a faster method (up to thousands of polygons, each with ca. 40 xy points). Example:
2004 Apr 20
Dear all In order to clearly mark values wich are larger than a treshold value, I would like to color the surface below the line given by plot (yy~xx). To color is only the surface between abline (treshold) and yy if they are larger than the specific limit. I guess I can use the function polygon, but I can not find any valuable solution. I'm grateful to you for an advice or an example.