similar to: too many clauses exception

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "too many clauses exception"

2006 Sep 20
Understanding boost ?
Hi, I''m confused about managing field boosting ... I have set the :boost for the :name field in my docs to 10, via :boost => 10 Then I performed a search for ''keith'' over all fields via with *:(keith*), expecting a doc with Keith in the :name field to come out on top. But another doc with Keith mentioned in other fields (:comments, :address) scored higher. I
2006 Sep 20
Range searches some times they work, some times not...
Hi i''m using ferret to enable geographical postcode. I take a postcode and distance in miles from the user, strip off the outcode and then retrieve the associated x y coordinates in metres from the db. Then i get two temp x''s and y''s and search for all results that are within the box, see code below. Problems start to occur when i search on big distances so for
2006 May 26
Comparing two documents in the index
I want to compare two documents in the index (i.e. retrieve the cosine similarity/score between two documents term-vector''s). Is this possible using the standard Ferret functionality? Thanks in advance, Jeroen Bulters -- Posted via
2006 Jun 23
Can not rescue ferret exception. What is wrong?
Hi, I have a big index and wildcard query raises an exception. That is all right. The problem is I can not rescue this exception and it bombs right to user page. Why? I am on Linux. Ferret 0.9.3 with C extentions. >> class A >> def self.b >>''isbn:00*'') >> rescue >> puts ''ok'' >> end >> end =>
2007 Sep 10
ferret index file(s)
I am running version 3.2 of ferret and would like to upgrade to a more current version. will my existing 3.2 index files be compatible? thanks, AK -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 May 16
bilingual site: exclude fields set from query
Hi all, Is there a way to have searches no use some indexed fields, when processing a query? context: I have a model Foo that holds some information in two languages : - text1_nl, text2_nl, text3_nl and - text1_en, text2_en, text3_en Some other fields are common to both languages and indexed as well - first_name, last_name Depending on the visitor language choice I need to exclude the
2006 Aug 20
missing terms in index causing search errors
I am unable to find results for models when one or more of the terms are not being indexed. Lets suppose I index a User on the phrase "Ruby on Rails." If I then search using User.find_by_contents("Ruby on Rails") I get no results, since "or" is a common term and does not get indexed. Of course, User.find_by_contents("Ruby Rails") works just fine. I
2006 Aug 21
multiple-index searching with merged results
Hey.. i am just browsing through the lucene features and i''m wondering if this feature is available in ferret as well .. # multiple-index searching with merged results this would be nice, as i''m thinking about several indexes, as i am using a lot of wildcard queries for livesearches like google suggest. i think the performance would increase, if i split my rather big index in
2006 Aug 23
Reworking the Index Constructor
Hey .. I was thinking about the way I need to use the Ferret::Index::Index Class and its subclasses .. i find it somehow complex .. I think this can be done more easily .. Most of the Time a user needs to open up a index to do queries, the best way would be to use a IndexReader afaik. I would suggest to do it that way: index = :path =>
2006 Sep 22
Query Objects vs. Query Strings
Hi .. I tried to build some query objects to get some documents from my index.. without success.. Is something wrong here? q = q1 =, "movie") q2 =, "Indiana") q.add_query(q1, :should) q.add_query(q2, :should) Indexer.index.search_each(q) do |doc, score| puts doc end 0
2007 Feb 20
ferret webpage down
The ferret webpage at has been down for a number of days. Any idea what''s going on? or how to notify the webmaster? -- Posted via
2006 Aug 23
Ferret 0.10 and Fields
Hey ... I just tried to convert my code to 0.10 .. But i''m currently not sure how to use fields.. i really like some of the new api.. its leaner and i like the fact that these strange consts are gone (like Ferret::Search::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST) .. I see that you''re now having Ferret::Index::FieldInfo to describe the fields of the index.. thats good.. and i now see that
2006 Aug 29
adding new items to index breaks searches with *
Hi after upgrading to ferret 0.10.1 and bleeding edge aaf i''m getting some strange behavior. Generally much better stability with new version of ferret but when i add new items for some reason i can no longer search with a *. Or rather i can but it returns no results and no errors. I can search and get results normally on other searches and when i rebuild the index i can search with
2007 May 09
Hi, I''m using acts_as_ferret in my rails application and I''d like to use more_like_this to retrieve some ''similar'' item suggestions. I have a class ''items'' which has a status field and I need to retrieve items that only have one of the two possible statuses. Looking at the more_like_this method indicates it supports an :append_to_query
2007 Jun 06
Hey all, I''m using acts_as_ferret and globalize. I stumbled upon that post on google: does anybody know if it''s included in the latest a_a_f or if it''s planed to be? I can''t seem to find anything about it. thanx in advance Pat
2006 Aug 04
Ruby/Gtk Luke port
Hi all, some days ago I wrote that I once had started porting Luke to Ferret with Ruby/Gtk. I just dug out those sources and put them under version control. It''s far from finished and my first Gtk program, but might be a good start anyway. the code is available at svn:// If anybody wants to contribute, I''ll be glad to grant commit rights.
2007 Sep 03
MySQL has gone away
Hi, in a production environment we are running into "MySQL server has gone away" errors (see below) when we call rebuild_index in aaf. This happens sporadically. Any suggestions for what might be wrong or workarounds? I guess we try a reconnect before we call rebuild_index? Matthew ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: MySQL server has gone away: SELECT count(*) AS
2007 Nov 05
Strange wildcard problem
Hi, Apologies for reposting this for those who read this via ruby-forum, but it didn''t make it to the list before, and the list seems more active... I''m using ferret (via acts_as_ferret) in a somewhat unorthodox manner and am having a strange wildcard problem. Before anyone wonders why we''re doing things this way, the answer is basically that it lets us
2007 Jan 17
removing special/syntax characters
Is there any somewhat standard way to remove or otherwise handle special or syntax characters from a user''s search, such as a colon? I was thinking maybe there was something akin to Ferret::Analysis::FULL_ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS, like Ferret::Analysis::FERRET_SYNTAX_CHARS, but no such luck. How are other folks dealing with filtering user input? John
2006 Aug 24
installing ferret
I am trying to test drive ferret on a ubuntu dapper installation. I have a ferret-test.rb file like: ----begin--------- require ''ferret'' include Ferret index = => ''/opt/search-index'') ----end----------- When i issue: ruby ferret-test.rb, I get: ferret-test.rb:1:in `require'': no such file to load -- ferret (LoadError)