similar to: xyplot help

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "xyplot help"

2008 Nov 04
How to create margin area around a graphic made by xyplot
Hi list, Does any body know how I can create a margin area around the graphic created by xyplot (the same thing we do using par in plot function)? I tried viewport, but does not work. Here is the code: ============================================== require(grid) vp<- viewport(x=.1,y=.1,width=.6,height=.6,just=c("left", "bottom")) pushViewport(vp)
2000 Jul 07
Question of programming style
This is really a question of how to program this *BETTER*. It works as I have done it, but is quite ugly. I want to do a 3d scatterplot of the upper triangle of a matrix, where the z-values are the values in the matrix, and the row and column indices are the y- and x-values. The complete (11 by 11) matrix is mmtop94.2. Here is my awkward code: mmtop94.2[lower.tri(mmtop94.2)] <- NA # Here i
2010 Nov 20
Merge two ggplots
Hello everyone. I am using ggplot and I need some help to merge these two plots into one. plot_CR<-function(x,y,agentid,CRagent){   library(ggplot2)     agent<-CRagent[[agentid]] # To make following expression shorter   ggplot((data.frame(x=CRX,y=CRY,sr=agent$sr)))+   geom_point(aes(x,y,colour=cut(sr,c(0,-10,-20,-30,-40,-50,-60,-70,-80))))+   geom_text(aes(x,y,color=cut(sr,
2010 Jun 03
lmer() with no intercept
Hi, I am wondering how I can specify no intercept in a mixed model using lmer(). Here is an example dataset attached ("test.txt"). There are 3 workers, in 5 days, measured a response variable "y" on independent variable "x". I want to use a quadratic term (x2 in the dataset) to model the relationship between y and x.
2011 May 10
ggplot2 and add circle
Dear all, today I have writted the following code, to plot the contents of some matrices I have plot_shad_f function(f){ library(ggplot2) plotdata<-melt(f) names(plotdata)<-c('x','y','z') v<-ggplot(plotdata, aes(x, y, z = z)) print(v + geom_tile(aes(fill=z))) } I would like to ask your help add a small circle in this plotting. What would be
2008 Oct 30
xyplot, the first tick mark starts from 2 rather than 1, and also there is a NA as the final tick mark.
I am trying to plot some data, but have got some difficulties with labels on the tick marks on the x-axes. There are 20 data points. All I want to do is to plot the Loss versus Lines. When I use xyplot, the first tick mark starts from 2 rather than 1, and also there is a NA as the final tick mark. Here is the R code you code give it a try: Would any body be able to fix this, please?
2007 Oct 31
reversing the scale on ggplot
Dear All, I am trying to build a simple ggplot, but where the scale is reversed, i.e. the largest numbers are on the bottom. An example of the code I am using is > plotdata<-data.frame(x=1:10, y=runif(10)) > plot<-ggplot() > plot<-plot+layer(data=plotdata, mapping=aes_string(x='x',y='y'), geom='point', stat='identity', size=4) >
2009 Aug 20
lattice xyplot strip colors and location
Hi all, I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to modify an xyplot I created using the lattice package. I would like to change default strip colors and locations. I started with numeric data in 4 columns, which look like this: 0.25 2 1 32 0.25 2 2 30 0.25 2 3 27 0.25 2 4 23 0.25 2 5 17 0.25 3 1 30 0.25
2004 Sep 26
(no subject)
Hello R help mailing list, I'm having difficulty saving a series of figures in an analysis. I have attempted to save them in a for loop with the following code: for(i in 1:20){ sF<-paste("fig",i,".jpeg",sep="") jpeg(file=sF,width=600,height=500,quality=100,pointsize=12) attach(plotData) xyplot(CHC~1:13), detach(plotData) } If I break
2007 Dec 11
ggplot - Setting the y-scale in a bar plot
Dear All (probably Hadley), I am now trying to customise some plots using a bar geom. I do not want to use the default binning statistic, but rather calculate the bar heigths separately. I do manage this, but for comparison purposes I would like to have a set of plots all with the same y-axis height. But I do not seem to find out how to fix the scale of the y-axis in this case. Any tips?
2012 Aug 13
write.dbf error: invalid subscript type 'list'
Dear all, I am basically a GIS user and am new to R. I am trying to write a data frame to a dbf file. *n.simulations <- 999 binomial <- kulldorff(geo, cases, population, NULL, pop.upper.bound, n.simulations, alpha.level, plot) cluster <- binomial$most.likely.cluster$location.IDs.included df <- data.frame(ID=seq(1,n.simulations,by=1), simloglkhd=binomial$simulated.log.lkhd)
2011 Nov 08
ggplot2 reorder factors for faceting
Dear List I am trying to draw a heatmap using ggplot2. In this heatmap I have faceted my data by 'infection' of which I have four. These four infections break down into two types and I would like to reorder the 'infection' column of my data to reflect this. Toy example below: library(ggplot2) # test data for ggplot reordering genes <- (rep (c(rep('a',4),
2004 Aug 25
[Q] Apply Function Over Multiple Array Margins
Is there a canonical means to apply a function over multiple arrays simultaneously? For example, if I wanted to plot each line with a different color? Or is a for loop conversion my best option? x <- seq(0, 8, by = 2) y <- matrix(1:15, nrow = 5, byrow = TRUE) my.colors <- heat.colors(3) drawLines <- function(row) { lines(x, row) # want corresponding 'my.colors' here }
2007 Nov 01
ggplot2 - expand range?
Dear UserRs, I am trying to use systematically ggplot2 for most of my plots, but I am fighting some lack of documentation, which I try to overcome. I want to build a scatterplot where the axes cross exactly at (0,0). I tried using scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,10)), but I always get an extra space at the bottom of the axes. The code I used is below. > plotdata<-data.frame(x=1:10,
2005 Mar 31
pictex graphics device and color
Is the pictex graphics device known not to support color? In R 2.0.1 Patched (2004-11-17), it produced very pretty output: ## pictex(file = "modern-metatheonomy.tex", bg = "transparent"); ## plotData(data); ## ... but it appears to have ignored all color information. __________ Steve Rowley <steve.rowley at> Cambridge, MA: (617) 768-4054
2008 Nov 26
Second y-axis
Hi list, In the following code, how can I place the percentage label away from numbers in the second y-axis (lets say all should be inside plot area)? Thanks Alireza ================= require(grid) vp<- viewport(x=.1,y=.1,width=.6,height=.6,just=c("left", "bottom")) pushViewport(vp)
2004 Oct 26
Newbie question about the use of lm and anova
Version of R: Windows Version 2.0.0 The experimental design contains two plant lines - a control (C) and a mutant (M) - grown out three separate times in plots A, B, C. The design is unbalanced: In plot A, 9 control plants were grown with 29 mutant plants. In plot B, 8 control plants were grown with 20 mutant plants. In plot C, 8 control plants were grown with 22 mutant plants. The
2008 Sep 09
plotting group means
Hi all, I want to plot the grouped means of some variables. The dependent variables and the grouping factor are stored in different columns. I want to draw a simple line-plot of means, in which the x-axis represents the variables and y-axis represents the means. The means of the groups should be connected by lines. So far, the only function that I could find comes closest to what I'm
2004 Sep 26
no plots in for loop (was RE: (no subject))
1. Please use a meaningful subject, as the Posting Guide asked you to. 2. You need to wrap xyplot() (or any other lattice plotting functions) in print(). I believe this is in the FAQ. Andy > From: Martin Heller > > Hello R help mailing list, > I'm having difficulty saving a series of figures in an > analysis. I have attempted to save them in a for loop with > the
2009 Mar 30
Hi: I need help with geom_text(). I would like to count the number of Locations and put the sum of it right above each bar. x <- "Location Lake_dens Fish Pred Lake1 1.132 1 0.115 Lake1 0.627 1 0.148 Lake1 1.324 1 0.104 Lake1 1.265 1 0.107 Lake2 1.074 0 0.096 Lake2 0.851 0 0.108 Lake2 1.098 0 0.095 Lake2 0.418 0 0.135 Lake2 1.256 1 0.088 Lake2 0.554 1 0.126 Lake2 1.247 1 0.088