similar to: 0 exit status on packages update try

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "0 exit status on packages update try"

2013 Sep 05
Problem installing "sp" package
Hi, I get an error message (see below) when trying to install the sp package in R version 2.15.2 running under Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I have run sudo apt-get build-dep r-base, but to no help. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Terje > install.packages("sp") Installing package(s) into ?/home/terjej/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.15? (as ?lib? is unspecified) trying URL
2010 Jul 14
.Rprofile interfering with update.packages()
I know this is a double post, but the subject line was really misleading. Sorry again. This is the first time that I have tried to update packages with a tinkered around with .Rprofile. I start R with R --vanilla and it does not load my .Rprofile, but when I issue the command update.packages() R downloads the packages as expected, but then seems to load .Rprofile before compiling the packages
2010 Jul 14
qplot in ggplot2 not working any longer - (what did I do?)
This is the first time that I have tried to update packages with a tinkered around with .Rprofile. I start R with R --vanilla and it does not load my .Rprofile, but when I issue the command update.packages() R downloads the packages as expected, but then seems to load .Rprofile before compiling the packages sources. What am I doing wrong? kindest regards, Stephen Sefick see- Session info
2009 Oct 25
Importing data from text file with mixed format
Hi, I'm having difficulty importing my textfile that looks something like this: #begin text file Timepoint 1 ObjectNumber Volume SurfaceArea 1 5.3 9.7 2 4.9 8.3 3 5.0 9.1 4 3.5 7.8 Timepoint 2 ObjectNumber Volume SurfaceArea 1 5.1
2007 Dec 24
R Compilation error on Ubuntu
Hi I bought a new laptop HP dv9500 just a week ago and installed a Ubuntu gutsy ribbon on this laptop. I wanted to install Fedora but there are more threads on Ubuntu, so I decided to install Ubuntu. After hours of struggle in configuring x server/graphic card stuff, I installed R for Gutsy ribbon using "sudo apt-get install g77 r-core'. Now when I tried to install 'sp' package
2007 Apr 04
gpclib library
Hi all, I'm tring to download the gpclib library but I don't find it in the old repository install.packages(c("gpclib"), dependencies=TRUE, repos="") Avviso in install.packages(c("gpclib"), dependencies = TRUE, repos = "") : argument 'lib' is missing: using
2007 Jun 15
gpclib problem
Hi all, I am trying to test the new adehabitat package but I have a problem with a linked library, "gpclib". When I try do install it I have this output: install.packages("gpclib", dependencies=TRUE, repos="") Avviso in install.packages("gpclib", dependencies = TRUE, repos = "") : argument
2003 Jan 08
New package: gpclib
I have just uploaded a package to CRAN called `gpclib' for clipping large and complex polygons. This package provides an R interface to Alan Murta's very fast General Polygon Clipper library (written in C), which has an optimized version of the Vatti algorithm. Not all features of Murta's library are implemented -- right now you can do intersections, differences, and unions. There
2003 Jan 08
New package: gpclib
I have just uploaded a package to CRAN called `gpclib' for clipping large and complex polygons. This package provides an R interface to Alan Murta's very fast General Polygon Clipper library (written in C), which has an optimized version of the Vatti algorithm. Not all features of Murta's library are implemented -- right now you can do intersections, differences, and unions. There
2013 Jun 22
metaMDS Error, Nan similar or negative values
H ello R-experts, I want to do ordination plots using vegan metaMDS. I have a where many cells have zero values. Data structure: X[1:10,1:14] Height.1 Height.2 Height.3 Height.4 Height.5 Height.6 Height.7 Height.8 Height.9 Height.10 Height.11 Height.12 Height.13 D30I1A 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 0 98 D30I1B
2011 Jul 22
Start-up messages when Importing from a package
Dear List, I'm building a package that uses 2 functions of the 'sp' package, and I declared them in my NAMESPACE file as follow: importFrom("sp", proj4string, coordinates) The package is built without any problem, but when I load the package, I get the following message: " Loading required package: sp Note: polygon geometry computations in maptools
2004 May 11
How to draw holes generated by gpclib using plot function
Hi. I've tried to create a polygon with one hole by gpclib using following example script. holepoly <- read.polyfile(system.file("poly-ex/hole-poly.txt", package ="gpclib"), nohole = FALSE) area.poly(holepoly) plot(holepoly,poly.args=list(col="red",border="blue")) And I noticed plot function couldn't draw polygons with holes correctly.
2003 Oct 23
GIS re-mapping / polygon overlap
In Germany the Unemployment Agency uses a sectioning of the german map that is different from the usual Administrative Boundaries. Some demographic data are available in Administrative Boundaries only, some in Unemployment Boundaries only. I would like to generate estimates in one boundary system of data availabe in the other boundary system, and would appreciate advice concerning the following
2003 Jan 14
install problem: gpclib
Dear list, I face some problems installing gpclib_1.0-1.tar.gz: R-161 R : Copyright 2002, The R Development Core Team Version 1.6.1 (2002-11-01) [...] system("R CMD INSTALL gpclib_1.0-1.tar.gz") WARNING: ignoring environment value of R_HOME ERROR: This R is version 1.5.0 package 'gpclib' depends on R 1.6.1 The same happens with
2011 Sep 23
Envfit, inconsistant result?
Hi R-experts, I am using the envfit function over an ordination of floristic data. The problem is that every time that I run it changes the results. Sometimes dramatically, selecting variables that the first time were not significant. I do not get what could be the problem or if is normal given the permutations are different. # the NMDS ordination gap_flor_NMDS_chord <- metaMDS(gaps_flor,
2007 Aug 24
Adding new points to a metaMDS ordination ("vegan" pkg)
Hi, I've been using R for a while now but I've got a problem with metaMDS (in the vegan package) that I can't quite figure out. I have a set of proportion data (from 0-1, rows sum to 1) that I apply metaMDS to using the command: nMDS.set=metaMDS(sqrt(test.set),distance="euclidean",k=3,zerodist="add",autotransform=FALSE) I am using a squared-chord distance
2013 Sep 06
Fwd: calculating dissimilarity index of islands (vegan and betapart)
Dear List, This is Elaine, a postgraduate studying in bird distributions in East Asia. I want to calculate Simpson dissimilarity index, based on a presence/absence matrix of bird species in islands in East Asia. (matrix row: 36 islands/matrix column: species ID) (R package vegan to make NMDS and R package betapart) In most papers using vegan for NMDS and betapart for dissimilarity
2009 Jun 10
gpc.poly datatype
I have a list of polygons generated by the contourLines() command (each object of the list is a list in itself with two objects: a vector of x values, and a vector of y values for each vertex). I wish to convert that list into a gpc.poly object of multiple contours. How do I do this? gpclib apparently has no method of coercing lists into the gpc.poly object type. As well, when I have a
2011 May 10
metaMDS and envfit: Help reading output
Hello R experts, I've used metaMDS to run NMDS on some fish abundance data, and am also working on correlating environmental data to the NMDS coordinates. I'm fairly new to metaMDS and NMDS in general, so I have what are probably some very basic questions. My fish abundance data consists of 66 sites for which up to 20 species of fish were identified and counted. I ran metaMDS on this data
2008 Nov 19
rkward on Ubuntu heron with R2.8.0
I am running R on Ubuntu Heron. I recently updated to R 2.8.0 from the default (2.6) in the Ubuntu heron repository by adding deb hardy/ I updated all packages installed in /usr/lib/R/site-library and those in my home directory /home/duncan/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.6 without obvious issues. I installed adehabitat and gpclib, which should be good