similar to: HELP - four.nines.cartesian.probability.grid

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "HELP - four.nines.cartesian.probability.grid"

2004 Feb 03
how to change one of the axis to normal probability scale
Hi, I would like to plot a graph with one axis in log scale and the other in normal probability scale using R. I cannot change the axis scale to probability scale. What can be a solution? Thanks. CT
2009 Nov 21
How to make a cartesian pairlist from a vector?
Hi, I'm looking for a function that will take a list of columns or data.frame and corvert it to cartesian pairlist. For example for this data.frame (see below), I'd like to get a list of all possible pairs: > sound cs rs ns 7 5 2 4 5 4 6 3 1 8 4 1 6 4 2 6 7 1 2 2 5 9 2 5 how can I get this? > mylist ((cs,rs), (cs,ns), (rs,ns))
2003 Jan 28
random number generator?
Dear R-Aficionados: I realize that no random number generator is perfect, so what I report below may be a result of that simple fact. However, if I have made an error in my thinking I would greatly appreciate being corrected. I wish to illustrate the behavior of small samples (n=10) and so generate 100,000 of them. n.samples <- 1000000 sample.size = 10 p <- 0.0001 z.normal <- qnorm(p)
2009 Nov 21
How to make a cartesian pairlist?
Hi, I'd like to make a pairwise comparison of a data.frame and I'm looking for a function that will take a list of columns or data.frame and corvert it to cartesian pairlist. For example for this data.frame (see below), I'd like to get a list of all possible pairs: > sound cs rs ns 7 5 2 4 5 4 6 3 1 8 4 1 6 4 2 6 7 1 2 2 5 9 2 5 how can I get
2010 Aug 18
Plot in cartesian plane
Hi all, I'm trying to plot this two curves in a single cartesian plane, but when I plot the first one, the plot appears with no negative "y" value. When I plot the second curve, it almost does not apear in the graph. I was trying the plot.window but with no success. Can someone help me with this? If possible, I'd like to plot this curves in a perfect cartesian plane. f =
2012 Dec 31
code to convert 3D geographical coordinates to Cartesian?
Is there packaged code to convert geographical coordinates (e.g., longitude, latitude, elevation) to Cartesian coordinates in 3-space? I can see how to do this using 1. a spherical-to-Cartesian conversion like pracma::sph2cart(tpr) 2. a geographical-to-spherical conversion. This seems to involve (in roughly increasing order of difficulty or
2008 Apr 03
help with R semantics
Greetings: I'm running R2.6.2 on a WinXP DELL box with 2 gig RAM. I have created a new glm link function to be used with family = binomial. The function works (although any suggested improvements would be welcome), logit.FC <- function(POD.floor = 0, POD.ceiling =1) { if (POD.floor < 0 | POD.floor > 1) stop ("POD.floor must be between zero and one.") if
2004 Sep 10
Efficient Cartesian product of data.frames
Hello List, I am looking for efficient code to produce the Cartesian product of two or more data.frames. I'd like to be able to do this without resorting to looping. I have searched the FAQ, web, etc without luck. That being said, the help page for merge says that the function can produce what I'm looking for if the by vectors are of zero length. Would someone be so kind as to
2008 Dec 05
Cartesian Product Of Character Vectors
Hi all (I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I cant find it). If I have two character vectors: > x <- c("aaa","bbb","ccc") > y <- c("1","2","3") How can I get the cartesian product of the string values? > expand.grid(x,y) Gives me a data frame with separate columns...however, I cant seem to get *apply
2012 May 03
Creating a point pattern with cartesian co-ordinates
I have the following data from an image analysis program, in which the x and y co-ordinates are locations of the centroids of shapes on a 2 dimensional plot. The Y co-ordinates were positive, but I changed them to negative as the resulting scatterplot was upside down (the image analysis program reads from the top of the image to the bottom, so it seems) I now need these as point pattern data, as I
2011 May 30
Error in minimizing an integrand using optim
Hi, Am not sure if my code itself is correct. Here's what am trying to do: Minimize integration of a function of gaussian distributed variable 'x' over the interval qnorm(0.999) to Inf by changing value of parameter 'mu'. mu is the shift in mean of 'x'. Code: # x follows gaussian distribution # fx2 to be minimized by changing values of mu # integration to be done over
2009 Aug 26
Scripting - sort of
Dear R-ians: I'm running R2.9.2 on a 6 year old Windows XP DELL with 2 Gig RAM and a 3MHz Pentium 4 chip. I've written a package using the User Menus Under Windows commands (winMenuAdd, etc). It works very well. I have 6 test cases and running any one of them requires many selections form the menus and some keyboard entry, and it takes me hours to exercise them all to see
2014 Jan 06
Reversing the Equation to find value of variable
Dear R forum I have following variables - EAD = 10000 LGD = 0.45 PD = 0.47 M = 3 # Equation 1 R = 0.12*(1-exp(-50*PD))/(1-exp(-50)) + 0.24*(1-(1-exp(-50*PD))/(1-exp(-50))) b = (0.11852 - 0.05478 * log(PD))^2 K = (LGD * pnorm((1 - R)^(-0.5) * qnorm(PD) + (R / (1 - R))^0.5 * qnorm(0.999)) - PD * LGD) * (1 - 1.5 * b)^(-1) * (1 + (M - 2.5) * b) RWA = K * 12.5 * EAD > RWA [1] 22845.07 #
2008 Jan 26
Which R version created a package?
Greetings, R-ians: I would like to know which version or R was used to create a given package. I think I remember seeing that topic discussed recently but cannot find it among my notes. Can anyone tell me how to determine which version of R created a package? Thanks. Charles Annis, P.E. <>
2009 May 02
compiled help pages
Greetings: This should be easy but it isn't. I have a home-brew package that works fine, with compiled html help pages, all 150 of them. I want to make a similar package but not from scratch since only a half-dozen routines are changed. So I created a new directory, copied the old package into it and changed the name to newSTUFF. I changed the names of all help pages too, as weill
2008 Dec 31
cannot load package "splines"
Greetings R-Helpers: I am trying to help a Chinese colleague who is experiencing difficulty loading my package. He is running WindowsXP and the Chinese version of R2.8.1. As you can see from his screen-copy (below), my package is successfully unpacked but cannot be loaded because splines balks when attempted to be loaded. Package mh1823 requires package survival, which in turn requires
2008 Mar 18
invalid \uxxxx sequence while trying to create a package
Greetings, R-Helpers: I am trying to build a package on WinXP, something that I have done before, but infrequently, and have recently updated both the Rtools and the version of R being used. My test case fails after successfully creating the compiled html files with this error message: . . . Created c:\DOCUME~1\CHARLE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Rbuild142865646\March18\chm\March18.chm, 41,494
2006 Oct 11
FW: impossible escape?
D'oh! I've been using cat() but somehow never got the bigger picture. Thanks!!! Charles Annis, P.E. Charles.Annis at phone: 561-352-9699 eFax: 614-455-3265 -----Original Message----- From: Marc Schwartz [mailto:MSchwartz at] Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:45 PM To: Charles.Annis at
2009 Jun 22
QQplots of probability vector data
I'm trying to determine if a set of data is normal from a qq plot but seem to be having a bit of difficulty. I have a file of the following form 9 36 3 37 6 38 7 39 ..... where the left column is the frequency of the number in the right column. I've found the probabilities of each number and put it in a file of the form 36 .0009 37 .0003 38
2010 Oct 06
Display an image defined on a polar grid [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Dear R-help, I have a matrix of data values specified in polar coordinates, i.e. (r,theta). I know that I can transform this image to Cartesian coordinates and then use image to display the results, however, I want to display the image as is, without any coordinate transformations. This would require displaying individual "pieces of pie" colour-coded by their data value. A comparable