similar to: options_for_select order

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "options_for_select order"

2005 Dec 30
Select SUM(?) Query
When using PHP, I was able to enter a query against my list of invoices such as : Select SUM(amount) from invoices where project="123" This would give me the total amount of all invoices for project 123. In rails, how would I do this? I tried using "find_by_sql," but couldn''t figure out how to extract the results out of this. Thanks!
2006 Feb 11
Rails Edge, has_many :through in searches
I have two tables, a Projects table and a Clients table. It''s basically a HABTM relationship, but I have additional project/ client-specific information in the join table. I''m trying to use the new has_many :through method to join these. It works fine when displaying records, but when I try to search, I''m having this problem: When I used a HABTM model to search
2006 Jan 09
Large select list, speed issues
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"> <font size="-1"><font face="Verdana">I have a piece of code in my page to generate
2008 Apr 04
First call to worker method doesn''t work
I have a worker as follows: class SampleWorker < BackgrounDRb::MetaWorker set_worker_name :sample_worker def create(args = nil) # this method is called, when worker is loaded for the first time end def my_method # Deliver test e-mail message Notifications.deliver_message(1, "DM") end end I have a rails controller that calls the following code: worker =
2006 Feb 03
Breakpointer not working
When I try to run script/breakpointer, I get the following error: /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:837:in `getaddrinfo'': getnameinfo: Non-recoverable failure in name resolution (SocketError) It''s Rails 1.0 on OSX 10.4.4. Any suggestions?
2006 Jan 09
Custom flash[:notice]
For the most part, my flash[:notice] messages fall into one of two categories: either a message stating that something happened successfully (which is colored green), or messages showing errors (which I would like to be red). Is it possible to set some sort of flag on these messages to choose which color I want to show, or would I need to base it on CSS and set the class in the text, i.e.
2006 Feb 28
Getting number of days in a month
In PHP, there was an argument you could pass to the Date function to get the number of days in the current month: echo date("t"); // Outputs "28" for February I don''t see anything like this in Ruby/Rails. Right now, I''m using a very ugly line to pull the last day of the month: @number_of_days = (Date.strptime("%Y-%m-01"))
2006 Mar 30
ActionMailer e-mails getting tagged as junk in Outlook 2003
Whenever an email is sent via ActionMailer, and the recipient is using Outlook 2003 (with SP2 installed), the e-mail is getting put in the junk e-mail folder. Since Outlook doesn''t give a reason it was tagged as junk, it''s hard to determine what to change. I''ve compared the message headers of the "junk" mail and a valid email sent through Outlook, and the
2006 Jan 21
Single quotes in parameters
I have a "search" action for my "projects" controller, which defines a set of projects as follows @projects = Project.find(:all, :include => [:user,:clients], :conditions => "name like ''%" + params[:query] + "%''",:order => ''number'') This works fine, until I type an entry into my search box that has a single
2006 Jan 08
Options_from_collection_for_select -> Multiple fields in display
The following code shows a list of the users, with username being each person''s initials (mine would be DM). &lt;%= options_from_collection_for_select @users,"id","username" %&gt; However, I''d like to have the display of the SELECT box be "DM - Dylan Markow" instead of "DM." Is this possible using
2006 Jan 22
File_column not keeping value during page reloads
I''m trying to use the file_column plug-in to attach a file to a newsletter posting. It works fine if I get the form right the first time, but if I get an error, such as not typing in a required field, and the form re-displays, my file selection box reverts to "no file selected." Here''s my relevant controller code: def new @newsletterpost =
2010 Aug 18
RSpec 2/Rails 3 - content_for in view specs
My main layout includes separate content_for/yield sections for my header, sidebar, footer, and content. However, when running a view spec, the `rendered` variable seems to only contain a string of just the primary content and ignores the header/footer/sidebar as well as the rest of my layout file (the "render" call just returns my primary content wrapped in generic <html> and
2006 Jan 09
Nil column results, possible to ignore?
For a table "clients" there are city, state, and zip fields. However, for some clients we only have a state with no actual address. The following code throws a "You have a nil object" error when outputting my client list. Is there a way around this, short of writing a specific case for each possibility? &lt;%= + '', '' + client.state +
2006 Feb 01
Dates entered as MM/DD/YY
I have some forms on my site that use text boxes to enter dates. They typically default to today''s date, in the format "MM/DD/YYYY" However, sometimes a user will erase the box and type in a date, but instead of typing 02/01/2006, they''ll type 2/1/06. Once the record is created in the mysql database, it reads as ''0006-02-01'' instead of
2006 Apr 19
RJS replace_html auto-closing tags
I''m using the following RJS template to spit out a div containing a list of projects: page.replace_html ''results'', ''<div>'' @projects.each do |p| page.insert_html :bottom, ''results'', + "<br/>" end page.insert_html :bottom, ''searchresults'', ''</div>''
2006 Apr 28
ActionMailer - 550 Error - Net:SMTPFatalError
I have page on my site which sends out e-mails to all of our clients. The idea is that if a client''s e-mail bounces, the server catches the bounce message and flags the client (from the Rails Recipes book). This works perfectly, except in the event that the destination domain is my own. Since I''m running my own postfix server on the same box, instead of accepting the
2006 Jan 19
select vs. select_tag
I have a "Users" object and a "Timesheets" object. Each timesheet entry belongs to a User, which is selected from a drop-down list. The timesheet has a user_id field. (The user needs to have an option to select a different user due to the way our system works.) If i use the "select" object, which is bound to the Timesheet model, using this code: &lt;%= select
2006 Apr 13
acts_as_versioned gem
I''ve installed the acts_as_versioned gem, and it shows up as installed when i do a "gem list" After installing it, I set up my new model with the "acts_as_versioned" line in its model file. I think went to run my migration to create this table, and I got the following error: == CreateDpslevels: migrating ================================================ --
2005 Dec 24
Textilize on ajax update
I''m writing a basic to-do application. I''m using a form_remote_tag to submit the entry to my controller, which then returns the entry to be displayed in the table of to-do items. However, I''d like to be able to "textilize" the entry without having to reload the page. Is there any way to have my ajax function textilize the text before displaying it in the list?
2007 Oct 16
Controller iterating through returned records and appending to each
I have a controller that gets a list of employees (which has an "include => [:salaries, :incentives, :billablegoals, :reviews]"). I then need it to iterate through each employee and determine their current active goal based on the "effective date." After playing around with it a bunch, I got the following to work. Only problem is that if I remove the "@employees.each {