Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "question regarding panel data analysis"
2010 Jul 01
coefficients poolability (was: question regarding panel data analysis)
Not an easy question at all, and it has little to do with software,
Veeeeeery loosely speaking: if the homogeneity hypothesis is rejected,
then, depending on data availability, you may still be able to treat the
data like a panel by:
a) ignoring the results of the poolability test
b) allowing the coefficients to vary.
Of course, a) requires some courage while b) requires more
2010 Jul 22
Question regarding panel data diagnostic
Good day R-listers,
I'm currently working on a panel data analysis (N=17, T=5), in order
to check for the spurious regression problem, i have to ?test for
stationarity but i've read somewhere ?that i needn't to test for it as
?my T<10 , what do you think? if yes ?is there any other test ?i have
to ?perform in such case (a kind of cointegration test for small T?)
Any hint would be
2010 Feb 25
error using pvcm() on unbalanced panel data
Dear all
I am trying to fit Variable Coefficients Models on Unbalanced Panel
Data. I managed to fit such models on balanced panel data (the example
from the "plm" vignette), but I failed to do so on my real, unbalanced
panel data.
I can reproduce the error on a modified example from the vignette:
> require(plm)
> data("Hedonic")
> Hed <- pvcm(mv ~ crim + zn + indus
2010 Nov 18
how do I build panel data/longitudinal data models with AR terms using the plm package or any other package
Hi All,
I am doing econometric modeling of panel data (fixed effects). We currently use Eviews to do this, but I have discovered a bug in Eviews 7 and am exploring the use of R to build panel data models / longitudinal data models. I looked at the plm package but do not see how I can incorporate AR terms in the model using the plm package. I have an Eviews model with two AR terms, AR(1) and
2011 Jan 09
question about the chow test of poolability
Good day R-listers,
My question is more a statistical question than an R related question,
so please bear with me
i'm currently applying the chow test of poolability
in fact i'm working with panel N=17 T=5 , and my model looks like
this : Yit= a0+B1X1+B2X2+B3X3+B4X4+eit
My question is the following when i'm Testing for the equality of
the coefficients of the unpooled data (the
2009 Dec 10
plm ? tests of poolability ? error: insufficient number
Hello Cecilia,
nice hearing from you again. I must restate a couple of my old hints,
though ;^)
1) please always put the authors c/c, as we are not guaranteed to browse
through the r-help every day
2) please provide reproducible examples.
As example(pooltest) keeps working fine, as do some other cases I tried
(Grunfeld data etc.), I don't know what the problem is but evidently
your data are
2010 May 24
Fixed Effects Estimations (in Panel Data)
dear readers---I struggled with how to do nice fixed-effects
regressions in large economic samples for a while. Eventually, I
realized that nlme is not really what I needed (too complex), and all
I really wanted is the plm package. so, I thought I would share a
quick example.
################ sample code to show fixed-effects models? in R
# create a sample panel data set with firms and years
2012 Mar 08
Panel models: Fixed effects & random coefficients in plm
I am using {plm} to estimate panel models. I want to estimate a model that
includes fixed effects for time and individual, but has a random individual
effect for the coefficient on the independent variable.
That is, I would like to estimate the model:
Y_it = a_i + a_t + B_i * X_it + e_it
Where i denotes individuals, t denotes time, X is my independent variable,
and B (beta) is the
2009 May 19
panel question (plm)
I am working on a data set (already as a plm.data object) located
here: http://econsteve.com/arch/plmWithDensity.Robj
With the following R session:
> library(plm)
>model <- plm(RATE ~ density08, data=plmWithDensity)
Error: subscript out of bounds
I am not understanding the "subscript out of bounds" error, as this is
2009 Aug 21
Panel Data Analysis (PLM) - Fixed Effects - "cannot allocate vector of length"
Hello to all on the list,
I'm trying to estimate a fixed effects model from a large (unbalanced) panel
data set.
I have no problems when using only an individual effect or only a time
effect, but I get an error message when I try for a "twoways" effect. Here
is some of the code:
paneldata27 is the entire panel data set:
> dim(paneldata27)
[1] 1178831 8
2011 Jun 12
Running a GMM Estimation on dynamic Panel Model using plm-Package
although I searched for a solution related to my problem I didn?t find one,
yet. My skills in R aren?t very large, however.
For my Diploma thesis I need to run a GMM estimation on a dynamic panel
model using the "pgmm" - function in the plm-Package.
The model I want to estimate is: "Y(t) = Y(t-1) + X1(t) + X2(t) + X3(t)" .
There are no "normal" instruments
2009 Dec 08
Serial Correlation in panel data regression
Dear R users,
I have a question here
## take the following data
data("Gasoline", package="plm")
Now I run the following regression
rhs <- "-1 + f.year + lincomep+lrpmg+lcarpcap"
m1<- lm(as.formula(paste("lgaspcar ~", rhs)), data=Gasoline)
###Now I want to find the
2011 Dec 12
Package/command for creating a table of panel models ?
Hello Everyone
(Quick) question: Does anyone know a package/command or simply a way of
creating a table of different panel data estimations (estimated using
/*plm()*/ ) just as *mtable()* does for models estimated with /*lm()*/?
It seems *mtable* (and *apsrtable* equally) only support /*lm*/ and some
other classes but unfortunately not /*plm*/. I am pretty sure others must
have encountered this
2012 Dec 29
I need intercept in plm model
Hi,R 2.15.2 plm() function on Windows 7
when i perform a plm regression, i can't manage to obtain the intercept, but I need it.it gives me just the beta coefficient.
my formula: fixed <- plm(deltaS ~ L1.deltaS + L2.deltaS, data=Mody_R, index=c("country_id", "date"), model="within")
my output: Coefficients : Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
2011 Sep 05
plm package, R squared, dummies in panel data
Hi R-helpers,
I have two questions I hope you could help me with them:
In the plm package how can I calculate the R2 within, R2 between and R2
overall? Is there any special reason to not display these values?
When using first differences do I need to have some special care with
dummies (both year dummies and industry dummies)?
(A friend who works with Stata told me that there is
2011 Feb 22
Adjusting for autocorrelation in a panel model
I am working with panel data. I am using the plm package to do this.
I would like to do be able to adjust for autocorrelation, as one does with
glm models and correlation structures (eg corr=corARMA(q=4)) . In
particular, I want to employ MA(4) error structure.
Is there a way of doing this with the plm package?
(Note: I do not really want to use the pggls function for various
2010 Mar 16
plm "within" models: is the correct F-statistic reported?
Dear R users
I get different F-statistic results for a "within" model, when using
"time" or "twoways" effects in plm() [1] and when manually specifying
the time control dummies [2].
[1] vignette("plm")
[2] http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Farnsworth-EconometricsInR.pdf
Two examples below:
data("Grunfeld", package =
2010 Dec 06
waldtest and nested models - poolability (parameter stability)
Dear All,
I'm trying to use waldtest to test poolability (parameter stability) between
two logistic regressions. Because I need to use robust standard errors
(using sandwich), I cannot use anova. anova has no problems running the
test, but waldtest does, indipendently of specifying vcov or not. waldtest
does not appear to see that my models are nested. H0 in my case is the the
vector of
2010 Oct 13
robust standard errors for panel data
I would like to estimate a panel model (small N large T, fixed effects),
but would need "robust" standard errors for that. In particular, I am
worried about potential serial correlation for a given individual (not so
much about correlation in the cross section).
>From the documentation, it looks as if the vcovHC that comes with plm
does not seem to do autocorrelation, and the
2009 Feb 14
Dynamic Panel Analysis in R
I am quite a new user of R. I wanted to ask if there was some package
for dynamic panel analysis (with Arneallo-Bond Method) like stata. PLM
is for panel analysis but not for dynamic.
Best regards,