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2011 Sep 30
Implementing Silverman's Negative Reflection
I'm trying to implement in R in an easy way the negative reflection method
described in Silverman (1986) on p.31, ie I have a non-negative dataset and
would like to estimate the density by applying a reflection method where the
reflected points have weight -1.
I thought there should be a way to evaluate the wanted kernel at the
required points, in other words to calculate formula (2.16):
2009 Jan 28
Character SNP data to binary MAF data
I am sure there is a function out there already but I couldn't find it.
I have SNP data, that is, a matrix which contains in each row two
characters (they are different in each row) and I would like to
convert this matrix to a binary one according to the minor allele
frequency. For non-geneticists: I want to have a binary matrix
for which in each row the 0 stands for the less frequent
2005 Sep 22
R2WinBUGS: Data loading error
Hi R-Help!
I am trying to use R2WinBUGS but I get the following error message in WinBUGS
(and there must be something wrong with my R statement as I tried it directly in
WinBUGS and it worked):
check(C:/Documents and Settings/Daikon/Roche/pop_model.txt)
model is syntactically correct
data(C:/Documents and Settings/Daikon/Roche/data.txt)
expected key word structure
2009 Jan 11
I have sent a previous email "Error in dyn.load()" for which, shame on
me, I later found a partial answer.
I have been trying to look into what I exactly need to include into
Makevars and where
it needs to be located and have not found a satisfying answer yet.
Maybe the following questions
are helpful for other people as well.
Again, I am trying to include a C function tools.c into
2009 Jan 18
System with manual options
I was wondering if there was a way to run system when there
is e.g. a C program which is not totally command-line driven.
That is, I have a C program which requires manual input of
options into the shell during the run. I would like to run this program from
R and as far as I have seen system() does not handle manual options (?).
Is there thus a way to use these C programs anyway through
2010 Nov 16
Breslow-Day test
Dear R Users,
I'm looking for a package that allows to test hypothesis about a
homogeneity of odds ratio in k 2x2 tables. I know that Breslow-Day is
suitable but does anybody could me point out a package? I found diffR,
but as far as I see this package is for IRT theory.
2011 Mar 24
Colour makes my life; but not my bwplot (panel.violin)
Using Trellis, am successfully setting up a number of panels (25) in which I
have two box and violin plots.
I would like to colour - one plot as RED and the other as BLUE (in each
panel). I can do that with the box plots, but the violin density areas just
take on one colour.
My basic call is as follows:
bwplot(rmsd ~ file | code,
panel = function(...,
2012 Feb 17
stepwise selection for conditional logistic regression
Is there any function available to do stepwise selection of variables in Conditional(matched) logistic regression( clogit)? step, stepwise etc are failing in case of conditional logistic regression. Please help.
P.T. Subha
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2010 Oct 30
Confidence interval for response variable in mixed effects models
I am using lmer() for a simple mixed effects model. The model is of the form
logit(y)~ x + (1|z), where x is an indicator variable and z a multi-level
I would like an estimate of the response variable (either y or logit y) with
an associated confidence interval for a given value of x.
There does not appear to be a predict function written for lmer().
The output for the fixed
2010 Mar 17
hexadecimal colors
I would like to produce a red shading I figured the easiest way
to do that would be to use rgb in the following way:
a <- seq(0,0.9,by=0.1)
redshade <- rgb(red=1,green=a, blue=a)
However, I don't really know how to plot things using
hexadecimal colors. I used a function which tries to
find the closest color to the rgb shades but it didn't
work very well.
2005 Jan 23
survreg: fitting different location parameters
Hi R-Help!
My question: I have lifetime/failure data of machines with different
stress levels and i think an weibull/extreme value distribution would
fit this data. So I did:
model1 <- survreg(Surv(lfailure)~stress,data=steel,dist="extreme")
(where lfailure=log(failure))
Now I would like to do a likelihood ratio test to test the hypothesis
H0: location parameters of the
2006 Jul 14
Negative Binomial: Simulation
Hi R-Users!
I fitted a negative binomial distribution to my count data using the
function glm.nb() and obtained the calculated parameters
theta (dispersion) and mu.
I would like to simulate values from this negative binomial distribution.
Looking at the function rnbinom() I was looking at the relationship
between the two possible parametrizations of the negative binomial and found
that for this
2010 Jan 06
Choose variables according to index
There must have someone already posted this question but I still have not
figured how I could do this:
Say I have var.1 var.2 var.3 which are large matrices. I would like to do
the following loop:
for(i in 1:3){
# Pick var.i and do something with it
How can I tell R to do this?
Thanks for any comments.
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2010 Mar 07
xyplot: strip size
I was wondering if there is a way to control
the strip size in xyplot for example using the
strip.default function. Or do I need to redraw
the strips by myself?
I would like to make
the strip slimmer and I have reduced the font
size using cex. However, I don't know how
to change the size of the strip.
Thanks for any tips.
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2006 Jul 18
Inflated Array
Hi R-users!
I am trying to create a what I call inflated array (maybe there is
already some other name for that). It is an array that changes
dinamically its dimensions, e.g. the higher the number of third
dimensions, the more rows in the array. So for example the array could
look like the following:
, ,1
1 2 3 4
, , 2
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
, , 3
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24
2004 Dec 31
lme: Confusion about Variances
Dear R users!
I used lme to fit a mixed model with random intercept and spatial Gaussian
correlation i.e. I fitted a model of the following form:
Y = X*beta + error
error = U + W(t) + Z
where U is the random intercept (normally distributed), W(t) the stationary
Gaussian process and Z also a normally distributed (the residual) rv. Each of
these three random variables have a variance which
2006 Mar 19
tick mark intervals
Hi everyone!
This must be a common question but I have not found an answer to it in the
archives yet.
I am producing four plots with par(mfrow=c(2,2)). The x-axis is the same for
all of them but the y-axis is different.
What I would like to do is to have a different range of the y-axis and
different intervals between tick marks. BUT
I would like to have the same number of tick marks and I would
2011 Feb 24
how to plot equalprobable error ellipse?
hi,R users,
Now I have some scatter figures, is there some method can plot equalprobable
error ellipse ?
Email: totangjie@gmail.com
Tel: 0086-2154896104
Shanghai Typhoon Institute,China
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2005 Feb 07
MLE: Question
Hi R users!
I have a likelihood ratio statistic that depends on a parameter delta and I am
trying to get confidence intervals for this delta using the fact that the
likelihood ratio statistic is approx. chi-squared distributed.
For this I need to maximize the two likelihoods (for the ratio statistic) one of
which depends on delta too and I am trying to use the function "mle". But
2010 Aug 15
adding a built-in drop.levels option for subset() in 2.12 ?
With the approach of R 2.12.0:
with mild apologies for re-opening this perennial issue:
is there any hope, if appropriate patches are submitted, of adding a
drop.levels argument (with default equal to FALSE to preserve backward
compatibility/efficiency) to the subset function ... ?
If not, would a patch to the documentation and/or the R FAQ be accepted?
This does seem to be a continuing