Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "pcse package - clarifying question about arguments groupN and groupT"
2011 May 06
pcse package error message concerning nrows of using data
Dear R Community,
I am currently facing this seemingly obscure Problem with Panel
Corrected Standard Errors (PCSE) following Beck & Katz (1995). As the
authors suggest, I regressed a linear model (tmodel) with lm() with
option "na.action=na.exclude" (I have also tried other options here). My
dataframe is organized in pooled times series fashion, but with various
missing values
2010 Jun 18
pcse package - is it OK to use it when my regression is weighted by each subgroup's mean
Just would like to make sure I am not doing something wrong.
I am running an OLS regression. I have several subgroups in the data
set (locations) - and in each location I have weekly data for 2 years
- on my DV and on all predictors. Looks like this:
location week DV Predictor1 Predictor 2
location1 week1 xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
location1 week2 xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
2010 Oct 18
Question about lme (mixed effects regression)
If I run this example:
fm1 <- lme(distance ~ age+Sex, Orthodont, random = ~ age + Sex| Subject)
If I run:
then I can see the fixed effects for age and sex (17.7 for intercept,
0.66 for age, and -1.66 for SexFemale)
If I run:
Then it looks like it's producing the random effects for each subgroup
(in this example - each subject). For example,
2010 Mar 30
Code is too slow: mean-centering variables in a data frame by subgroup
Dear R-ers,
I have a large data frame (several thousands of rows and about 2.5
thousand columns). One variable ("group") is a grouping variable with
over 30 levels. And I have a lot of NAs.
For each variable, I need to divide each value by variable mean - by
subgroup. I have the code but it's way too slow - takes me about 1.5
Below is a data example and my code that is too
2011 Mar 30
summing values by week - based on daily dates - but with some dates missing
Dear everybody,
I have the following challenge. I have a data set with 2 subgroups,
dates (days), and corresponding values (see example code below).
Within each subgroup: I need to aggregate (sum) the values by week -
for weeks that start on a Monday (for example, 2008-12-29 was a
I find it difficult because I have missing dates in my data - so that
sometimes I don't even have the
2010 Mar 26
Competing with SPSS and SAS: improving code that loops through rows (data manipulation)
Dear R-ers,
In my question there are no statistics involved - it's all about data
manipulation in R.
I am trying to write a code that should replace what's currently being
done in SAS and SPSS. Or, at least, I am trying to show to my
colleagues R is not much worse than SAS/SPSS for the task at hand.
I've written a code that works but it's too slow. Probably because
2010 May 08
Increasing the font size on axes in trellis
the code below gives me the picture I need - but there is on small
thing I can't figure out.
The plot has very small tick mark labels for both axes. I don't mean
the axis labels - they are both good, but what is shown near the tick
Please help me figure out what parameter I should add to make those
larger. I tried sticking cex.lab=1.3 in different places but it didn't
2009 Sep 23
Function to check if a vector contains a given value?
Dear R'rs,
is there a function that checks if a given vector contains a certain value.
E.g., x<-c(1,2,3,4).
How can I get a TRUE or FALSE for whether x contains a 2?
Dimitri Liakhovitski
Dimitri.Liakhovitski at ninah.com
2010 Mar 18
R takes long time to open
Until today I've been using R2.9 and since today R2.10 (on a PC).
In both of them it takes about 20 sec for the prompt to appear IN R
console after I start R. And every time it says: "Previous saved work
space restored" - even if I have not saved any workspace or, in case
of R2.10 - even though I have not used it once.
In the older versions - R would start within 2-3 sec.
2011 Apr 04
merging 2 frames while keeping all the entries from the "reference" frame
I have my data frame "mydata" (below) and data frame "reference" -
that contains all the dates I would like to be present in the final
data frame.
I am trying to merge them so that the the result data frame contains
all 8 dates in both subgroups (i.e., Group1 should have 8 rows and
Group2 too). But when I merge it it's not coming out this way. Any
hint would be
2010 Mar 30
Efficiency question: replacing all NAs with a zero
Dear R'ers,
I have a very large data frame (over 4000 rows and 2,500 columns). My
task is very simple - I have to replace all NAs with a zero. My code
works fine on smaller data frames - but I have to deal with a huge one
and there are many NAs in each column.
R runs out of memory on me ("Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see
help(memory.size)"). Is there any other, more efficient
2010 Mar 09
looping through predictors
Dear R-ers,
I have a data frame data with predictors x1 through x5 and the
response variable y.
I am running a simple regression:
reg<-lm(y~x1, data=data)
I would like to loop through all predictors. Something like:
predictors<-c("x1","x2",... "x10)
for(i in predictors){
But it's not working. I am getting an error:
Error in
2009 Oct 13
replacing period with a space
Dear R-ers!
I have x as a variable in a data frame x.
I am sorry for such a simple question - but how can I replace all
periods in x$x with spaces?
sub('.', ' ', x$x) - removes all letters to the left of each period...
Thanks a lot for your advice!
Dimitri Liakhovitski
2010 Mar 25
Precision level
I am wondering at what point does R consider a numeric value to be
equal to zero - for statements of the type x==0 and x %in% 0.
Thank you very much!
Dimitri Liakhovitski
Dimitri.Liakhovitski at ninah.com
2010 May 05
What is the default nPerm for regression in randomForest?
Could not find it in ?randomForest.
Thank you for your help!
Dimitri Liakhovitski
Dimitri.Liakhovitski at ninah.com
2009 Sep 17
referring to a row number and to a row condition, and to columns simultaneously
Hello, dear R-ers!
I have a data frame:
When x$a==1, I would like to replace NAs in columns d and e with 8 and
9, respectively
When x$a != 1, I would like to replace NAs in columns d and e 101 and
1022, respectively.
However, I only want to do it for rows 2:5 - while ignoring what's
happening in
2010 May 05
Which column in randomForest importances (for regression) is MSE and which IncNodePurity
I've run the function randomForest with importance=T. All my variables
(predictors and the dependent variable) are numeric.
rf<-randomForest(formula, data=mydata, importance=T, etc.)
my results object "rf" contains predictor importances:
I am seeing two columns:
%IncMSE IncNodePurity
V1 -0.01683558 58.10910
V2 0.04000299 71.27579
V3 0.01974636
2010 Mar 04
Analogue to SPSS regression commands ENTER and REMOVE in R?
I am not sure if this question has been asked before - but is there a
procedure in R (in lm or glm?) that is equivalent to ENTER and REMOVE
regression commands in SPSS?
Thanks a lot!
Dimitri Liakhovitski
Dimitri.Liakhovitski at ninah.com
2009 Sep 22
any way to make it work faster (deleting rows that contain certain values)
Hello, dear R'ers,
In this case, dim(index) is 7,340,032 (!) and 11.
I realize it's huge.
Then, I am trying to get rid of the undesired combinations of columns.
They should not contain identical values in any 2 columns.
Also if column 1 has a value of 5, there should be no 2 in any other column,
if column 1 has a value
2009 Sep 23
R: Function to check if a vector contains a given value?
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: r-help-bounces at r-project.org
[mailto:r-help-bounces at r-project.org]Per conto di Dimitri Liakhovitski
Inviato: mercoled? 23 settembre 2009 17.38
A: R-Help List
Oggetto: [R] Function to check if a vector contains a given value?
Dear R'rs,
is there a function that checks if a given vector contains a certain value.