similar to: help with nnet

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "help with nnet"

2010 Oct 12
need help with nnet
HI, Dear R community, My data set has 2409 variables, the last one is response variable. I have used the nnet after feature selection and works. But this time, I am using nnet to fit a model without feature selection. I got the following error information: > dim(train) [1] 1827 2409<-nnet(as.factor(out) ~ ., data=train, size=3, rang=0.3, decay=5e-4, maxit=500) # model
2010 Jun 24
help in SVM
HI, GUYS, I used the following codes to run SVM and get prediction on new data set hh. dim(all_h) [1] 2034 24 dim(hh) # it contains all the variables besides the variables in all_h data set. [1] 640 415 require(e1071) svm.tune<-tune(svm, as.factor(out) ~ ., data=all_h, ranges=list(gamma=2^(-5:5), cost=2^(-5:5)))# find the best parameters. bestg<-svm.tune$best.parameters[[1]]
2010 May 05
probabilities in svm output in e1071 package<-svm(as.factor(out) ~ ., data=all_h, method="C-classification", kernel="radial", cost=bestc, gamma=bestg, cross=10) # model fitting svm.pred<-predict(, hh, decision.values = TRUE, probability = TRUE) # find the probability, but can not find. attr(svm.pred, "probabilities") > attr(svm.pred, "probabilities") 1 0 1 0 0 2 0
2010 Sep 07
change the for loops with lapply
cv.fold<-function(i, size=3, rang=0.3){ cat('Fold ', i, '\n') out.fold.c <-((i-1)*c.each.part +1):(i*c.each.part) out.fold.n <-((i-1)*n.each.part +1):(i*n.each.part) <-[-out.fold.c, c(2:2401, 2417)] train.nv <- n.nn[-out.fold.n, c(2:2401, 2417)] train.v<-rbind(, train.nv) #training data for feature
2003 Oct 15
nnet: Too many weights?
I am using library(nnet) to train up an ANN with what I believe is a moderately sized dataset, but R is complaining about too many weights: --- > nn.1 <- nnet(t(data), targets, size = 4, rang = 0.1, decay = 5e-4, maxit = 200) Error in nnet.default(t(data), targets, size = 4, rang = 0.1, decay = 5e-04, : Too many (1614) weights > dim(targets) [1] 146 2 > dim(data) ## Note
2004 Mar 30
classification with nnet: handling unequal class sizes
I hope this question is adequate for this list I use the nnet code from V&R p. 348: The very nice and general function CVnn2() to choose the number of hidden units and the amount of weight decay by an inner cross-validation- with a slight modification to use it for classification (see below). My data has 2 classes with unequal size: 45 observations for classI and 116 obs. for classII With
2004 Jun 14
CVnn2 + nnet question
Hi, I am trying to determine the number of units in the hidden layer and the decay rate using the CVnn2 script found in MASS directory (reference: pg 348,MASS-4). The model that I am using is in the form of Y ~ X1 + X2 + X3... + X11 and the underlying data is time-series in nature. I found the MASS and nnet package extremely useful (many thanks to the contributors). However I am getting
2007 Dec 14
train nnet
Hi R-helpers, Can some one tell me how to train 'mynn' of this type?: mynn <- nnet(y ~ x1 + ..+ x8, data = lgist, size = 2, rang = 0.1, decay = 5e-4, maxit = 200) I assume that this nn is untrained, and to train I have to split the original data into train:test data set, do leave-one-out refitting to refine the weights (please straighten this up if I was wrong). I just don't know
2009 Nov 02
modifying predict.nnet() to function with errorest()
Greetings, I am having trouble calculating artificial neural network misclassification errors using errorest() from the ipred package. I have had no problems estimating the values with randomForest() or svm(), but can't seem to get it to work with nnet(). I believe this is due to the output of the predict.nnet() function within cv.factor(). Below is a quick example of the problem I'm
2005 Jul 27
how to get actual value from predict in nnet?
Dear All, After followed the help of nnet, I could get the networks trained and, excitedly, get the prediction for other samples. It is a two classes data set, I used "N" and "P" to label the two. My question is, how do I get the predicted numerical value for each sample? Not just give me the label(either "N" or "P")? Thanks! FYI: The nnet example I
2009 May 29
final value of nnet with censored=TRUE for survival analysis
Hi there, I´ve a question concerning the nnet package in the area of survival analysis: what is the final value, which is computed to fit the model with the following nnet-c all: net <- nnet(cat~x, data=d, size=2, decay=0.1, censored=TRUE, maxit=20, Wts=rep(0,22), Hess=TRUE) where cat is a matrix with a row for each record and
2011 Jun 01
nnet inappropriate fit for class error
Hi, I am trying to run a nnet algorithm but when I try to use the predict function with type='class', it gives the following error: fit <- nnet(y~., size = 1, data = train.set, rang = 0.5, maxit=200, decay = 0) predict<-predict(fit,test.set,type='class') Error in predict.nnet(fit, test.set, type = "class") : inappropriate fit for class I couldn't figure
2007 Jul 15
NNET re-building the model
Hello, I've been working with "nnet" and now I'd like to use the weigths, from the fitted model, to iterpret some of variables impornatce. I used the following command: mts <- nnet(y=Y,x=X,size =4, rang = 0.1, decay = 5e-4, maxit = 5000,linout=TRUE) X is (m x n) Y is (m x 1) And then I get the coeficients by: Wts<-coef(mts) b->h1 i1->h1
2009 Feb 18
Training nnet in two ways, trying to understand the performance difference - with (i hope!) commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code
Dear all, Objective: I am trying to learn about neural networks. I want to see if i can train an artificial neural network model to discriminate between spam and nonspam emails. Problem: I created my own model (example 1 below) and got an error of about 7.7%. I created the same model using the Rattle package (example 2 below, based on rattles log script) and got a much better error of about
2003 Jul 16
Help on NNET
Hi, Dear all, I am just starting using R in my work and got some trouble to figure out some of the errors. Can anybody help me? The following is the script: read.csv('pupil.txt',header=TRUE,sep='\t')->pupil samp<-c(1:50, 112:162, 171:220, 228:278) pupil.nn2 <- nnet(Type ~ ., data = pupil, subset = samp, size = 2, rang = 0.1, decay = 5e-4, maxit = 200)
2006 Mar 10
need help in tune.nnet
Dear R people, I want to use the tune.nnet function of e1071 package to tune nnet . I am unable to understand the parameters of tune.nnet from the e1071 pdf document. I have performed nnet on a traindata and want to test it for class prediction with a testdata. I want to know the values of size,decay,range etc. parameters for which the prediction of testdata is best. Can anyone please tell me
2009 Jun 07
Inf in nnet final value for validation data
Hi, I use nnet for my classification problem and have a problem concerning the calculation of the final value for my validation data.(nnet only calculates the final value for the training data). I made my own final value formula (for the training data I get the same value as nnet): # prob-matrix pmatrix <- cat*fittedValues tmp <- rowSums(pmatrix) # -log likelihood
2009 Jul 24
nnet library and FANN package'm
Hello ! I'd like to know to which of the FANN package network corresponds the R nnet network ? In more details, what is the R nnet activation function, what is the training algorithm (rprop, quickprop, ...) ? Also, it seems that the R nnet "decay" parameter in nnet corresponds to the "learning_rate" parameter in FANN. Correct ? Many thanks in advance ! Luc Moulinier
2005 Oct 11
an error in my using of nnet
Hi, there: I am trying nnet as followed: > mg.nnet<-nnet(x=trn3[,r.v[1:100]], y=trn3[,209], size=5, decay = 5e-4, maxit = 200) # weights: 511 initial value 13822.108453 iter 10 value 7408.169201 iter 20 value 7362.201934 iter 30 value 7361.669408 iter 40 value 7361.294379 iter 50 value 7361.045190 final value 7361.038121 converged Error in y - tmp : non-numeric argument to binary operator
2010 Jun 17
help with neural network nnet package
HI, Dear R community, I am using the nnet to fit a neural network model to do classification on binary target variable (0, 1). I am using the following codes:<-nnet(as.factor(out) ~ ., data=train, size=5, rang=0.3, decay=5e-4, maxit=500) I want to know what is the activation function for the original inputs, is it sigmoid activation function? and what is the output activation