similar to: plotting radial dendrograms

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "plotting radial dendrograms"

2011 Mar 31
rank of Matrix
Dear list, Can anyone tell me how to obtain the rank of a sparse Matrix, for example from package Matrix (class dgCMatrix)? Here is an example of QR decomposition of a sparse matrix (from the sparseQR class help). library(Matrix) data(KNex) mm <- KNex$mm str(mmQR <- qr(mm)) Similarly, using the functions/classes from the relatively new MatrixModels package: library(MatrixModels)
2011 Feb 28
mixture models/latent class regression comparison
Dear list, I have been comparing the outputs of two packages for latent class regression, namely 'flexmix', and 'mmlcr'. What I have noticed is that the flexmix package appears to come up with a much better fit than the mmlcr package (based on logLik, AIC, BIC, and visual inspection). Has anyone else observed such behaviour? Has anyone else been successful in using the mmlcr
2011 Jul 12
Deviance of zeroinfl/hurdle models
Dear list, I'm wondering if anyone can help me calculate the deviance of either a zeroinfl or hurdle model from package pscl? Even if someone could point me to the correct formula for calculating the deviance, I could do the rest on my own. I am trying to calculate a pseudo-R-squared measure based on the R^{2}_{DEV} of [1], so I need to be able to calculate the deviance of the full and null
2010 Oct 04
spatial interaction (gravity) model as Poisson regression
Dear list, I posted essentially this same question to the r-sig-geo mailing list last week with no response :( Unfortunately I am no closer to reaching a solution, so I now post it here (with some clarifications) in the hope that someone following this list might have an answer for me: Has anyone had much experience with spatial interaction (or gravity) models, specifically in the form of
2011 Mar 27
model diagnostics for MatrixModels
Dear list, I have been working with the MatrixModels package quite a bit this week, and it is proving to be extremely valuable for my current work (I am working with several factors with many levels, leading to a sparse model matrix). However, as my knowledge of statistical theory leaves much to be desired, there are certain aspects of model evaluation etc that I am having trouble with. Has
2011 Feb 23
negative binomial latent class regression in package flexmix
Hello list, Has anyone had any luck creating an M-step driver for negative binomial regression for use with package flexmix? I've had a look here: as well as poking around in the flexmix source, but I haven't had much luck getting anything to work. I can't figure out how to a) come up with an initial estimate
2010 Dec 27
Any functions to manipulate (merge, cut, remove) hclust objects? (maybe through phylo?)
Hello all, I'm now working with hclust objects and was hoping to perform some basic editing on them like: - Joining = the merging of two hclust objects (so they will share one root) - Splicing = So to cut/extract a branch out of an hclust object - that by itself will be an hclust object. I noticed I could extract one element of an hclust object by turning it into a dendrogram,
2011 May 26
'constrained' negative.binomial model estimates
Hello list, I am not sure if the terminology that I am using here is widely used, however, I provide an example in the hopes that my problem will become clear. My basic problem is that I am unsure of how to 'constrain' my model estimates to reproduce the aggregate (by factor levels) observed dependent variable for a negative.binomial model. I realize this sounds rather vague, so I provide
2006 May 09
problem accessing trees after from ape package
Hello, I've been trying to figure out how to access the individual elements from an object of class phylo. I am reading in 201 trees created by paup as below. >"A_30knj_200t.txt", tree.names= NULL) -> anj30 > anj30[1] $tree1 $edge [,1] [,2] [1,] "-1" "-2" [2,] "-2" "-3" [3,] "-3" "1"
2013 Jan 18
Hclust tree to Figtree w/ branch lengths
Hi, I'm doing hierarchical clustering, and want to export my dendrogram to a tree-viewing/editing software. I can do this by converting the data to Newick format (hc2Newick in ctc package), but I can't get branch lengths to show in the resulting phylogram. I figured it might help to convert my hclust object into a phylo object (as.phylo in ape package), but the following lines give me
2010 Dec 09
convert non-ultrametric phylo to dendrogram
I am beginning to work with the 'ape' package in R, and have run into some trouble. I generated a UPGMA tree based on DNA sequence distance in Paup* and read it into R, where it became an object of class "phylo". However, I need it to be classified as a "dendrogram" for my purposes (to use it to order the layout of a heatmap). I get an error using as.hclust.phylo
2010 Apr 17
Interacting with dendrogram plots, locator() or click()
I would like to explore dendrogam plots interactively. For example, click on a node and return information about all of the children of that node. Is there a high level wrapper for locator() or click() that will return the nearest dendrogram node on a plot? If not, is there a way to obtain the [x,y] coordinates of all the nodes on a plot? Thanks, David David J. States, M.D., Ph.D. Professor
2013 Oct 07
Why read.table replacing space with "." in the header
Hi, Use `check.names=FALSE` head(dd,2) #? Phylo.Tree Genesis.Tree #1????????? 1??????????? 2 #2????????? 2??????????? 3 ?dd <- data.frame("Phylo Tree"= c(1:10), "Genesis Tree"= c(2:11),check.names=FALSE) head(dd,2) #? Phylo Tree Genesis Tree #1????????? 1??????????? 2 #2????????? 2??????????? 3 write.csv(dd,"Crish.csv",row.names=FALSE) ?yy<-
2008 Jun 02
Plotting horizontal dendrograms
I am using hclust and plot to produce dendrograms. Using my input data I am able to complete an analysis and obtain a vertical plot. I want to be able to plot the dendrogram horizontally.I am using version 2.6 of R and have updated my packages recently. Using the sample script for dendrograms I can produce a horizontal plot using the instruction horiz = TRUE in plot(). When I use the same
2005 Jul 11
indexing into and modifying dendrograms
I would like to be able to exert certain types of control over the plotting of dendrograms (representing hierarchical clusterings) that I think is best achieved by modifying the dendrogram object prior to plotting. I am using the "dendrogram" class and associated methods. Define the cluster number of each cluster formed as the corresponding row of the merge object. So, if you are
2003 Jun 25
Hello all, I am using libraries (mva,cluster) to produce dendrograms. With 1000 examples the dendrogram gets too crowded, and i am wondering whether there is an option (which i cannot find) to set the number of leaf nodes, like in matlab, and return the plot and the assignment map examples -> leaf nodes. Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks Edo
2007 Sep 17
side bars on dendrograms with latticeExtra
Dear all, I am using the heatmap representations of latticeExtra package and I would be interested to draw color side bars representing the groups of a factor of interest. From my understanding of : > help(dendrogramGrob) ... The 'add' argument can be used for additional annotation at the base of the dendrogram. It should be a list with one component for each row,
2005 Aug 22
problem building dendrograms to use with heatmap()
Hi, I'm trying to build dendrograms to pass to heatmap(). The dendrograms I build plot properly, but when I pass them to heatmap() I get the error message "row dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length" (see output log below). I looked in the code of heatmap() and saw that the error was due to a NULL return value from order.dendrogram(), which in turn got a NULL return value
2002 Mar 05
no labels when plotting dendrograms
I'd like to be able to cut dendrograms at a height I specify and then plot the resulting subtrees. I wanted to use the dendrogram object for this purpose because there doesn't seem to be a canned way to cut a hclust object and get a list of hclust objects, but there is a function (cut) that does that for dendrograms. The problem I'm having is that when I plot a dendrogram, I
2012 Oct 18
WGCNA: Combining block-wise dendrograms and modules into a single figure
Hello fellow R users, I am currently learning to use R, so please forgive me if there is an obvious explanation for the following problem. My goal is to perform WGCNA on a dataset of 19776 genes, so I opted to follow the block-wise network construction (Section 2c) in the WGCNA R Tutorial by Peter Langfelder and Steve Horvath. I ended up with 10 blocks and am able to plot the dendrograms and