similar to: Getting started

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Getting started"

2007 Aug 28
subcripts on data frames (PR#9885)
I'm not sure if this is a bug, or if I'm doing something wrong. =20 =46rom the worms dataframe, which is at in a file called worms.txt at =20 <>=20 =20 the idea is to extract a subset of the rows, sorted in declining order of worm density, with only the maximum
2012 Feb 03
ordering of factor levels in regression changes result
I was surprised to find that just changing the base level of a factor variable changed the number of significant coefficients in the solution. I was surprised at this and want to know how I should choose the order of the factors, if the order affects the result. Here is the small example. It is taken from 'The R Book', Crawley p. 365. The data is at
2007 Jul 05
data messed up by read.table ? (PR#9779)
Full_Name: Joerg Rauh Version: 2.5.0 OS: Windows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( Following Michael J. Crawley "Statistical Computing" on page 9 the worms.txt is required. After downloading it from the book's supporting website, which is I visually check the data against the book and they look identical. Then I do
2010 Dec 16
Code for The R Book
Hello Everyone,   Does anyone have the R code for this book? I contacted the author about this and was told that it used to be on the book's website, but that the publisher had asked that it be taken down. I'm hoping that someone will have downloaded the code when it was available, and that they will be willing to share it with me.   The book is almost 1,000 pages long and I'd like to
2011 Jun 01
different results from lme() and lmer()
Hello R-help, I'm studying an example in the R book.? The data file is available from the link below. Could you explain Why the results from lme() and lmer() are different in the following case? In other examples, I can get the same results using the two functions, but not here...? Thank you.Miya library(lme4)library(nlme)#
2003 Feb 13
fixed and random effects in lme
Hi All, I would like to ask a question on fixed and random effecti in lme. I am fiddlying around Mick Crawley dataset "rats" : The advantage is that most work is already done in Crawley's book (page 361 onwards) so I can check what I am doing. I am tryg to reproduce the nested analysis on page 368:
2006 Aug 30
lmer applied to a wellknown (?) example
Dear all, During my pre-R era I tried (yes, tried) to understand mixed models by working through the 'rat example' in Sokal and Rohlfs Biometry (2000) 3ed p 288-292. The same example was later used by Crawley (2002) in his Statistical Computing p 363-373 and I have seen the same data being used elsewhere in the litterature. Because this example is so thoroughly described, I thought
2002 Dec 02
Crawley's book on S-Plus and one strangeness
Hi, I have got to my hands an excellent book by Michael J. Crawley ``Statistical Computing: An Introduction to Data Analysis using S-Plus'' (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, ISBN 0-471-56040-5). Its beauty for me is in the fact, that it is more of ``An Introduction to Data Analysis'' than ``using S-Plus'', but I guess that it may be of interest for many others. Most of the
2006 Nov 23
nonlinear regression-getting the explained variation
Hi, I'm trying to teach myself R, and by the way, re-learning statistics using Crawley's "Statistics: an introduction using R". I've reached the regression chapter, and when it deals with non-linear regresion using the nls library I face the following problem: I follow the steps--- >deer<-read.table("c:\\temp\\jaws.txt",header=T) ---data available at
2008 Jun 11
model simplification using Crawley as a guide
Hello, I have consciously avoided using step() for model simplification in favour of manually updating the model by removing non-significant terms one at a time. I'm using The R Book by M.J. Crawley as a guide. It comes as no surprise that my analysis does proceed as smoothly as does Crawley's and being a beginner, I'm struggling with what to do next. I have a model: lm(y~A * B *
2009 Dec 05
Referencing variable names rather than column numbers
I apologize for how basic a question this is. I am a Stata user who has begun using R, and the syntax differences still trip me up. The most basic questions, involving as they do general terms, can be the hardest to find solutions for through search. Assume for the moment that I have a dataset that contains seven variables: Pollution, Temp, Industry, Population, Wind, Rain and Wet.days. (This
2008 Apr 04
lme4: How to specify nested factors, meaning of : and %in%
Hello list, I'm trying to figure out how exactly the specification of nested random effects works in the lmer function of lme4. To give a concrete example, consider the rat-liver dataset from the R book (rats.txt from: ). Crawley suggests to analyze this data in the following way: library(lme4) attach(rats) Treatment <-
2007 Feb 15
R book advice
I'm looking for a book for someone completely ignorant of statistics who wishes to learn both statistics and R. I've found three possibilities, one by Verzani ("Using R for Introductory Statistics"), one by Crawley ("Statistics: An Introduction using R"), and one by Dalgaard ("Introductory Statistics with R"). Do these books have different emphases,
2009 May 27
R Books listing on R-Project
I was wondering what the criteria were for including books on the Books Related to R page <>. (There is no maintainer listed on this page.) In particular, I was wondering why the following two books are not listed: * Andrew Gelman, Jennifer Hill, *Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models*. (CRAN package 'arm') *
2013 Jul 07
Hierarchical multi-level model with lmer: why are the highest-level random adjustments 0?
Hi all I have a hopefully not too stupid question about multi-level / mixed-effects modeling. I was trying to test a strategy from Crawley's 2013 R Book on a data set with the following structure: - dependent variable: CONSTRUCTION (a factor with 2 levels) - independent fixed effect: LENGTH (an integer in the interval [1, 61]) - random effects with the following hierarchical structure: MODE
2007 Jul 03
The R Book by M. J. Crawley
Hello all- I would appreciate any guidance that can be provided. I am new to R and am using it exclusively in a statistics program I am undertaking that mainly references Minitab. My focus is on data modeling and further more multivariate data analysis as much of my work in involves chemical measurements from custom sensors using all sorts of transduction methods. I am looking for a
2007 Oct 22
Bar plot with error bars
Apologies if this has been asked before. I am having trouble understanding the R mailing list never mind R! I am relatively new to R having migrated from Minitab and SPSS. I have managed to do some more complicated statistics such as hierarchical partitioning of variance on an 80,000 record dataset but have to admit that drawing a simple bar plot I could do by hand is proving extremely
2010 Apr 20
apropos and find
Hello, I'm starting working myself in the use of R, reading M. J. Crawley, The R Book. The problem I do encounter is concerning the commands apropos and find: > apropos(edit) Fehler: is.character(what) is not TRUE > find(edit) Fehler: is.character(what) is not TRUE I get the same error message typing anything else instead of "edit". The command ?edit seems to work well.
2011 Jan 24
Problem with factor analysis
Hi all, I am using the example on page 737 of "The R Book" by Michael J Crawley, to plot factor loadings against each other (in a multivariate analysis). However the following line code plot(loadings(model)[,1],loadings(model)[,2],pch=16,xlab="Factor 1", ylab="Factor 2") throws an error message "Error in plot.window(...) : need finite
2005 Jul 15
nlme and spatially correlated errors
Dear R users, I am using lme and nlme to account for spatially correlated errors as random effects. My basic question is about being able to correct F, p, R2 and parameters of models that do not take into account the nature of such errors using gls, glm or nlm and replace them for new F, p, R2 and parameters using lme and nlme as random effects. I am studying distribution patterns of 50 tree