similar to: Prediction in discriminant analysis

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Prediction in discriminant analysis"

2010 Jun 18
double integral
Sir, I want to calculate double integral in R. Is there any function to do this? Regards, Suman Dhara [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 May 31
getting the column name of a data frame
Sir, I want to store the column name of a data frame as a vector and use the vector to remove a column of the data frame ,if required. Thanks, Suman Dhara [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 06
fitting multinomial logistic regression
Sir, I want to fit a multinomial logistic regression in R.I think mlogit() is the function for doing this. mlogit () is in packege globaltest.But, I can not install this package. I use the following: install.packages("globaltest") Can you help me? Regards, Suman Dhara [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 04
parttioning a matrix corresponding to different levels of y
Sir, I have a problem regarding partitioning a matrix.I state my problem as follows: I have a y vector of length say 1000.Variable y has 4 levels say 0,1,2.Corresponding to each y(response), I have a x-vector(explanatory) as a row of X matrix.Now, I want to partition the X matrix into 3 submatrices say x1,x2,x3 corresponding to each level of y.Is there any function to do this in R or how can I
2010 Jun 10
To give column names of a data-frame
Sir, I want to export the results of R in a data frame. So I want to give rownames,columnnames & title to the data-frame.I have applied the following: data.frame(matrix(c(...),nrow=,ncol=),row.names=c("a","b"),col.names=c("c","d"),title="aaa") But, it does not work. Can you help me? Regards, Suman Dhara [[alternative HTML version
2010 Jun 16
generating samples from multivariate distributions
Sir, I want to draw random from any multivariate disrtibution. Is there any function in R to do this? Regards, Suman Dhara [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 17
simulating data from a multivariate dist
Sir, I am working on fitting distribution on multivariate financial data and then simulate observations from that fitted distribution. I use stepAIC.ghyp() function of 'ghyp' library which select the best fitted distribution from generalized hyperbolic distribution class on the given dataset. data(indices) # Multivariate case: <- stepAIC.ghyp(indices, dist =
2010 Jun 10
drawing curve
Sir, I have a problem regarding drawing curve.I pose the problem as follows: suppose I have two vectors: x<-c(1:6) y<-c(.01,.09,.08,.03,.001,.02) plot(x,y) It gives me the plotted points.But I want to draw a smooth curve passing througt these points. How can I do this? Thanks & Regards, Suman Dhara [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 25
installing multicore package
Sir, I want to apply mclapply() function for my analysis. So, I have to install multicore package. But I can not install the package. >install.packages("multicore") It gives that package multicore is not available. Can you help me? Regards, Suman Dhara [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Aug 15
Moving average in R
Hi, I want to fit moving average trend in R. In google, I see that it is in the package 'TTR'. But, I can't install this package. I have used the following code: >install.packages("TTR") But, it says there is no package called 'TTR'. Can you help me? Regards, Suman Dhara [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 May 31
Removing columns from data frame referenced by column index
Can you suggest me any way to remove a column of a data frame by the column number,not by the column name. Thanks, Suman Dhara [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 16
Exporting multiple plots
Sir, I want to export 10, say graphs using 'for' loop. What will be the command and format for exporting multiple plots. Regards, Suman Dhara [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 23
calculating using user provided function
Sir, I'm writing a program in R that requires the user to provide a funtion. On the basis of the user provided function the program will proceed further and give results. Is there any technique in R that allow a user to give his own function and on the basis of that function the program will work. Regards, Suman Dhara [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Mar 31
Can not get a prediction interval from Predict
I am trying to get a prediction interval from a glm regression. With newdat being my set of values to be fitted, and glmreg the name of my regression, I am using the following code. predict(glmreg, newdat, = TRUE, interval = "confidence", level = 0.90) The problem is that I am only getting the standard error and the fitted value, not a prediction interval. Any help would be
2009 Feb 08
glmmBUGS: logistic regression on proportional data
Hello, I am trying to run a logistic regression with random effects on proportional data in glmmBUGS. I am a newcomer to this package, and wondered if anyone could help me specify the model correctly. I am trying to specify the response variable, /yseed/, as # of successes out of total observations... but I suspect that given the error below, that is not correct. Also, Newsect should be a
2010 Sep 11
confidence bands for a quasipoisson glm
Dear all, I have a quasipoisson glm for which I need confidence bands in a graphic: gm6 <- glm(num_leaves ~ b_dist_min_new, family = quasipoisson, data = beva) summary(gm6) library('VIM') b_dist_min_new <- as.numeric(prepare(beva$dist_min, scaling="classical", transformation="logarithm")). My first steps for the solution are following: range(b_dist_min_new)
2008 Aug 20
Conversion - lowercase to Uppercase letters
I would like to know how to convert a string with characters to all uppercase or all lowercase? If anyone could let me know if there exists a function in R for the conversion, that will be very helpful. Regards, Suman [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jun 06
Sobel's test for mediation and lme4/nlme
Hello, Any advice or pointers for implementing Sobel's test for mediation in 2-level model setting? For fitting the hierarchical models, I am using "lme4" but could also revert to "nlme" since it is a relatively simple varying intercept model and they yield identical estimates. I apologize for this is an R question with an embedded statistical question. I noticed that a
2017 Aug 09
Plotting log transformed predicted values from lme
Hi, I am performing meta-regression using linear mixed-effect model with the lme() function that has two fixed effect variables;one as a log transformed variable (x) and one as factor (y) variable, and two nested random intercept terms. I want to save the predicted values from that model and show the log curve in a plot ; predicted~log(x) mod<-lme(B~log(x)+as.factor(y),
2009 Oct 19
Import SPSS file to R
Hello,   In R, How to read SPSS file and access the data item? Thank you. Regards, Suman Kundu [[alternative HTML version deleted]]