similar to: aregImpute (Hmisc package) : error in matxv(X, xcof)...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "aregImpute (Hmisc package) : error in matxv(X, xcof)..."

2010 May 05
R-help Digest, Vol 87, Issue 5
Unsubscribe -----Original Message----- From: r-help-request at Date: Wed, 05 May 2010 12:00:09 To: <r-help at> Subject: R-help Digest, Vol 87, Issue 5 Send R-help mailing list submissions to r-help at To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit or, via email, send a message with subject
2009 Apr 22
Multiple imputations : wicked dataset ? Wicked computers ? Am I cursed ? (or stupid ?)
Dear list, I'd like to use multiple imputations to try and save a somewhat badly mangled dataset (lousy data collection, worse than lousy monitoring, you know that drill... especially when I am consulted for the first time about one year *after* data collection). My dataset has 231 observations of 53 variables, of which only a very few has no missing data. Most variables have 5-10% of
2007 Feb 15
bootcov and cph error
Hi all, I am trying to get bootstrap resampled estimates of covariates in a Cox model using cph (Design library). Using the following I get the error: > ddist2.abr <- datadist(data2.abr) > options(datadist='ddist2.abr') > cph1.abr <- cph(Surv(strt3.abr,loc3.abr)~cov.a.abr+cov.b.abr, data=data2.abr, x=T, y=T) > boot.cph1 <- bootcov(cph1.abr, B=100, coef.reps=TRUE,
2004 Aug 14
Re: extracting datasets from aregImpute objects
From: <david_foreman at> Subject: [R] Re: extracting datasets from aregImpute objects To: <r-help at> Message-ID: <1092391719_117440 at drn10msi01> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I've tried doing this by specifying x=TRUE, which provides me with a single imputation, that has been useful. However, the help file
2005 Jul 20
aregImpute in Hmisc
Hi, I have a dataframe ds1.2 - 503 categorial variables and 1 continuous response variables. I ran aregImpute to deal with NA's and got the followig error: > fmla = terms( Response ~ . ,data=ds1.2) > ds.i = aregImpute(fmla,data=ds1.2) Error in matrix(as.double(1), nrow = n, ncol = p, dimnames = list(rnam, : length of dimnames [2] not equal to array extent Could you explain
2003 Apr 22
Hmisc's aregImpute segfaults R-1.7.0 under linux
Hello - When trying to use Hmisc library's aregImpute function on R 1.7.0, I got the following error -- shown here using the example code from the help page --- under both Linux and Mac OS X 10.2.5: set.seed(3) x1 <- factor(sample(c('a','b','c'),1000,T)) x2 <- (x1=='b') + 3*(x1=='c') + rnorm(1000,0,2) x3 <- rnorm(1000) y <- x2 +
2003 Jul 25
Difficulty replacing NAs using Hmisc aregImpute and Impute
Hello R experts I am using Hmisc aregImpute and Impute (following example on page 105 of The Hmisc and Design Libraries). *My end goal is to have NAs physically replaced in my dataframe. I have read the help pages and example in above sited pdf file, but to no avail. Here is example of what I did. Ph, my data frame, is attached. > xt <- aregImpute (~ q5 + q22rev02 + q28a, n.impute=10,
2005 Jul 09
aregImpute: beginner's question
Hello R-help, Thanks for everyone's very helpful suggestions so far. I am now trying to use aregImpute for my missing data imputation. Here are the code and error messages. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Sincerely, Anders Corr ######################################## #Question for R-Help on aregImpute ######################################## #DOWNLOAD DATA (61Kb)
2003 Jul 28
aregImpute: warning message re: acepack and mace
hi, i'm trying to learn how to use aregImpute by doing the examples provided with the package, and after installing (for Windows), and running the very first example on R 1.7.1, i get an error message warning me about "mace" (see below) and acepack. i found the acepack package, but its filename ends in tar.gz and i'm finding it difficult to open (because its
2004 Aug 13
Re: extracting datasets from aregImpute objects
I've tried doing this by specifying x=TRUE, which provides me with a single imputation, that has been useful. However, the help file possibly suggests that I should get a flat-file matrix of n.impute imputations, presumably with indexing. I'm a bit stuck using alternatives to aregImpute, as neither MICE nor Amelia seem to like my dataset, and Frank Harrell no longer recommends Transcan
2010 Jan 22
Optimizing C code
Hi the list, I need to write some efficient distances function, so I read the code for the Euclidean distance. I do not understand the purpose of the line 11 : if x[i] and y[i] are not NA (line 9), can dev be NA ? Christophe #define both_FINITE(a,b) (R_FINITE(a) && R_FINITE(b)) #define both_non_NA(a,b) (!ISNAN(a) && !ISNAN(b)) 1. static double R_euclidean2(double *x, double
2005 Jan 24
hist() and database
Hello, I'm a new R user and I'm having a little trouble getting started. I'm hoping someone can help me out. I read numbers (integer) from a SQL database. Some calculations as mean()are possible but hist() give an error. Here are the commands: library(RMySQL) Loading required package: DBI > con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("MySQL"), dbname = "test") >
2005 May 16
Hi, poids taille fumeur sexe sport etat 85 184 oui homme 1 malade 65 175 oui homme 1 malade 74 180 oui homme 2 gueri 79 175 oui homme 2 malade 71 165 non homme 3 gueri 80 185 non homme 3 gueri 75 180 non homme 4 malade 69 155 non homme 4 malade 74 168 oui
2006 Feb 21
I need your help
Hi, Dear R users I have problem with the following code. The matrix result must be a matrix (3x3). But I have obtained a matrix(3x1) and I don't know why. So, I need your help Best regards ##################################################################### taille <- function (delta, t, prob = 0.2) { niv.conf <- c(0.90, 0.95, 0.99) if(niv.conf <- 0.90) { t <- 1.645 }
2007 Apr 12
taille de caractère
en fait je vous renvoi ce message car maintenant la taille de la police change au bout de 500 lignes environ, alors que j''avais reussi à garder la taille jusqu''à environ 5000 lignes. Je ne comprend pas. Est-ce que c''est instable? le bout de code que vous m''avez envoyer ne marche pas. merci Sebastien _______________________________________________ wxruby-users
2009 Dec 12
grid et boxsizer
Bonjour. Une fois mon application ouverte, je voudrais savoir, si cela est possible, comment dimensionner automatiquement la totalité des colonnes du grid à la taille de mon boxsizer, quand je change la taille de mon application? (puique mon grid est inséré dans mon boxsizer). merci
2011 May 05
Draw a nomogram after glm
Hi all R users I did a logistic regression with my binary variable Y (0/1) and 2 explanatory variables. Now I try to draw my nomogram with predictive value. I visited the help of R but I have problem to understand well the example. When I use glm fonction, I have a problem, thus I use lrm. My code is: modele<-lrm(Y~L+P,data=donnee) fun<- function(x) plogis(x-modele$coef[1]+modele$coef[2])
2008 Nov 20
File size limit in 2Gb
Hi all, I mounted by smbmount a partition on a winNT machine without problem... but when i tried to copy a file whitch have size more than 2 Gb i have the following error : Overflow size allowed for a file (translated from french ;-) :D?bordement de la taille permise pour un fichier ) PS. the file system of the harde drive is NTFS PS. The command of smbmount : /usr/sbin/smbmount
2002 Dec 04
Interpreting canonical correlation (cancor) results
Hi, from what I understand about the canonical correlation function 'cancor', it looks for correlations in two sets of variables, each represented in matrix form. Right? Sounds exactly like what I need. I have tried the following but I am not sure how to interpret the results. AudioPCs <- c(ArTHarF0PCA$x[,2], ArTHarF1PCA$x[,2], ArTHarF2PCA$x[,2], ArTHarF3PCA$x[,2],
2012 Jan 19
[LLVMdev] What happened to "malloc" in LLVM 3.0 IR?
Hello folks, I have a compiler written with LLVM 2.6 by a student that produces .ll files, It behaved fine at the time. Trying to take the work over using version 3.0, I run into the problem that "malloc" in the IR is no longer valid: semac1 menu > llvm-as Carre.ll llvm-as: Carre.ll:68:14: error: expected instruction opcode %_malloc = malloc i8, i32 %2 ;