similar to: Natural cubic splines produced by smooth.Pspline and predict function in the package "pspline"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Natural cubic splines produced by smooth.Pspline and predict function in the package "pspline""

2002 Nov 25
Pspline smoothing
Dear all, I'm trying to use the Pspline add-on package to fit a quintic spline (norder =3), but I keep running into a Singularity error. > traj.spl <- smooth.Pspline(time, x, norder=3 ) Error in smooth.Pspline(time, x, norder = 3) : Singularity error in solving equations > Playing around with the other parameters produces an "unused arguments" error: > traj.spl
2003 Apr 01
predict in Pspline package (PR#2714)
To whom it may concern, I don't know whether this is really a bug with the Pspline package or only a problem with my installation. Things work fine in Linux but not in Mac OS X (Darwin). Both system run the latest public versions of R and Pspline. predict.smooth.Pspline produces only NaN instead of predicted values when norder>2: > library (Pspline) > tt <- seq
2013 Feb 28
predict.smooth.Pspline function not found
I have a simple question that irritatingly I haven't been able to figure out on my own. It seems that some functions from the "Pspline" package are successfully installed while others are not. The code with which I'm working is more complicated, but the following highlights my problem. If I run the following code > tt <- seq (0,1,length=20) > xt <- tt^3 > fit
2011 May 29
Fitting spline using Pspline
Hey all, I seem to be having trouble fitting a spline to a large set of data using PSpline. It seems to work fine for a data set of size n=4476, but not for anything larger (say, n=4477). For example: THIS WORKS: ----------------------------- random = array(0,c(4476,2)) random[,1] = runif(4476,0,1) random[,2] = runif(4476,0,1) random = random[order(random[,1]),] plot(random[,1],random[,2])
2011 May 04
natural cubic splines
Dear R-helpers, I need to fit natural cubic spline with specified number of knots. I expected 'splines' package will be helpful, but I am confused by its help. Is more detailed documentation available for it or could you recommend another R function? Best regards Ondrej Mikula
2011 Nov 22
plotting output from LME with natural cubic spline
I have used LME to fit a mixed effects model on my data. The data has 274 subjects with 1 to 6 observations per subject. Time is not linearly associated with the outcome, so I used ns to fit a natural cubic spline with 3 auto knots. Subject and the natural cubic time of spline are both treated as random effects. This model has run without any problem, but now I would like to plot trajectories for
2013 Nov 01
Impose constraint on first order derivative at a point for cubic smoothing spline
Hello,        Dr. Simon Wood told me how to force a cubic spline passing through a point. The code is as following. Anyone  who knows how I can change the code to force the first derivative to be certain value. For example, the first derivative of the constrained cubic spline equals 2 at point (0, 0.6).        I really appreciate your help!        Thanks!                 Best             Victor   
2007 Dec 07
Make natural splines constant outside boundary
Hi, I'm using natural cubic splines from splines::ns() in survival regression (regressing inter-arrival times of patients to a queue on queue size). The queue size fluctuates between 3600 and 3900. I would like to be able to run predict.survreg() for sizes <3600 and >3900 by assuming that the rate for <3600 is the same as for 3600 and that for >4000 it's the same as for
2001 Dec 05
Questions about piecewise spline fitting
Hi All, I want to fit a piecewise spline of degree 1, i.e. a spline consisting of a straight line over each piece. I downloaded the R package pspline, then I have following questions: 1. in the program, the degree of the spline is specified by 2*norder-1. Why do they adopt such scheme that we can only fit a spline with odd degree? 2. norder cannot be set to 1. Is there any specific reason
2010 Nov 17
where are my pspline knots?
Hi All, I am trying to figure out how to get the position of the knots in a pspline used in a cox model. my.model = coxph(Surv(agein, ageout, status) ~ pspline(x), mydata) # x being continuous How do I find out where the knot of the spline are? I would like to know to figure out how many cases are there between each knot. Best, Federico -- Federico C. F. Calboli Department of Epidemiology
2009 Mar 31
How to generate natural cubic spline in R?
Suppose I have two var x and y,now I want to fits a natural cubic spline in x to y,at the same time create new var containing the smoothed values of y. How can I get it?
2009 Sep 24
basic cubic spline smoothing
Hello, I come from a non statistics background, but R is available to me, and I needed to test an implementation of smoothing spline that I have written in c++, so I would like to match the results with R (for my unit tests) I am following SPLINES.PDF where we have a list of points (xi, yi), the yi points are random such that: y_i = f(x_i) +
2009 Sep 24
basic cubic spline smoothing (resending because not sure about pending)
Hello, I come from a non statistics background, but R is available to me, and I needed to test an implementation of smoothing spline that I have written in c++, so I would like to match the results with R (for my unit tests). I am following Smoothing Splines, D.G. Pollock (available online) where we have a list of points (xi, yi), the yi points are random such that: y_i = f(x_i) + e_i
2013 Mar 11
Use pcls in "mgcv" package to achieve constrained cubic spline
Hello everyone,          Dr. wood told me that I can adapting his example to force cubic spline to pass through certain point.          I still have no idea how to achieve this. Suppose we want to force the cubic spline to pass (1,1), how can I achieve this by adapting the following code? # Penalized example: monotonic penalized regression spline ..... # Generate data from a monotonic truth.
2010 May 24
finding the best cubic spline fitting
Hi, I am trying to fit cubic spline to a data on mortality rate by age and year (1900-2008). The data is noisy and hence I would like to smooth using spline and also extrapolate beyond 2008. Data from 1900 to 1948 are very unreliable while data from 1948 to 2008 are reliable. I would like to have a higher weight for data between 1948 to 2008. I am not sure how to do this. When I smooth data from
2011 Aug 16
Cubic splines in package "mgcv"
re: Cubic splines in package "mgcv" I don't have access to Gu (2002) but clearly the function R(x,z) defined on p126 of Simon Wood's book is piecewise quartic, not piecewise cubic. Like Kunio Takezawa (below) I was puzzled by the word "cubic" on p126. As Simon Wood writes, this basis is not actually used by mgcv when specifying bs="cr". Maybe the point is
2010 Apr 09
How to get the penalty matrix for natural cubic spline?
Hi, all I am trying to get the basis matrix and penalty matrix for natural cubic splines. In the "splines" package of R,"ns" can generate the B-spline basis matrix for a natural cubic spline. How can I get the basis matrix and penalty matrix for natural cubic spline. Thanks a lot! Lee [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Mar 06
Constrained cubic smoothing spline
Hello everone,            Anyone who knows how to force a cubic smoothing spline to pass through a particular point?            I found on website  someone said that we can use "cobs package" to force the spline pass through certain points or impose shape           constraints (increasing, decreasing). However,  this package is using  B-spline and can only do linear and quadratic
2003 Feb 28
How do I find the first derivative from the cubic natural spline
Hi, Everyboday, Does anybody know how to get the first derivative form the cubic natural spline matrix? Thanks !!! Jassy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nuoo-Ting (Jassy) Molitor, MS, Junior Statistician Division of Biostatistics Department of Preventive Medicine University of Southern California Tel: (323) 442-2584 1540 Alcazar St., CHP-210F Fax:
2008 Nov 06
Inference and confidence interval for a restricted cubic spline function in a hurdle model
Dear list, I'm currently analyzing some count data using a hurdle model. I've used the rcspline.eval function in the Hmisc-library to contruct the spline terms for the regression model, and what I want in the end is the ability to compute coefficients and confidence intervals for different changes in the smooth function as well as plotting the smooth function along with the