similar to: Fishy error with NAMESPACE when checking package

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Fishy error with NAMESPACE when checking package"

2008 Jul 29
FW: Installing BRugs
A funny thing happened when I wanted a student of mine to install Brugs. Using the InstallPackages in the windows version, firts gives an erro, but trying again works flawlessly. R version is 2.7.0 on WinXP. Any explanation? Bendix Carstensen ______________________________________________ Bendix Carstensen Senior Statistician Steno Diabetes Center Niels Steensens Vej 2-4 DK-2820 Gentofte
2009 Apr 27
The .tex version of the manual in foo.Rcheck
In version 2.8.1, running Rcmd check on the package foo would leave the file foo-manual.tex in the folder foo.Rcheck. But as of 2.9.0 only foo-manual.pdf and foo-manual.log are there. Is this intentional? Anyway it is inconvenient, because I would occasionally like to include the manual at the end of a set of exercises, and this was a convenient file to \input with a few select %'s added.
2008 Nov 24
FW: read.ssd
Did not seem to reach Saikat DebRoy, this might be the forum. Bendix -----Original Message----- From: BXC (Bendix Carstensen) Sent: 24. november 2008 15:00 To: 'saikat at'; 'stvjc at' Subject: read.ssd It's always annoyed me that that read.ssd crashed on datasets with long variable names, but the other day a collegue of mine pointed out to
2004 Nov 03
Building a package under WIN2000 / rw2.0
I have an odd problem in building a package with only R-code in it. I have a package mainly used by myself which I last build under R 1.9.0. The operation system is Win2000 5.00.2195, Service Pack 3 When I do: c:\stat\r\rw2000\bin\Rcmd install --docs=normal --build --library=c:\stat\R\bxc\library c:\stat\R\bxc\library.sources\xx then after updating help pages I get: preparing package xx for
2004 Nov 03
Building a package under WIN2000 / rw2.0
I have an odd problem in building a package with only R-code in it. I have a package mainly used by myself which I last build under R 1.9.0. The operation system is Win2000 5.00.2195, Service Pack 3 When I do: c:\stat\r\rw2000\bin\Rcmd install --docs=normal --build --library=c:\stat\R\bxc\library c:\stat\R\bxc\library.sources\xx then after updating help pages I get: preparing package xx for
2004 May 24
Month names
This is how I get the month names from within R: > mon <- rep(strptime("01/01/1952", format = "%d/%m/%Y"), 12) > mon$mon <- mon$mon + 0:11 > mnam <- months(mon, abbreviate = F) > mnam [1] "januar" "februar" "marts" "april" "maj" "juni" "juli" "august"
2007 Jun 11
I was a bit puzzed by: > formatC(6.65,format="f",digits=1) [1] "6.6" So I experimented and found: > formatC(6.6500000000000001,format="f",digits=1) [1] "6.6" > formatC(6.650000000000001,format="f",digits=1) [1] "6.7" > round(6.6500000000000001,1) [1] 6.7 > round(6.650000000000001,1) [1] 6.7 > version
2011 Jul 16
Sweave in 2.13.1
I run Windows XP. and in a command window I get: > c:\stat\r\R-2.13.1\bin\i386\Rcmd Sweave Lexis.rnw Error in length(arg) : 'arg' is missing Calls: <Anonymous> Execution halted AND: > c:\stat\r\R-2.13.1\bin\i386\Rcmd Sweave --help Error in length(arg) : 'arg' is missing Calls: <Anonymous> Execution halted BUT: > c:\stat\r\R-2.13.0\bin\i386\Rcmd Sweave
2008 May 18
Figure environment and includegraphics options from Sweave
Tha handy thinb about the fig=TRUE option in Sweave is that you do not have to bother about filenames and starting and stpping the device. I want the the resulting LaTeX to look as: \begin{Schunk} \begin{Sinput} > x <- seq(-2 * pi, 2 * pi, 0.1) > plot(x, cos(x), type = "l", lwd = 4) \end{Sinput} \end{Schunk} \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{xx-001}
2005 Feb 17
How to get interction terms first in a model
Consider the following two specifications of a model: library( splines ) x <- 1:100 y <- rnorm( 100 ) w <- rep( 1, 100 ) A <- factor( sample( 1:2, 100, replace=T ) ) B <- factor( sample( letters[1:4], 100, replace=T ) ) summary( lm( y ~ ns( x, knots=c(30, 50, 70 ), intercept=T ):A - 1 + B ) ) summary( lm( y ~ ns( x, knots=c(30, 50, 70 ), intercept=T ):A - 1 + B:w ) ) The
2005 May 21
print format for difftime
Has anyone written a function that will print a difftime in the form: hh:mm:ss or yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss depending on the actual size. (sloppy notation for months/minutes, but surely you get the point). Bendix ---------------------- Bendix Carstensen Senior Statistician Steno Diabetes Center Niels Steensens Vej 2 DK-2820 Gentofte Denmark tel: +45 44 43 87 38 mob: +45 30 75 87 38 fax: +45 44 43 07
2007 May 11
Compilation of source package.
I have a samll package that works well and complies nicly on WinXP, using R-2.4.1 Now I want to add a document so i make a folder inst\doc and put the .tex and .pdf in there. But the complation then crashes. Is this because the installin expects some file to be present in inst if an inst folder is there? This is how the thing progress is on my command promp:
2012 Feb 20
Computing plot size in Sweave
Sometimes you want to compute the physical size of a plot based on data. In R itself this is no problem. But is there a way to compute the values of height and width in S-weave, say: <<graph,fig=TRUE,height=xx,width=yy>>= where xx and yy are computed and not physically written in the document? Bendix ______________________________________________ Bendix Carstensen Senior
2004 Sep 27
Funny behaviour of coef() and vcov() if X is singular
coef() and vcov() have different dimensions if a model contains alised parameters as the following example illustrates. A search on "alised" gave noting as far as I could see. Is this a known bug? Bendix C ---------------------- Bendix Carstensen Senior Statistician Steno Diabetes Center Niels Steensens Vej 2 DK-2820 Gentofte Denmark tel: +45 44 43 87 38 mob: +45 30 75 87 38 fax: +45
2004 Mar 02
Margins on tables
It has long been a nuisance to me not being able to form margins on multiway tables in a simple fashion, so i wrote margins(). In my opinion it should go into the base package. The code and the documentation is in: Please help yourself, and enhance and rename as you see fit. Bendix ---------------------- Bendix Carstensen Senior Statistician Steno
2004 Apr 15
pretty for a log-axis
Is there a function that does the same as pretty but on a log-scale? Suppose you have x <- exp( runif( 100, 0, 6 ) ) (which will between 1 and 403), then I would like to have a result like: log.pretty( x ) [1] 1 5 10 50 100 500 Bendix C. ---------------------- Bendix Carstensen Senior Statistician Steno Diabetes Center Niels Steensens Vej 2 DK-2820 Gentofte Denmark tel: +45 44 43 87 38
2006 Jun 29
zero.print in print.table after adding margins
The function addmargins() adds margins to a table, but returns a matrix. But even after converted to a table the"." option of print.table() does not work: > x <- sample( 1:7, 20, replace=T ) > y <- sample( 1:7, 20, replace=T ) > tt <- table( x, y ) > tx <- as.table( addmargins( table( x, y ) ) ) > print( tt, zero.print="." ) y x 1 2
2006 Jun 29
zero.print in print.table after adding margins
The function addmargins() adds margins to a table, but returns a matrix. But even after converted to a table the"." option of print.table() does not work: > x <- sample( 1:7, 20, replace=T ) > y <- sample( 1:7, 20, replace=T ) > tt <- table( x, y ) > tx <- as.table( addmargins( table( x, y ) ) ) > print( tt, zero.print="." ) y x 1 2
2007 Jan 02
How to extract the variance componets from lme
Here is a piece of code fitting a model to a (part) of a dataset, just for illustration. I can extract the random interaction and the residual variance in group meth==1 using VarCorr, but how do I get the other residual variance? Is there any way to get the other variances in numerical form directly - it seems a litte contraintuitive to use "as.numeric" when extracting estimates,
2004 Apr 06
1 ..., type="terms" )
When I do: > apc <- glm( D ~ ns( Ax, knots=seq(50,80,10), Bo=c(40,90) ) + + ns( Cx, knots=seq(1880,1940,20), Bo=c(1840,1960) ) + + ns( Px, knots=seq(1960,1980,10), Bo=c(1940,2000) ) + + offset( log( Y ) ), + family=poisson ) > pterm <- predict( apc, type="terms" ) > plink <- predict( apc,