Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "grofit"
2010 Mar 22
estimation of parameters with grofit
I'm trying to understand grofit's estimation of models, and fairly new to
growth models generally. The data used by grofit consists of the vector of
"experiments", that is the growth values for a vector of individuals
measured at different times. Can I understand correctly that the program
estimates parameters for the growth model based on a regression(linear or
2011 Jul 20
Is it possible to use grofit to get the AIC of several (e.g. two) growth
models and compare both these and model parameters? All I can get it to do
so far is return parameters for a single model.
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2011 Jan 22
grofit package
Dear All,
I want to use grofit package for biological growth curves. My dataset only includes "age" variable and "size" variable. I want to use logistic, gompertz and richards growth curves to predict age from size. How can I implement this data set to the function in grofit package?
Best regards,
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2004 Jun 18
I'm writing about msm. It may be that consistent users of Markov models have a good idea as to what constitutes workable data for a model. I think of general rules, in basic statistical studies where n is limited to exclude fairly precise figures in the lower range.
On the other hand Markov models don't seem to be often enough used for parameters to be as well laid out.
I also
2008 Nov 11
R: R: Hidden Markov Models
Thank you for your prompt answer.
The breathing signal observations are the amplitude values as a function of time and phase.
According to our model the hidden states are the different breathing types.
Subjects, whose respiratiion process is regular, are likely to breathe, keeping the same cycle pattern/type,
for many consecutive cycles. therefore dwelling in the same hidden state.
The more
2011 Mar 26
grofit package
Does anyone know if it is possible to get the length of the log phase (the
main growth phase) from a grofit logistic model?
I can get the lag phase length, maximum growth and max rate of growth, but I
also want to know the length of the log phase (ie, for how long do the
bacteria grow exponentially?)
Thank you for any help in advance
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2004 Jun 07
msm capabilities
I'm wondering if anyone has used the msm package to compute the steady
state probabilities for a Markov model?
2006 Mar 22
R package for computing state path using Viterbi algorithm
Dear list,
This question is about Hidden Markov Model. Given a transition
matrix, an emission matrix and a sequence of observed symbols
(actually, nucleotide sequences, A, T, C and G), I hope to predict the
sequence of state by Viterbi algorithm. I searched R repository for
related packages. msm package has function viterbi.msm (as well as
very good document), but it only works for
2006 Sep 27
MSM modeling and transition rates in R
I'm using MSM (mutli-state markov modeling) package to study the
progression of fibrosis in U.S hepatitis C population. I find this is a
very fascinating tool for an applied researcher like myself.
I have a four stage progression only model without any absorbing stage,
also assuming no misclassification error in the data for the time being.
I also have a couple covariates in the
2008 Nov 09
choice of an HMM package
We are trying to build a human respiration model.
Preliminary analysis of some breathing signals has shown that humans breathe
through switching among
a finite number of patterns.
Hidden Markov seems to be the right approach. Since most of our code is
written in R scripting language, finding an R package implementing an HMM
that we can use for our prototype would be very helpful.
I have been
2005 Sep 26
hidden markov models
Dear R community,
I am looking for an R package or other software to study hidden
Markov models. I need to be able to incorporate multivariate
emissions and covariates for the transition probabilities. The msm
package seems almost perfect for my purpose, but I do not think it
allows multivariate emissions.
I will be grateful for your suggestions.
All the best,
Emilio A. Laca
2011 Apr 04
Deriving formula with deriv
Dear list,
I am trying to get the second derivative of a logistic formula, in R summary
the model is given as :
>Nonlinear regression model
>model: data ~ logistic(time, A, mu, lambda, addpar)
>data: parent.frame()
> A mu lambda
>0.53243 0.03741 6.94296
but I know the formula used is
2006 Jan 28
Complex Matrix Exponentials.
I was curious if there was a complex valued matrix exponential function
available for R? I have some Laplace transforms of occupation times
for a hidden Markov model. The matrix exponential function in the msm
package does not seem to handle complex values. For example
> MatrixExp(diag(1i,2))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 0
[2,] 0 1
Warning message:
imaginary parts
2006 Jan 22
Making a markov transition matrix
I am holding a dataset where firms are observed for a fixed (and
small) set of years. The data is in "long" format - one record for one
firm for one point in time. A state variable is observed (a factor).
I wish to make a markov transition matrix about the time-series
evolution of that state variable. The code below does this. But it's
hardcoded to the specific years that I
2018 May 24
[PATCH] gpu: Consistently use octal not symbolic permissions
There is currently a mixture of octal and symbolic permissions uses
in files in drivers/gpu/drm and one file in drivers/gpu.
There are ~270 existing octal uses and ~115 S_<FOO> uses.
Convert all the S_<FOO> symbolic permissions to their octal equivalents
as using octal and not symbolic permissions is preferred by many as more
see: https://lkml.org/lkml/2016/8/2/1945
2011 Oct 26
FOR loop with statistical analysis for microarray data
hi all
i started recently using R and i found myself stuck when i try to
analyze microarray data.
i use the "affy" package to obtain the intensities of the probes, i
have two CTRs and two treated.
HG.U133A.Experiment1.CEL HG.U133A.Experiment2.CEL
HG.U133A_Control1.CEL HG.U133A_Control2.CEL
1007_s_at 2156.23115 467.75615
364.60615 362.11865
2003 Jul 26
A model for disease progression
I would be grateful for advice about the following problem. It's not
directly R-related, but I'm hoping that R will help me analyse the
following data.
I have a table which indicates the progression of a certain age-related
disease. At a certain point in time, a population was sampled; and I have
measurements for the age of each individual, and their disease stage.
(Disease stage is an
2010 Dec 24
dynamic model strategy
I'm hoping someone may know the most likely R package for a multivariate population model for comparing groups? That is, I'd like to estimate a (stochastic) model for one batch of experiments against a different batch growing under different conditions. I'm a bit familiar with grofit, but also reading about dse and dlm.
Following Bolker's Ch. 11 it seems there are many paths
2011 Mar 24
Longitudinal categorical response data
Dear List,
I have some longitudinal data, each patient was followed at times 0, 12, 16, 24 weeks and measure severity of a illness (0-worse, 1-same, 2-better). So, longitudinal response is categorical. I was wondering whether lmer in R can fit a model for this type of data. If so, how we code? Or any other function in R that can fit this type of longitudinal data? Any suggestion would be
2008 Nov 11
I am reading the comprehensive on-line documentation about msm.
The positive side is that it seems it has been designed for biomedical
like Clinical Trials.
The bad side is that it does not seem to model observations sequences that
are not
independent but instead are autocorrelated, as it is my case. I did not find
any mention to
correlated observations therefore I assume the authors