similar to: I can´t run the example shown in the inline package

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches similar to: "I can´t run the example shown in the inline package"

2004 Feb 03
Error in f(x, ...) : subscript out of bounds
R-Listers: I am doing a quasi-maximum likelihood estimation and I get a "subscript out of bound" error message, Typically I would think this means that a subscript used in the function is literally out of bounds however I don't think this is the case. All I change in the code is a constant, that is hard-wired in (not data dependent and not parameter dependent), furthermore,
2006 Jul 25
Hi, I was very much hoping someone could help me with the following. I am trying to convert some SAS NLMIXED code to NLME in R (v.2.1), but I get an error message. Does anyone have any suggestions? I think my error is with the random effect "u" which seems to be parametrized differently in the SAS code. In case it's helpful, what I am essentially trying to do is estimate parameters
2005 Mar 09
Trouble with mixreg
Dear All I am trying to estimate a mixture of regression and get the following error using the mixreg package: Error in y - yhat : non-conformable arrays The instruction I used were: x <- as.matrix(LRHUN) y <- as.matrix(LRINTER) TS <- list(list(beta=c(3.0,1.0),sigsq=1,lambda=0.4), list(beta=c(0.0,1.0),sigsq=1,lambda=0.6)) prova <- mixreg(x,y, ncomp=2, theta.start=TS)
1999 Sep 16
MS executables for my libraries
An executable version 0.6 of my libraries is now available at This works with MS R0.64.2 and appears possibly to work with R65.0. There is a serious problem with the Fortran compiler as some of the examples for elliptic and carma crash it. These same examples do not crash R63.0 with the library executables of Jan 99. I am releasing this anyway because of the
2017 Nov 24
Using bartMachine with the caret package
Dave Langer in this video uses the titanic data as an example of using caret to create xgbTree models. The caret train() function has a tuneGrid parameter which takes a list set up like so: tune.grid <- expand.grid(eta = c(0.05, 0.075, 0.1), nrounds = c(50, 75, 100), max_depth = 6:8,
2007 Feb 22
Error in solve.default
I am trying to run the following function (a hierarchical bayes linear model) and receive the error in solve.default. The function was originally written for an older version of SPlus. Can anyone give me some insights into where the problem is? Thanks R 2.4.1 on MAC OSX 2mb ram Mark Grant markg at > attach(Aspirin.frame) > hblm(Diff ~ 1, s = SE) Error in solve.default(R, rinv)
2008 Apr 07
Translating NLMIXED in nlme
Dear All, reading an article by Rodolphe Thiebaut and Helene Jacqmin-Gadda ("Mixed models for longitudinal left-censored repeated measures") I have found this program in SAS proc nlmixed data=TEST QTOL=1E-6; parms sigsq1=0.44 ro=0.09 sigsq2=0.07 sigsqe=0.18 alpha=3.08 beta=0.43; bounds $B!](B1< ro < 1, sigsq1 sigsq2 sigsqe >= 0; pi=2*arsin(1); mu=alpha+beta*TIME+a i+b i*TIME;