Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "RWeka - Error when attempting to summary() model"
2010 Aug 10
Why use numFold in evaluate_Weka_classifier of RWeka
Hi everyone,
I have a question about using RWeka package?
we know that instruction make_Weka_classifier that can help
us to build a model,and evaluate_Weka_classifier instruction
can help us to evaluate the performance of the model using on new data.
But I have a question about how to using the parameter numFold in
evaluate_Weka_classifier.Cross-validation means that using some parts
2007 Aug 01
RWeka cross-validation and Weka_control Parametrization
I have two questions concerning the RWeka package:
1.) First question:
How can one perform a cross validation, -say 10fold- for a given data set and given model ?
2.) Second question
What is the correct syntax for the parametrization of e.g. Kernel classifiers interface
m1 <- SMO(Species ~ ., data = iris, control =
2010 Oct 19
RWeka - Error in model.frame.default - evaluate_Weka_classifier
First of all, I'm a complete rookie to R (~2 weeks). But anyway, I'm
trying to use the RWeka interface for C4.5 (J48) classification.
As a proof of concept I'm using the Iris data set to create a training
set of 30 instances (10 per species) and use the remaining 120
instances as my test set.
This is what I do:
trainingIndices <- rep(1:10, 3) + rep(0:2, each=10) * 50
2007 Jul 11
RWeka control parameters classifiers interface
I have some trouble in achieving the desired parametrisation
for the weka classifier functions, using the package RWeka.
The problem is, that the functions
result=classifier(formula, data, subset, na.action, control = Weka_control(mycontrol))
do not seem to be manipulated by the mycontrol- arguments
Perhaps this should be resepected via the handlers- argument ,
but the
2012 Feb 09
Tr: Re: how to pass weka classifier options with a meta classifier in RWeka?
Le jeudi 09 f?vrier 2012 ? 15:31 +0200, Kari Ruohonen a ?crit :
> Hi,
> I am trying to replicate a training of AttributeSelectedClassifier with
> CFsSubsetEval, BestFirst and NaiveBayes that I have initially done with
> Weka. Now, I am trying to use RWeka in R.
> I have a problem of passing arguments to the CfsSubsetEval, BestFirst
> and NaiveBayes. I have first created an
2009 Jun 04
About classifier in RWeka
Hi everyone,
I have trouble to use RWeka, I tried: (w=weather dataset, all
preditors are nominal)
> m<-J48(play~., data=w)
> e<-evaluate_Weka_classifier(m,cost = matrix(c(0,2,1,0),
+ ncol = 2),numFolds = 10, complexity = TRUE,seed = 123,
+ class = TRUE)
it gives me exactly what I want, but when I tried the same classifier
on the other published data: (iris dataset has all numeric
2010 Feb 10
Novel (Maybe?) Visualizations
I'm interested in using R's plotting capabilities to try to generate a graph showing the relationship/pairing frequency of words appearing in a block of unstructured text. I don't have a specific algorithm or approach in mind, just looking to portray text in an interesting fashion. The output I'm hoping for is something like the following called a "Phrase Network":
2009 Jun 17
RWeka evaluate classifier on test set
Hi everyone,
I have a test set with more than 1000 cases, when I use
evaluate_Weka_classifier(RWeka)to evaluate my classifier on this test
set, the output shows me the result of only 83 cases. I do have
missing values in predictors, so I tried na.acton=na.pass, but it
dosen't help. Now I confused, why RWeka ignore so many cases in my
test set? Is there any setting I didn't notice in
2009 Dec 01
problem with RWeka Weka_control RandomForest
Dear All,
I am finding trouble trying to guild a Wrapper using random forest to
evaluate the subsets:
I do:
nombi <-
datbin<- nombi(gene ~., data=X1X2X4X5W, control =Weka_control(
2011 Sep 07
Fwd: FSelector and RWeka problem
Hi all,
Although I sent the mail to Piotr, the author of FSelector, it should be better to ask here to let others know.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Yanwei Song <yanwei.song@gmail.com>
Date: September 7, 2011 4:41:58 PM EDT
To: p.romanski@stud.elka.pw.edu.pl
Subject: FSelector and RWeka problem
Dear Piotr,
Thanks for developing the FSelector package for us. I'm a new
2008 Sep 26
RWeka on R-2.7.2___Can't evaluate classifier on test set
Hi, Everyone,
I just installed R-2.7.2 on my computer and then installed package RWeka, version 0.3-13. I noticed that when using command "evaluate_Weka_Classifier", with parameter "newdata=", it still evaluated on training data. Does anyone else noticed this?
My older version of R-2.6.1 with RWeka 0.3-9 worked fine on the same computer.
2009 Aug 15
Error in running RWeka Clusteres
I have a question about using RWeka Clusterers.If you could supply answer or
insight, I would really appreciate it.
When I run a simple code which uses a clusterer from RWeka I get an error.
the sample codes and errors are mentioned below
Error in names(class_ids) <- nms :
'names' attribute [150] must be the same
2009 Jan 07
Question about the RWEKA package
Dear List,
I´m trying to implement the functionalities from WEKA into my modeling project in R through the RWeka package.
In this context I have a slightly special question about the filters implemented in WEKA.
I want to convert nominal attributes with k values into k binary attributes through the NominalToBinary filter ("weka.filters.supervised.attribute.NominalToBinary"). But
2009 Dec 02
RWeka problem with WrapperSubsetEval
Dear all,
I am trying to construct a wrapper that uses random forest to evaluate
the subsets using RWeka and when I do:
nombi <- make_Weka_filter("weka/attributeSelection/WrapperSubsetEval")
datbin<- nombi(gene ~., data=X1X2X3X4W, control =Weka_control( B =
I also have tried with an other induction algorithm:
2010 Aug 04
RWeka problem: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
I'm trying to use RWeka and followed the following example from the
RWeka manual.
## Use some example data.
w <- read.arff(system.file("arff","weather.nominal.arff",
package = "RWeka"))
## Identify a decision tree.
m <- J48(play~., data = w)
## Use 10 fold cross-validation.
e <- evaluate_Weka_classifier(m,
cost = matrix(c(0,2,1,0),
2012 Nov 12
Weka on command line c.f. using RWeka
Running Weka's command line with calls to system(), like this
> system("java weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes -K -t HWlrTrain.arff -o")
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b <-- classified as
3518 597 | a = NoSpray
644 926 | b = Spray
=== Stratified cross-validation ===
=== Confusion Matrix ===
a b <-- classified as
3512 603 | a = NoSpray
2010 Jul 29
reading dates in Excel into R
I am reading dates in Excel2007 into R.
Here are the functions I used:
The dates in myfile.xlsx are all in this format: mm/dd/yyyy. But when I read it to R, some columns look like "yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00", some columns look like "yyyy-mm-dd", and some
2006 Mar 05
I downloaded RWeka successfully. (At least I do not see, where I could have made a mistake.) Then I tried to load it by the library-command. To my surprise this did not work. Result:
Fehler in .jinit(c(system.file("jar", "weka.jar", package = "RWeka"), system.file("jar", :
Cannot create Java Virtual Machine
Fehler: .onLoad in
2010 Apr 07
samba server file read size limit of 64MB for HDF files
Sorry if that's a vague subject, but this problem is a little weird and I'm just wondering if there are any suggestions out there.
We've got a Samba server (3.0.23) running on a CentOS 5.3 server offering up a data share of 7TB on an XFS filesystem. The authentication all happens through a Samba PDC with an LDAP backend all on a different server. The system in question is just a
2010 Jun 16
Problems loading RWeka and rJava under R 2.10.1
Dear R-users,
I am running R 2.10.1 under Windows XP Professional. Moreover, I run
Java 5.0 and the RWeka package 0.4-1 and rJava 0.8-4. are successfully
I get two error messages while loading both packages.
Error in get(Info[i, 1], envir = env) :
internal error -3 in R_decompress1
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'RWeka'