Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "hvcluster() with distance method from vegdist(), package = vegan"
2012 Dec 06
clustering of binary data
Good morning,
I am analyzing a dataset composed by 364 subjects and 13 binary variables
(0,1 = absence,presence).
I am testing possible association (co-presence) of my variables. To do
this, I was trying with cluster analysis.
My main interest is to check for the significance of the obtained clusters.
First, I tried with the pvclust() function, by using method.hclust="ward"
2013 Feb 08
vegdist Error en double(N * (N - 1)/2) : tama?o del vector especificado es muy grande
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <r-help-owner@r-project.org>
Date: 2013/2/8
Subject: vegdist Error en double(N * (N - 1)/2) : tama?o del vector
especificado es muy grande
To: caro.bello58@gmail.com
Message rejected by filter rule match
---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
From: caro bello <caro.bello58@gmail.com>
To: r-help@r-project.org
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2013
2006 Oct 21
Problems running IsoMDS using vegdist with pres-abs data and two sites with zero distance
I have just (finally) started to poke around in R and wanted to analyse
a stream fish dataset with 28 sites and 18 species. When trying to
follow the Vegan manual to run nmds from distance measures calculated by
the vegdist function it turns out that I have two sites (streams) with
the exactly the same four species (I have used pres-abs data in this
case). When I try to run isoMDS I get an
2007 Aug 22
distance by vegan
How to calculate sorensen (bray-curtis) distance by dist function
within the vegan package?
2006 Mar 08
function gdist, dist and vegdist in mvpart
Dear R community,
I am analyzing plant communities with the function mvpart, using a
dissimilarit matrix as input. The matrix is calculated with the funtion
fit <- mvpart(gdist (ba12[,18:29], meth="maximum", full=TRUE,
sq=F) ~ beers + slope_dem + elev_dem+ plc_dem + pr_curv+
+curv+max_depth+doc_rocks+ abandon+land_use+ca_old,
data=ba12, xv="p")
2012 May 23
procrustes (vegan) plot of residual differences
This is a simple question but I couldn't google an answer.
In the procrustes function of the vegan package, one uses
plot(procrustes_object, kind=2) to obtain a plot of the residual
differences. For instance:
vare.dist <- vegdist(wisconsin(varespec))
mds.null <- isoMDS(vare.dist, tol=1e-7)
mds.alt <- isoMDS(vare.dist,
2010 Mar 16
memory failure in adonis function (permanova)
Dear all,
I am trying to get a PERMANOVA with quite large data set. I am reading a lot
about this question, but I do not get the answer about it. Although I know
that the R function is adonis () (vegan package), it does not work:
adonis(Pha.env~SPha, data=Pha, permutations=10)
The error message:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 334.2 Mb
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In vegdist(lhs,
2008 Jun 16
pvclust distance matrix
I am attempting to assign significance levels to a UPGMA cluster analysis as part my doctoral research. The pvclust function works well but doesn't include the similarity index I need (morisita's) as an option for computing a distance matrix. Morisita's is available in vegdist in the VEGAN library but I am having a hard time getting the vegdist function to "direct
2010 Jan 19
restricted permutations in permtest()?
Hallo List,
I'm trying to implemement a restricted permutation scheme in permutest(). More
precisely I have dependence in my data that should be allowed for in the
permutation - I simulated the problem in the example of the vegan documentation
## Bray-Curtis distances between samples
dis <- vegdist(varespec)
## First 16 sites grazed, remaining 8 sites
2006 Nov 10
Problems with metaMDS from vegan
Hello all,
I recently used the Vegan library quite extensively (in the context of
text similarity assessment) on an Ubuntu 6.06 LTS system with R version
2.2.1 (2005-12-20 r36812). The Vegan lib is version 1.6-10.
I hit on a problem yesterday, though, when trying to install R and Vegan
on two further computers - one Windows XP and one further Ubuntu 6.06
machine, taking either R version 2.4.0
2013 Dec 17
What is the formula of Pseudo-F statistic in capscale in vegan?
Dear R-help,
We are conducting a distance-based redundancy analysis using capscale and
then testing for statistical significance for six terms in the model for the
constrained ordination using anova.cca in the vegan package. The
significance test is sequential, i.e., testing for significance of a term
only after accounting for all preceding terms. Could someone please provide
us with either the
2010 Jul 20
p-values pvclust maximum distance measure
I am new to clustering and was wondering why pvclust using "maximum"
as distance measure nearly always results in p-values above 95%.
I wrote an example programme which demonstrates this effect. I
uploaded a PDF showing the results
Here is the code which produces the PDF file:
s <-
2011 Sep 09
NMDS plot and Adonis (PerMANOVA) of community composition with presence absence and relative intensity
Thanks for providing great help in R-related statistics. Now, however I'm
stuck. I'm not a statistics person but I was recommended to use R to perform
a nmds plot and PerMANOVA of my dataset.
Sample(treatment) in the columns and species (OTU) in the rows. I have 4
treatments (Ambient Temperature, Ambient temperature+Low pH, High
temperature, High temperature+low pH), and I have 16
2010 Aug 10
p-values with pvclust
if you look at the first image (Image1) you see that there are 2 main
clusters 7 and 8
I wanted to use pvclust to calculate a p-value whether these clusters are
due to chance
or statistically significant. Unfortunately pvclust does not provide a
p-value for the first
brunch (7 and 8).
So I added a row to my matrix which is very different to the rest of the
data to create an additional
2013 Apr 11
Cannot find ldfortran (R on Cygwin)
I am new to Cygwin and Linux.
I installed R under Cygwin as part of the setup
I chose "All" during installation, for all packages. So I have the FULL
installlation of cygwin up and running, including gfortran.
*Under Cygwin, how do I check and configure the path to the various
I am trying below command and it says, cannot find "lgfortran"
But I have installed
2010 Apr 13
vegan (ordisurf): R² for smoothed surfaces
Dear r-helpers,
I just read in an article by Virtanen et al. (2006) where vegetation-environment relationships are studied by fitting smoothed surfaces on an NMDS ordination using GAMs (Wood 2000). The authors describe, that they used R? as goodness-of-fit statistic, which they compare to the R? of fitted vectors. Calculations were carried out using the package vegan (Oksanen).
I know that I can
2011 May 17
simprof test using jaccard distance
Dear All,
I would like to use the simprof function (clustsig package) but the available distances do not include Jaccard distance, which is the most appropriate for pres/abs community data. Here is the core of the function:
> simprof
function (data, num.expected = 1000, num.simulated = 999, method.cluster = "average",
method.distance = "euclidean", method.transform =
2010 Aug 25
lattice help required
i want to stack two lattice plots beneath each other using one x-axis and
sharing the same text-panels,
y1 <- rnorm(100,100,10)
y2 <- rnorm(100,10,1)
facs<-expand.grid(Sites=rep(c("Site I","Site II"),25),Treatment=c("A","B"))
pl1<-dotplot(y1 ~
2011 Nov 04
replace double backslash with singel backslash
I want to replace \\ with \ in:
str <-
and tried:
gsub("\\\\", "\\", str)
but this removes the \\ without replacing them by \
Any help much appreciated,
Kay Cichini
Postgraduate student
Institute of Botany
Univ. of Innsbruck
2011 Mar 05
pvclust crashing R on Ubuntu 10.10
Hi all
I am writing to you with a question regarding the pvclust package. And
yes, before the usual people produce their usual
contact-the-package-maintainers line, ye, I tried that but the emails
one can find on the web either bounce or are not responded to. Also,
yes, this error has already been reported as a bug but been shot down
as not reproducible