similar to: Missing names in LMER and GLM

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 110 matches similar to: "Missing names in LMER and GLM"

2009 Jun 30
NaiveBayes fails with one input variable (caret and klarR packages)
Hello, We have a system which creates thousands of regression/classification models and in cases where we have only one input variable NaiveBayes throws an error. Maybe I am mistaken and I shouldn't expect to have a model with only one input variable. We use R version 2.6.0 (2007-10-03). We use caret (v4.1.19), but have tested similar code with klaR (v.0.5.8), because caret relies on
2012 Dec 29
AIC values with lmer and anova function
Dear colleagues, I have a data from a repeated measures design that I'm analysing through a mixed model. Nine independent sampling units (flasks with culture medium with algae) were randomly divided into 3 groups ("c", "t1", "t2"). There is no need for inclusion of the random effect of the intercept, because the nine sample units are homogeneous among each other
2010 Dec 29
as.object: function doesn't exist but I wish it did
I seem to come to this problem alot, and I can find my way out of it with a loop, but I wish, and wonder if there is a better way. Here's an example (lmer1-5 are a series of lmer objects): bs=data.frame(bic=BIC(lmer1,lmer2,lmer3,lmer4,lmer5)$BIC) rownames(bs)=c('lmer1','lmer2','lmer3','lmer4','lmer5') best=rownames(bs)[bs==min(bs)] > best [1]
2006 Apr 28
variance using lmer
Dear R help I have a question on the variance of the binomial probit model. I have fitted the following model : > lmer1<-lmer(mp ~ l + op + l*op+ us_lev + bw_lev +(1|tatu) , + family = binomial(link="probit"), + method = 'Laplace', + data = matings, + msVerbose= True) > summary(lmer1) Generalized linear
2005 Sep 19
How to mimic pdMat of lme under lmer?
Dear members, I would like to switch from nlme to lme4 and try to translate some of my models that worked fine with lme. I have problems with the pdMat classes. Below a toy dataset with a fixed effect F and a random effect R. I gave also 2 similar lme models. The one containing pdLogChol (lme1) is easy to translate (as it is an explicit notation of the default model) The more parsimonious
2010 Sep 01
how to replace NA with a specific score that is dependant on another indicator variable
Hi everyone, I’m looking for a clever bit of code to replace NA’s with a specific score depending on an indicator variable. I can see how to do it using lots of if statements but I’m sure there most be a neater, better way of doing it. Any ideas at all will be much appreciated, I’m dreading coding up all those if statements!!!!! My problem is as follows: I have a data set with
2008 Feb 13
lmer: Estimated variance-covariance is singular, false convergence
Dear R Community! We analyse the impact of climbing activity on cliff vegetation. During our fieldwork, we recorded 90 Transects in 3 climbing sites. The aim is to see, if the plant cover (response: Cover) is influenced only by crevice availability (predictor: Cracs), or, additional, by the distance to the climbing route (predictor: Distance). Six plots are nested within one Transect
2007 May 16
lmer error confusion
Hi All. I'm trying to run a simple model from Baayan, Davidson, & Bates and getting a confusing error message. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here? # Here's the data..... Subj <- factor(rep(1:3,each=6)) Item <- factor(rep(1:3,6)) SOA <- factor(rep(0:1,3,each=3)) RT <- c(466,520,502,475,494,490,516,566,577,491,544,526,484,529,539,470,511,528) priming
2006 Feb 12
Mathematical typesetting of column heads using the latex (Hmisc) function
Dear r-helpers, I would very much appreciate help with the following problem: The following command (in a .Rnw file) latex(anova(e7.lmer3, e7.lmer4), file = 'e7lmer34.tex', rowname = c ('nonlinear', 'linear'), longtable = FALSE, dcolumn = T, booktabs = T, table.env = F) produces the following output after running Sweave: % latex.default(anova(e7.lmer1, e7.lmer2),
2012 May 08
mgcv: inclusion of random intercept in model - based on p-value of smooth or anova?
Dear useRs, I am using mgcv version 1.7-16. When I create a model with a few non-linear terms and a random intercept for (in my case) country using s(Country,bs="re"), the representative line in my model (i.e. approximate significance of smooth terms) for the random intercept reads: edf Ref.df F p-value s(Country) 36.127 58.551 0.644
2007 Oct 08
Residuals for binomial lmer fits
Dear all, I would like to use the residuals in a general linear mixed effect model to diagnose model fit. I know that the resid function has been implemented for linear mixed models but not yet for general linear mixed effects. Is there a way to get them out of lmer fit objects? I tried searching the r-help archive and found nothing. I tried and failed to replicate what (I guessed would be
2007 Aug 13
R^2 for multilevel models
Hi there, In multiple regression one way to view R^2 is as (the square of) the correlation between original y's and the estimated y's. Suppose you fit a multilevel model with random intercept for each cluster. Would it be valid to compute an R^2 by using fixed effects plus the group intercepts to reduce the residuals? I suspect this has been done and, given its absence from the lmer
2008 Oct 30
lme4/anova, error message: "Calculated PWRSS for a LMM is negative"
Dear all, I'm using the latest version of the package lme4 and R version 2.7.2 (2008-08-25). After I run the model, I get the results of the model (cf. below). Then, I run an ANOVA using the "anova" function and I get the following message "Error in anova(lmer1) : Calculated PWRSS for a LMM is negative". I went trough the R-mailing list and a similar error message was
2007 Jan 26
R crash with modified lmer code
Hi all, I've now got a problem with some modified lmer code (function lmer1 pasted at end) - I've made only three changes to the lmer code (marked), and I'm not really looking for comments on this function, but would like to know why execution of the following commands that use it almost invariably (but not quite predictably) leads to the R session terminating. Here's the command
2011 Feb 16
Sensible, Manageable, CentOS puppetmaster?
I''ve been going round in circles a little bit in the last few days trying to figure out how to get a 64-bit CentOS-based puppetmaster that can be managed/provisioned via puppet also - so I''d like ruby, passenger, rails etc coming from RPMs and yum. As far as I can see, the three choices are: 1) Puppetlabs prosvc repo, which specifically says it can go away at any time 2)
2007 Dec 02
error messgage in lmer for random intercept and slope model
Greetings, I am trying to run a logistic regression model for binary data with a random intercept and slope in R 2.6.1. When I use the code: lmer1<-lmer(infect ~ time+gender + (1+time|id), family=binomial, data=ichs, method="Laplace") Then from: summary(lmer1) I get the message: Error in if (any(sd < 0)) return("'sd' slot has negative entries") : missing
2007 Mar 30
problem using mcmcsamp() with glmer models containing interaction terms in fixed effects
Dear All, I've been using mcmcsamp() successfully with a few different mixed models but I can't get it to work with the following. Is there an obvious reason why it shouldn't work with a model of this structure ? *brief summary of objective: I want to test the effect of no-fishing marine reserves on the abundance of a target species. I have samples at coral reef sites inside and
2007 Jul 22
summary of linear fixed effects model is different than the HSAUR book
Running R 2.5.1 and a newly downloaded lme4 package on WinXP I'm trying to work my way through Everitt and Hothorn's "Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R," c 2006. (No, it's not homework.) Chapter 10 discusses linear mixed effects models for longitudinal data. I've called my long data frame BtheB.long Here's the model from the book, which I run. lmer1 <-
2008 Mar 13
7-disk raidz achieves 430 MB/s reads and 220 MB/s writes on a $1320 box
I figured the following ZFS ''success story'' may interest some readers here. I was interested to see how much sequential read/write performance it would be possible to obtain from ZFS running on commodity hardware with modern features such as PCI-E busses, SATA disks, well-designed SATA controllers (AHCI, SiI3132/SiI3124). So I made this experiment of building a fileserver by
2010 Mar 02
crash when using the cp command to copy files off a striped gluster dir but not when using rsync
Hi, I've got this strange problem where a striped endpoint will crash when I try to use cp to copy files off of it but not when I use rsync to copy files off: [user at gluster5 user]$ cp -r Python-2.6.4/ ~/tmp/ cp: reading `Python-2.6.4/Lib/lib2to3/tests/data/fixers/myfixes/': Software caused connection abort cp: closing