similar to: Plotmath: suprscript on scalable delimiter?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Plotmath: suprscript on scalable delimiter?"

2011 Mar 23
R helps win competitions
DeaR ComRades, This is a quote from a News article in Science's 11-February issue, about competitions to model data: "For Chris Raimondi, a search-engine expert based in Baltimore, Maryland, and winner of the HIV-treatment competition, the Kaggle contest motivated him to hone his skills in a newly learned computer language called R, which he used to encode the winning data model.
2011 Mar 31
Simple lattice question
DeaR ComRades, require(lattice) data <- data.frame(SP=sort(rep(as.factor(c('A','B','C','D','E')),12)), x=rpois(60,10), y=rep(c(rep(0,4),rep(10,4),rep(20,4)),5), z=rep(1:4,15)) xyplot(x~y|SP,data=data,groups=z,layout=c(2,3),pch=1:4,lty=1:4,col='black',type='b') How do I put a legend
2010 Jun 21
Problem with package installation
Dear ComRades, I am having the "wrong MD5 checksums" error with every package I try to install. It happened with R 2.11.0, then I updated to R 2.11.1, same thing. sessionInfo() R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=Spanish_Spain.1252 LC_CTYPE=Spanish_Spain.1252 LC_MONETARY=Spanish_Spain.1252 [4] LC_NUMERIC=C
2011 Mar 23
R helps win competitions
DeaR ComRades, This is a quote from a News article in Science's 11-February issue, about competitions to model data: "For Chris Raimondi, a search-engine expert based in Baltimore, Maryland, and winner of the HIV-treatment competition, the Kaggle contest motivated him to hone his skills in a newly learned computer language called R, which he used to encode the winning data model.
2010 Mar 10
Tinn-R RGui Send problem
ComRades, On a recent Windows XP system that I have to use at work, I installed Tinn-R and R 2.10.1 When I mark-select a piece of code, say summary(x) written in Tinn-R and send it to the RGui using the send button, the RGui console instead of showing me my piece of code, it shows something like source(.trPaths[5], echo=FALSE, max.deparse.length=150) The code is executed fine but if
2011 Nov 17
RV: Reporting a conflict between ADMB and Rtools on Windows systems
De: Rubén Roa Enviado el: jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011 9:53 Para: '' Asunto: Reporting a conflict between ADMB and Rtools on Windows systems Hi, I have to work under Windows, it's a company policy. I've just found that there is a conflict between tools used to build R packages (Rtools) and ADMB due to the need to put Rtools compiler's
2006 Nov 20
Smallest R executable
Hello, I am trying to find out how can I generate the smallest R executable. R is to be run in a grid application, in batch mode, so I need a small exceutable, possibly getting rid of any interactive component. Should I look at the embedded version? Any other pointers? Many thanks, Iago Mosqueira -- Dr. Iago Mosqueira Marine Research Division AZTI Tecnalia Txatxarramendi Ugartea, z/g 48395
2004 Jun 16
Loading 'akward' data file
Generally you'd use file() to open the file, then use readLines(), say inside a while() loop to read one `chunk' at a time. However, your example looks a bit strange. The possibility of empty line makes it a bit more complicated, by that last couple of lines seems to suggest that you could have a line of data follow by another line of data without variable label. If that's true, I
2010 Sep 09
scalable < > delimiters in plotmath
Dear list, I read in ?plotmath that I can use bgroup to draw scalable delimiters such as [ ] and ( ). The same technique fails with < > however, and I cannot find a workaround, grid.text(expression(bgroup("<",atop(x,y),">"))) Error in bgroup("<", atop(x, y), ">") : invalid group delimiter Regards, baptiste sessionInfo() R version
2010 Sep 09
scalable < > delimiters in plotmath
Dear list, I read in ?plotmath that I can use bgroup to draw scalable delimiters such as [ ] and ( ). The same technique fails with < > however, and I cannot find a workaround, grid.text(expression(bgroup("<",atop(x,y),">"))) Error in bgroup("<", atop(x, y), ">") : invalid group delimiter Regards, baptiste sessionInfo() R version
2010 Sep 24
(sin asunto)
Podrías mandar un summary de tu conjunto de datos o un str para ver por que no puede estimar esos efectos, también sería útil el resultado de with(tusdatos, table(Landscape,Crop,Position)) Gabriela
2003 May 20
surprising behaviour of "bgroup": sets all in greek letters
Dear R user community I wanted to use "bgroup" for plotting a math formula with a big "{" on the left, and nothing on the right. i used text( 10, 10, pos=4, cex=1.8, expression(F(x) == bgroup("{", x, "")), ...) on a 40 x 20 plot. surprisingly, bgroup sets "Phi(xi) = { xi" i.e. replaces alphabetic characters with greek letters in the entire
2010 Jan 23
Samba Serving NFS Mounted Directories
I have a Sun 7310 storage server. This is running Solaris 10 but it's self-contained and I can't login to it or run Samba on it. I manage it with a web interface. I have a CentOS 5.3 machine that mounts a bunch of file systems via NFS from the Sun server. This works fine. I installed Samba 3.4.5 on the CentOS machine and configured it to share some of the directories that are actually NFS
2012 Jul 05
function curve() swap axes
Dear all, I'm using the curve() function to plot discharge Q against water depth a. However, I would like to have a graph of water depth a plotted against discharge Q. How can this be done? Minimal working example: S0 = 0.004 n = 0.04 tanalpha = 1.4/1.5 par(mar = c(5,5,1,1)) # b, l, t, r
2011 Feb 14
¿Mejor formato para insertar gráficos de R en Word?
Hola, ¿qué tal? Me han pedido que genere unos gráficos para insertarlos en un docuemento de Word. Yo suelo generar gráficas en formato PNG, pero me han dicho que "quedan mal". Y yo apenas sé nada de Word. ¿Cuál sería el formato gráfico más adecuado en este caso? Un saludo y muchas gracias, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
2010 Jul 12
I am using semiparametric Model  library(mgcv) sm1=gam(y~x1+s(x2),family=binomial, f) How should I  find out standard error for ed50 for the above model ED50 =( -sm1$coef[1]-f(x2)) / sm1$coef [2]   f(x2) is estimated value for non parametric term.   Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Aug 16
PBSmapping, where is Ireland?!
Hi folks, I've been using 'PBSmapping' to make a map of Europe with some labels. I've been using the 'worldLL' PolyData, as my computer is too slow to make my own from the GSHHS files. The only problem is this PolyData does not seem to include Ireland. I have no idea why this should be so, other European islands such as Sardinia etc. are included.
2011 Mar 23
información sobre símbolos
Buenos días a todos, Una pregunta muy sencilla, podrían por favor informarme dónde puedo conocer el significado de símbolos como $, %, == que se utilizan frecuentemente en R? Gracias, Angela C. ---- *Angela Andrea Camargo Sanabria* Estudiante Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas Laboratorio de Ecología de poblaciones y comunidades tropicales Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas (CIEco) UNAM,
2010 Mar 02
Random real numbers
Hi, How could i generate random real numbers between 0 en 2*pi? Thanks, Frederik [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jun 22
AIC() vs. mle.aic() vs. step()?
I know this a newbie question, but I've only just started using AIC for model comparison and after a bunch of different keyword searches I've failed to find a page laying out what the differences are between the AIC scores assigned by AIC() and mle.aic() using default settings. I started by using mle.aic() to find the best submodels, but then I wanted to also be able to make comparisons