Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Question on Merge/Lookup"
2011 Aug 18
Best way/practice to create a new data frame from two given ones with last column computed from the two data frames?
Dear expeRts,
What is the best approach to create a third data frame from two given ones, when
the new/third data frame has last column computed from the last columns of the two given
data frames?
## Okay, sounds complicated, so here is an example. Assume we have the two data frames:
df1 <- data.frame(Year=rep(2001:2010, each=2), Group=c("Group 1","Group 2"), Value=1:20)
2009 Jan 21
merging several dataframes from a list
Hi there,
I have a list of dataframes (generated by reading multiple files) and all
dataframes are comparable in dimension and column names. They also have a
common column, which, I'd like to use for merging. To give a simple example of
what I have:
df1 <- data.frame(c(LETTERS[1:5]), c(2,6,3,1,9))
names(df1) <- c("pos", "data")
df3 <- df2 <- df1
2008 Feb 19
Looping through a list of objects & do something...
Hey Folks,
Could somebody show me how to loop through a list of dataframes? I want to
be able to generically access their elements and do something with them.
For instance, instead of this:
df1<- data.frame(x=(1:5),y=(1:5));
df2<- data.frame(x=(1:5),y=(1:5));
df3<- data.frame(x=(1:5),y=(1:5));
I would like to do something like:
2011 Apr 30
indexing into a data.frame using another data.frame that also contains values for replacement
Hello all,
I have a quandry I have been scratching my head about for a
while. I've searched the manual and the web and have not been able to
find an acceptable result, so I am hoping for some help.
I have two data frames and I want to index into the first using
the second, and replace the specific values I have indexed with more
values from the second data.frame. I can do this
2009 Feb 19
Multiple merge, better solution?
My problem is that I would like to merge multiple files with a common
column but merge accepts only two
data.frames to merge. In the real situation, I have 26 different
data.frames with a common column. I can of course use merge many times
(see below) but what would be more sophisticated solution? For loop?
Any ideas?
DF1 <- data.frame(var1 = letters[1:5], a = rnorm(5))
DF2 <-
2004 Mar 09
Adding data.frames together
I have a series of data frames that are identical structurally, i.e. -
made with the same code, but I need to add them together so that they
become one, longer, data frame, i.e. - each of the slot vectors are
increased in length by the length of the added data frame vectors.
So if I have df1 with a slot A so that length(df1$A) = 100 and I have
df2 with a slot A so that length(df2$A)=200 then I
2012 Jul 18
duplicate data between two data frames according to row names
Hi everybody.
I'll first explain my problem and what I'm trying to do.
Admit this example:
I'm working on 5 different weather stations.
I have first in one file 3 of these 5 weather stations, containing their
data. Here's an example of this file:
DF1 <- data.frame(station=c("ST001","ST004","ST005"),data=c(5,2,8))
And my two other stations in
2011 Jun 06
Merge two columns of a data frame
I have the following data:
prefix <- c("cheap", "budget")
roots <- c("car insurance", "auto insurance")
suffix <- c("quote", "quotes")
prefix2 <- c("cheap", "budget")
roots2 <- c("car insurance", "auto insurance")
roots3 <- c("car insurance", "auto
2008 Feb 10
data frame question
I have 2 data frames df1 and df2. I would like to create a
new data frame new_df which will contain only the common rows based on the first 2
columns (chrN and start). The column score in the new data frame
be replaced with a column containing the average score (average_score) from df1
and df2.
df1= data.frame(chrN= c(“chr1”, “chr1”, “chr1”, “chr1”, “chr2”,
“chr2”, “chr2”),
2006 Aug 13
How to order or sort a data.frame
I have a dataframe where I would like to order first
by variable, year, and then within that variable by
So far the only way that I have seen to do this is to
order by year and then subset year and sort by month
and then do an rbind to get things back together.
Is this the right approach?
us.state <-rep("California", 23)
2011 Mar 18
Problem with Slope.test function
Hi all,
I need to test the significnce of difference between slopes of two regression lines and regression line with theoretical line. I try to use Slope.test function from emu package,
but an error occured...
R=c(2,7,8,9,16,21,27,31,33,36)) # First data set
m1<-lm(R~P1+P2+P1*P2,data=d1) # Regr.
2003 Sep 04
error in lm.fit
Hello R user,
I have several data frames with >100 columns and I did a linear regression
over time of each column
df1.lm <- lapply(df1, function(x) lm(x~year)$coeff[2])
that worked fine and I get slope of each column oder time - until I divided
df1 by df2
df3 <- df1/df2
> df3.lm <- lapply(df3, function(x) lm(x~year)$coeff[2])
Error in lm.fit(x, y, offset = offset, ...) :
2005 Oct 20
Windows 2000 crash while using rbind (PR#8225)
Windows 2000 reports that "Rgui.exe has generated errors and will be =
closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program." when using =
df1 <- data.frame(cbind(x=3D1, y=3D1:1000), fac=3Dsample(LETTERS[1:3], =
1000, repl=3DTRUE))
df2 <- data.frame(cbind(x=3D1, y=3D1:10), fac=3Dsample(LETTERS[4:6], =
10, repl=3DTRUE))
df3 <- data.frame(cbind(x=3D1,
2012 Jul 11
sapply question
Why does this sapply code change df3 but not df1?
df1 <- read.table(text="
cola colb colc cold cole
1 NA 5 9 NA 17
2 NA 6 NA 14 NA
3 3 NA 11 15 19
4 4 8 12 NA 20
", header=TRUE)
df2 <-df1*2
df3 <-sapply(names(df1),function(x) {df1[[x]]<- df2[[x]]})
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2017 Jan 16
Error al fusionar tablas
Buenas tardes,
Estoy tratando de fusionar dos data.frames pero no obtengo lo deseado.
Un data.frame (Df1)tiene 53.657 observaciones (y 8 variables) que
pertenecen una a cada individuo de la muestra. El otro (Df2) tiene 63.987
observaciones (y 17 variables), de los 53.657 individuos previos porque
algun individuo tiene varias observaciones. Ambos solo coinciden por la
2018 Nov 10
Asignar distancias
Utilizo la función merge desde hace poco, pero no se me ocurre cómo
utilizarla para esto. Yo pienso que se puede hacer con una combinación
de ifelse-s pero no sé cómo. Seguro que hay más de una forma ce hacerlo.
Quoting José María Mateos <chema en rinzewind.org>:
> On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 07:54:19PM +0100, Manuel Mendoza wrote:
>> Muy buenas. A ver si alguien puede echarme
2010 Dec 16
Compare two dataframes
I have two dataframes DF1 and DF2 that should be identical but are not
(DF1 has some rows that aren't in DF2, and vice versa). I would like
to produce a new dataframe DF3 containing rows in DF1 that aren't in
DF2 (and similarly DF4 would contain rows in DF2 that aren't in DF1).
I have a solution for this problem (see self contained example below)
but it's awkward and
2009 Aug 27
Merge data frames but with a twist.
Dear all,
Question: How to merge two data frames such that new column are added
in a particular way?
I'm not actually sure how to best articulate my question to be honest,
so i hope showing you what I want to achieve will communicate my
question better.
Lets say I have two data frames:
> DF1 <- data.frame(cbind(Show=c('Firefly', 'Red Dwarf'), Measure=1:2,
2009 Oct 07
merging dataframes with an unequal number of variables
Hallo Everyone
I have the kind of problem that one should never have because one must
always plan well and communicate with your team. But now I haven't so here
is my problem.
I have data coming in on a daily basis from surveys in 10 towns. The
questionnaire has 62 variables but some of the regions have used older
versions of the questionnaire that have a few variables less. I want to
2013 Apr 02
Create a vector without using an external 'if statement'
Dear R-users,
suppose I have three dataframes like these
mydate min_temp
31032013 12
01042013 8
02042013 -999
mydate min_temp
31032013 10
01042013 11
02042013 14
mydate min_temp
31032013 4
01042013 3
02042013 5
where -999 means that the temperature data is not available (at the moment I cannot change it to NA because I am not the db administrator);
suppose also that oggi is