similar to: superimpose histogram and fitted gamma pdf

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "superimpose histogram and fitted gamma pdf"

2009 Oct 07
Second y-axis --- alternative to par(new=
Hi is there an alternative to par(new), for ading data to a plot for a different y-axis? My problem with par(new=TRUE) is, that it re-defines all axis and labels (as in example 1) and one has to use xlim=... to fix the x-axis. I am looking for something, which simply resets the y-axis, so that a new plot() (or points()/lines()) keeps the x-axis, but re-defines the y-axis. Is there something
2011 Mar 10
Not sure how to handle hazard in my survival model
Hi R experts :) I'm trying to carry out a survival model on my data, but I am unsure of whether it's appropriate or if I should do something specific in regards to hazard. My data is time to death by predator where I have 8 prey and one predator in the setting. This means that two prey can't possibly die at the same time and I can't quite get my head around how to include this in
2008 Apr 01
superimpose histogram on biplot
Hi all, I've been trying to figure out how to superimpose a histogram on a biplot that shows the relative contribution of each axis. I have been using the NIPALS function ( files/softwares/nipals.R) to run principal component analyses. Here is a toy example. source("")
1999 Jun 07
How to superimpose a histogram and density plot
NCSS has a nice plot of the histogram and density plot superimposed. The S-PLUS 4 Guide to Statistics on page 45 suggests the following code for a general purpose density plot for a vector named data iqd <- summary(data)[5]-summary(data)[2] plot(density(data,width=2*iqd),xlab="x",ylab="",type="l") Is it possible to superimpose the density plot on a histogram
2011 Nov 01
Superimpose xversus y plot on a histogram of x
I need a plot with a histogram z and a plot of z versus y superimposed. This is not working... z = rnorm(1000) y = rnorm(1000,1,2) hist(z) dx = plot(z, y, lwd = 1) lines(dx, add=TRUE) -- Thanks, Jim. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Oct 08
intersection of 2 density curves
Hi, I would like to find out the coordinates of the intersection points of 2 density curves. I did a search but i didn't get any significant results. I really hope some of you have some ideas. here it is an example: set.seed(123) x1 <- rnorm(100, 1, 1) x2 <- rnorm(100, 0, 1) d1 <- density(x1) d2 <- density(x2) plot(d1, col = 2) lines(d2, col = 4) Now i would like to know
2009 Apr 17
Binomial simulation
Hi Guy's I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. dbinom(10,1,0.25) I am using dbinom(10,1,0.25) to calculate the probabilty of 10 judges choosing a certain brand x times. I was wondering how I would go about simulating 1000 trials of each x value ? regards Brendan -- View this message in context:
2009 Sep 30
Compress (gzip) a pdf device
I have not found an easy way to compress a file on filesystem. Especially I'd like to compress a pdf from pdf() function/device. Is it possible to compress It on the flight? I'd like to do something like: pdf(gzipconnection()) If It is not possible, how can I create a gzip with the pdf? Thanks Daniele A. ________________________________ ORS Srl Via Agostino Morando 1/3
2007 Oct 01
Concatenating one character vector into one string
Hi I am sure this is simple - but how can I convert one charecter vector into one string? example: x <- c("This ", "is ", "one ", "sentence.") should become "This is one entence" Thanks Rainer -- NEW EMAIL ADDRESS AND ADDRESS: Rainer.Krug at RKrug at WILL BE DISCONTINUED END OF MARCH Rainer M. Krug, Dipl. Phys.
2007 Sep 20
referencing packages?
Hi I know how to referenc R in a scientific paper - but is there a standardised way to reference packages? Thanks Rainer -- NEW EMAIL ADDRESS AND ADDRESS: Rainer.Krug at RKrug at WILL BE DISCONTINUED END OF MARCH Rainer M. Krug, Dipl. Phys. (Germany), MSc Conservation Biology (UCT) Plant Conservation Unit Department of Botany University of Cape Town Rondebosch 7701
2004 Mar 01
How to plot Histogram with frequence overlaid by distribution curve
Hi, I am facing the problem that I want to plot a histogram chart set freq to true and overlay with normal or weibull or exponential distribution curve. The sample code is shown as below: >samp<-c(-8.2262,-8.2262,-8.2262,-8.20209,-8.09294,-8.07321,-8.07321, -8.07321,-8.07175,-8.04948,-8.04948,-8.04948,-8.03848,-8.03848,
2009 Oct 30
Ubuntu packages compiled with 2.9
Hi I upgraded to R 2.10.0, and I encounter a problem with some packages on R, installed via apt-get.. They are still compiled by 2.9 and give me an warning when I load the packages. Will these packages be recompiled with R 2.10, or should I rather switch to self-compiling? Cheers, Rainer -- Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys.
2006 Sep 06
problem with putting objects in list
Hi I use the following code and it stores the results of density() in the list dr: dens <- function(run) { density( positions$X[positions$run==run], bw=3, cut=-2 ) } dr <- lapply(1:5, dens) but the results are stored in dr[[i]] and not dr[i], i.e. plot(dr[[1]]) works, but plot([1]) doesn't. Is there any way that I can store them in dr[i]? Thanks a lot, Rainer -- Rainer M. Krug,
2008 Jul 05
trying to superimpose a line plot onto a histogram
Hello, I'm trying to superimpose a line plot onto a histogram but I'm not having any luck. I've attached the dataset. What I did was: > hist(data,freq=F) Now I'm trying to superimpose the following points with a line connecting them onto the histogram: x y 100 0.535665393824959 200 0.212744329736556 300 0.0844933242968584 400 0.0335572838043417 500
2009 Dec 11
Creating bibtex file of all installed packages?
Hi is there an easy and fast way, to generate a BibTeX file of all installed / loaded packages and R? I know about toBibtex(citation()) to extract the BibTeX for a single package, but how can I generate a file containg citations for all installed / loaded packages? Cheers, Rainer -- NEW GERMAN FAX NUMBER!!! Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, UCT),
2010 Dec 10
survival package - calculating probability to survive a given time
Dear R users, i try to calculate the probabilty to survive a given time by using the estimated survival curve by kaplan meier. What is the right way to do that? as far as is see i cannot use the predict-methods from the survival package? library(survival) set.seed(1) time <- cumsum(rexp(1000)/10) status <- rbinom(1000, 1, 0.5) ## kaplan meier estimates fit <- survfit(Surv(time,
2007 Aug 16
several plots on several pages
Hi > version _ platform i686-pc-linux-gnu arch i686 os linux-gnu system i686, linux-gnu status major 2 minor 5.1 year 2007 month 06 day 27 svn rev 42083 language R version.string R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27) I want to create a pdf withe three graphs on a page and with two pages:
2005 Jan 16
Empirical cumulative distribution with censored data
Dear list, I would like to plot the empirical cumulative distribution of the time needed by a treatment to attain a certain goal. A number of experiments is run with a strict time limit. In some experiments the goal is attained before the time limit, in other experiments time expires before the goal is attained. The situation is very similar to survivial analysis with censored data. I tryed
2011 Feb 24
Dear R user How to make the program stop at the spot where the error occurs? I mean inside the iterations,. Many thanks yan ********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confide...{{dropped:10}}
2011 Mar 04
Anyone know a forum for stats advice?
Hi, I know this forum is for R-related issues, but the question I have is a statistical question & I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good statistics forum where I can ask the question? My question is relating to bootstrapping of binary data (ecology data) - I can give more detail, but wasn't sure I could address the question here as it is more statistical based than R based