similar to: Remove term from formula for predict.lm

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Remove term from formula for predict.lm"

2008 Aug 19
converting coordinates from utm to longitude / latitude
Hi, is there a function in R to convert data read with read.shape and which is originally in UTM coordinates into longitude / latitude coordinates? I found the convUL() function from the PBSmapping package but I have no idea how I could apply that to the read.shape object. Many thanks, Werner __________________________________________________ Do sragenden Schutz gegen Massenmails.
2008 Aug 26
String search: Return "closest" match
Hi, I have to match names where names can be recorded with errors or additions. Now I am searching for a string search function which returns always the "closest" match. E.g. searching for "Washington" it should return only Washington but not Washington, D.C. But it also could be that the list contains only "Hamburg" but the record I am searching for is
2010 Mar 05
how can I look at .Internal(model.matrix(t, data))?
Hi, I would like to see how model.matrix expands factor column to a set of dummy columns. I think that is done int .Internal(model.matrix(t, data)) which is called from model.matrix.default. But I have not idea how I can look at this function. How can I get to such internal functions? Thanks so much! Werner ____________________________________________ einen herausragenden Schutz gegen
2010 Mar 24
lattice: defining graphical parameters
Dears, could anyone give me some advice how to change some plotting parameters for a lattice graph? I need to adjust the following: -reduce outer margins (like par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) with base graphs) -modify positions of labels (like par(mpg=c(0,0,0)) with base graphs) I already did some research, but got confused by the huge amount of settings with the lattice objects. I know that the road
2011 Feb 04
logging the public key
Can openssh log which public key, as listed in the authorized keys file, was used to log in? If so, how? I don't see a config option, so I'm currently using a custom command via COMMAND="....." ssh-dss AAAAB3Nza..... key1 COMMAND="....." ssh-dss AAAABFFFF..... key2 to log the key. It would be nice if there was a better way. Suggestions? Anthony. -- Anthony R
2010 Mar 24
splitting word
Hi all, Could someone tell me how to split a word. c("AA") to c("A","A") Thanks! Phoebe [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Aug 22
Hello everybody,   I wonder if there is any swap function in R that does the following: x <- seq(1,10,12) x1 <- swap(x) x1 1 8 3 4 5 6 7 2 10 Thank you very much!   Amor __________________________________________________ Schutz gegen Massenmails. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jan 09
Functions for QUAIDS and nonlinear SUR?
Hi, I would like to estimate a quadratic almost ideal demand system in R which is estimated usually by nonlinear seemingly unrelated regression. But there is no such function in R yet but it is readily available in STATA (nlsur), see B. Poi (2008): Demand-system estimation: Update, Stata Journal 8(4). Now I am thinking, what is quicker learning to "program" STATA which seems not really
2010 Mar 09
find out commands in package
Dears, I am trying to implement some R package which is still under construction and has not yet been submitted to CRAN (RSSA, Documentation is yet very poor (or i just did not find it), so I am wondering whether there is any way to retrieve a list of commands available in this package from within R? And to find out whether the package is successfully
2008 Feb 21
column name handling and long labels
Hi, I have two loosely related questions which could make my live again a bit easier: 1) Is there a simple way to select a range of columns in a data frame using column names? I am thinking of something like mydf[1,"col4":"col8"] 2) I have a data frame with many columns and they all have short variable names which is good in most cases but sometimes it would be nice to have
2010 Mar 24
help in matlab - r code
Dear list members, I need to translate 3 lines of matlab code to R (a loop, to be specific), and I don't know what would be the results in matlab or how to do it in R-- I don't realise if they are doing to the col, vector or what. if the results are a vector or a value or a matrix :-( Anyone with matlab, can run it and give me the result? Any ideias what am I doing wrong? The code is
2007 Jun 22
[LLVMdev] BigBlock register allocator
Hi everyone, Quick summary: LLVM now has a new register allocator particularly suitable for compiling (very) large, machine-generated functions. Longer story: I've recently been using LLVM in an application that involves JITing fairly large functions that have no control flow - they're just flat sequences of instructions, anywhere from 100 to 10000+ in size. (The control flow is
2010 Jan 22
Once again: Error: cannot allocate vector of size
Hi, I have browsed the help list and looked at the FAQ but I don't find conclusive evidence if this is normal or I am doing something wrong. I am running a lm() on a data.frame with 27136 observations of 6 variables (3 num and 3 factor). After a while R throws this: > lm(log(y) ~ log(a) + log(b) + c + d + e, , na.action=na.exclude) Error: cannot allocate vector of size
2008 Aug 12
Threshold vector error correction models
Hi, is anyone aware of estimation functions for threshold vector error correction / threshold cointegration models? I didn't find anything for R using RSeek or Google. Thanks a lot for any pointers, Werner __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? hutz gegen Massenmails.
2008 Sep 23
R2HTML: output from for-loops
Hi, I am trying to prepare a report with R2HTML using HTMLStart(outdir="./html", filename="report", echo=T, HTMLframe=F) then, for instance, I want to get the output of a loop: for (i in 1:20) print(summary(rnorm(1000))) but only the first of summaries really ends up in the html file. What am I doing wrongly? Thanks, Werner
2008 Oct 17
AW: Using serial port from a domU
Just something to be added: - This procedure doesn''t work with a Fedora 9 DomU - Maybe you have to blacklist some modules in the Dom0: AFAIK you have to rmmod (better: blacklist on boot using modprobe.conf) these modules: serial_core 8250 and 8250_pnp ----- Ursprüngliche Mail ---- Von: Federico Fanton <> An: Gesendet: Freitag, den
2008 Sep 26
AW: Help GPLPV Drivers
hey is it possible, that you didn''t assign any drive letters to the second harddrive? please check -> system config -> administration -> computer -> drive manager (i hope the names are correct, i only have a german win2k3). there you can assign drive letters to partitions... hope it helped ----- Ursprüngliche Mail ---- Von: Shanmuga Rajan
2008 Sep 20
[LLVMdev] Using VirtRegMap
Hi Evan, > Ok. Everyone has different idea about "easy". :-) I second your opinion that it is not very easy to use and it is very tightly coupled with the current linear scan register allocator implementation. > But VirtRegMap is going to be remove one of these days. When are you going to do that? Are you going to remove it from the source tree? Will it be replaced with
2007 Jan 08
IAX call path optimization with more than 3 legs
hi list, after connecting 3 asterisk servers via IAX in a line (+ 1 client at each end), i noticed that call path optimization happens only one time, i.e. only one node/leg in the path can be reduced. Does anybody know if this is the intended behaviour or if it's a bug? Can anyone confirm my observations? It seems that the first node, that sends the TXREQ Message, is "optimized".
2007 Dec 05
Working with "ts" objects
I am relatively new to R and object oriented programming. I have relied on SAS for most of my data analysis. I teach an introductory undergraduate forecasting course using the Diebold text and I am considering using R in addition to SAS and Eviews in the course. I work primarily with univariate or multivariate time series data. I am having a great deal of difficulty understanding and working with