Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "randomForest maxnodes"
2018 Jan 22
Random Forests
Muchas gracias Carlos, como siempre.
Es raro que se me pasase. En su momento miré todos los argumentos del
RF, como hago siempre, pero ese lo había olvidado. La verdad es que
funcionaba estupendamente, pero me parecía extraño. Aunque dado que
los RF no sobreajustan, no hay problema con que sus árboles sean todo
lo grandes que quieras. Lo he testado con una base de datos externa y
2018 Jan 20
Random Forests
Si, Carlos. Yo hago lo mismo, pero esos mismos numeritos salen enormes.
> treesize(RFfit)
[1] 4304 4302 4311 4319 4343 4298 4298 4311 4349 4327 4331 4317
4294 4321 4283 4362
[17] 4300 4330 4266 4331 4308 4352 4294 4315 4372 4349 4331 4347
4329 4348 4298 4335
[33] 4346 4396 4345 4313 4293 4276 4353 4272 4304 4325 4317 4336
4308 4351 4374 4324
[49] 4386 4359 4311 4346 4300
2007 Apr 24
NA and NaN randomForest
Dear R-help,
This is about randomForest's handling of NA and NaNs in test set data.
Currently, if the test set data contains an NA or NaN then
predict.randomForest will skip that row in the output.
I would like to change that behavior to outputting an NA.
Can this be done with flags to randomForest?
If not can some sort of wrapper be built to put the NAs back in?
2023 May 09
RandomForest tuning the parameters
Hi Sacha,
On second thought, perhaps this is more the direction that you want ...
X2 = cbind(X_train,y_train)
colnames(X2)[3] = "y"
regr2<-randomForest(y~x1+x2, data=X2,maxnodes=10, ntree=10)
#Make prediction
predictions= predict(regr, X_test)
predictions2= predict(regr2, X_test)
On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 6:40?AM Eric Berger <ericjberger at gmail.com>
2010 May 25
Need Help! Poor performance about randomForest for large data
Hi, dears,
I am processing some data with 60 columns, and 286,730 rows.
Most columns are numerical value, and some columns are categorical value.
It turns out that: when ntree sets to the default value (500), it says "can
not allocate a vector of 1.1 GB size"; And when I set ntree to be a very
small number like 10, it will run for hours.
I use the (x,y) rather than the (formula,data).
2013 Mar 24
Random Forest, Giving More Importance to Some Data
Dear All,
I am using randomForest to predict the final selling price of some items.
As it often happens, I have a lot of (noisy) historical data, but the
question is not so much about data cleaning.
The dataset for which I need to carry out some predictions are fairly
recent sales or even some sales that will took place in the near future.
As a consequence, historical data should be somehow
2010 May 05
What is the default nPerm for regression in randomForest?
Could not find it in ?randomForest.
Thank you for your help!
Dimitri Liakhovitski
Dimitri.Liakhovitski at ninah.com
2012 Dec 03
How do I make R randomForest model size smaller?
I've been training randomForest models on 7 million rows of data (41
features). Here's an example call:
myModel <- randomForest(RESPONSE~., data=mydata, ntree=50, maxnodes=30)
I thought surely with only 50 trees and 30 terminal nodes that the memory
footprint of "myModel" would be small. But it's 65 megs in a dump file. The
object seems to be holding all sorts of
2007 Jan 28
help with RandomForest classwt option
Hello there,
I am working on an extremely unbalanced two class classification problems. I
wanna use "classwt" with "down sampling" together. By checking the rfNews()
in R, it looks that classwt is not working yet. Then I looked at the
software from Salford. I did not find the down sampling option. I am
wondering if you have any experience to deal with this problem. Do you
2008 Jun 15
randomForest, 'No forest component...' error while calling Predict()
Dear R-users,
While making a prediction using the randomForest function (package
randomForest) I'm getting the following error message:
"Error in predict.randomForest(model, newdata = CV) : No forest component
in the object"
Here's my complete code. For reproducing this task, please find my 2 data
sets attached ( http://www.nabble.com/file/p17855119/data.rar data.rar ).
2005 Jul 21
RandomForest question
I'm trying to find out the optimal number of splits (mtry parameter) for a randomForest classification. The classification is binary and there are 32 explanatory variables (mostly factors with each up to 4 levels but also some numeric variables) and 575 cases.
I've seen that although there are only 32 explanatory variables the best classification performance is reached when
2013 Feb 13
CARET: Any way to access other tuning parameters?
The documentation for caret::train shows a list of parameters that one can
tune for each method classification/regression method. For example, for
the method randomForest one can tune mtry in the call to train. But the
function call to train random forests in the original package has many
other parameters, e.g. sampsize, maxnodes, etc.
Is there **any** way to access these parameters using train
2018 Jan 20
Random Forests
Gracias Carlos y Javier, ntrees es el nº de árboles y treesize sus
respectivos tamaños (nº de nodos)
ntree: Number of trees to grow. This should not be set to too small ......
treesize: Size of trees (number of nodes) in and ensemble.
Puse 1000 árboles (ntree=1000), si, pero la función treesize te da el
nº de nodos:
treesize(RFfit, terminal=TRUE) me da un vector de 1000 elementos (uno
2009 Apr 07
Concern with randomForest
Hi all,
When running a randomForest run using the following command:
I get the following result:
randomForest(formula = Prev ~ ., data = plas, ntree = 2e+05,
importance = TRUE)
Type of random forest: regression
Number of trees: 2e+05
No. of variables tried at each split: 5
2018 Jan 17
Random Forests
Buenas tardes a todos. El paquete randomForest tiene la función
treesize, que es el nº de nodos. Me dan valores realmente elevados (en
torno a 1000), y eso me parece extraño. ¿sabéis si es así?
Dr Manuel Mendoza
Department of Biogeography and Global Change
National Museum of Natural History (MNCN)
Spanish Scientific Council (CSIC)
C/ Serrano 115bis, 28006 MADRID
2023 May 08
RandomForest tuning the parameters
Dear R-experts,
Here below a toy example with some error messages, especially at the end of the code (Tuning the parameters). Your help to correct my R code would be highly appreciated.
2010 Nov 09
randomForest parameters for image classification
I am implementing an image classification algorithm using the
randomForest package. The training data consists of 31000+ training
cases over 26 variables, plus one factor predictor variable (the
training class). The main issue I am encountering is very low overall
classification accuracy (a lot of confusion between classes). However, I
know from other classifications (including a regular decision
2011 Sep 07
randomForest memory footprint
Hello, I am attempting to train a random forest model using the
randomForest package on 500,000 rows and 8 columns (7 predictors, 1
response). The data set is the first block of data from the UCI
Machine Learning Repo dataset "Record Linkage Comparison Patterns"
with the slight modification that I dropped two columns with lots of
NA's and I used knn imputation to fill in other gaps.
2008 Apr 29
randomForest and ordered factors
Hello R-user!
I am running R 2.7.0 on a Power Book (Tiger). (I am still R and
statistics beginner)
I try to find the most important variables to divide my dataset as
given in a categorical variable.
Test.rf4<-randomForest(Sex~.,na.action=na.roughfix, data=Subset4,
importance=TRUE, proximity=TRUE, ntree=10000, do.trace=1000,
My dataset contains also ordered
2008 Feb 25
Running randomForests on large datasets
I am trying to run randomForests on a datasets of size 500000X650 and
R pops up memory allocation error. Are there any better ways to deal
with large datasets in R, for example, Splus had something like
bigData library.
Thank you,