similar to: Drop a part of an array\list\vector?

Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches similar to: "Drop a part of an array\list\vector?"

2009 Jul 21
Odd coefficent behavior
Why are my coefficients getting appended with a 1? It borks a match I do later against the original list that doesn't have the random 1 added to the end. > linearModel[[1]] Call: lm(formula = modelSource ~ +UNITBUILD + UNITDB + ITBUILD + ITDB + UATBUILD + UATDB + HOGANCODE + RCF + ReleaseST1 + ReleaseST2 + ReleaseBLA + Small.Bank.Acquisitions + HLY.NewYear + HLY.MLK + HLY.PRES +
2009 Dec 03
Problem with predict() and factors
I am working on a script that takes numeric performance indicators and runs them against a series of regressors (dummy regressors, yes\no stuff via 0 and 1, e.g. Was is Christmas this week 0=no, 1=yes). The script is as follows (Written as a function): -- Begin Script -- doEnv <- function(HOUR,ENVNAME,REPORTNAME) { library(RODBC) library(forecast) library("geneplotter")
2009 Dec 08
Holiday Gift Perl Script for US Holiday Dummy Regressors
##### BEGIN CODE ###### #!/usr/bin/perl ###### # # --start, -s = The date you would like to start generating regressors #--end, -e = When to stop generating holiday regressros # --scope, -c = D, W for Daily or Weekly respectively (e.g. Does this week have a particular holiday) # --file, -f = Ummm where to write the output silly! # # **NOTE** The EOM holiday is "End of Month" for
2009 Dec 08
Opps Correct Version of Holiday Regressor Perl Script
Here is the correct version. The old version is the redirect only version of the script. ### BEGIN SCRIPT #### #!/usr/bin/perl ###### # --start, -s = The date you would like to start generating regressors #--end, -e = When to stop generating holiday regressros # --scope, -c = D, W for Daily or Weekly respectively (e.g. Does this week have a particular holiday) # --file, -f = Ummm where to write
2009 Jul 15
storing lm() results and other objects in a list
to clean up some code I would like to make a list of arbitrary length to store?various objects for use in a loop sample code: ############ BEGIN SAMPLE ############## # You can see the need for a loop already linearModel1=lm(modelSource ~ .,mcReg) linearModel2=step(linearModel1) linearModel3=lm(modelSource ~ .-1,mcReg) linearModel4=step(linearModel3) #custom linearModel5=lm(modelSource ~ .
2015 Dec 05
Compile error about using RInside on windows enviroment
I'm going to using RInside on windows enviroment. I installed all tools and packages according to Dirk's instruction. My R installation reside in d:\hli\programfiles\R-3.2.2. There's no problems with folders with spaces. The rtools is installed in d:\hli\programfiles\Rtools and MinGW in d: \hli\programfiles\MinGW. The R_HOME is set to d:\hli\programfiles\R-3.2.2. I
2007 Jun 05
Can detect 64 bit R?
My fame package has to link to the that comes with FAME. However, FAME is now supplying both 32 and 64 bit versions of the library. The 32-bit version is $FAME/hli/ while the 64-bit version is $FAME/hli/64/ To set the right flags, it seems that I need to know, from within, whether the R installation is 32 bit or 64 bit. Is there a way to detect this?
2004 Jun 03
GAM question
I am trying to use R to do a weighted GAM with PA (presence/random) as the response variable (Y, which is a 0 or a 1) and ASPECT (values go from 0-3340), DEM (from 1500-3300), HLI (from 0-5566), PLAN (from -3 to 3), PROF (from -3 to 3), SLOPE (from 100-500) and TRI (from 0-51) as predictor variables (Xs). I need to weight each observation by its WO value (from 0.18 to 0.98). I have specified the
2002 Jul 15
*****SPAM***** Location Based Services in Oracle 9i, iSeminar- Today, 7/15 @2PM EST
SPAM: -------------------- Start SpamAssassin results ---------------------- SPAM: This mail is probably spam. The original message has been altered SPAM: so you can recognise or block similar unwanted mail in future. SPAM: See for more details. SPAM: SPAM: Content analysis details: (6.3 hits, 5 required) SPAM: Hit! (0.6 points) From: does not include a real name
2010 Jan 12
[Solved][Code Snippets] Dropping Empty Regressors
To make a long story short I was doing some in-sample testing in which some dynamically created regressors would end up either all true or all false based on the validation portion. In my case a new mainframe configuration (this is a crappy way to handle a level shift but I do what I can.) So here is the code snippet that finally let me pre-check my regressors and drop any of them that were all
2005 Apr 28
environment variables
In R, is there any way that I can let R not printing out the "Read 4 items " message? > a<-scan("probes.txt") Read 4 items Thanks Hua LI
2014 Dec 22
hi VIPwatch -true! mggwhq deyanu
G00d day! unique watch .gratify your darling!- &#104;ttp&#58;/&#47;x.c&#111;/66&#113;&#53;A &#104;tt&#112;&#58;//x&#46;co/&#54;6q5&#67; &#104;&#116;tp:&#47;/x.&#99;o&#47;66q&#53;&#69; weu ecy lpvpt nia yj fivyp oicj nktmw k so kjy sx qdbg cmvm ejp z etxqa hcp sei mb i mybta ntaw s dwyl eaoj bwyb ud xiobk lu hvp wizhf
2001 Mar 06
Problem compiling openssh on Solaris 2.6 with AFS-krb4 (fwd)
-- | Damien Miller <djm at> \ ``E-mail attachments are the poor man's | / distributed filesystem'' - Dan Geer ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 22:28:52 +0100 (MET) From: "[iso-8859-2] Martin MOKREJ?" <mmokrejs at> To: openssh at Subject: Re: Problem compiling
2013 Nov 26
Budete mit erekci, kdy se Vam zachce
Nav?tivte na?e webov? str?nky infotigra a objevte, jak JEDNA jedin? mal? modr? pilulka m??e do?ivotn? zm?nit VA?I sexu?ln? v?konnost! ? V??en? z?kazn?k! V?deck? testy prok?zaly, ?e TIGRA funguje l?pe ne? jak?koli jin? pilulka. Test na 800 mu??ch ve v?ku 21 a? 80 let prok?zal ohromuj?c? v?sledky: ? 1. A? o 71 % siln?j?? touha
2006 Dec 08
dyn.load and function calls without 'PACKAGE' argument
I'm writing a package that interfaces to the FAME database, via a library of compiled C routines accessible through a Linux .so file. My .onLoad() function loads the .so like this: dyn.load("/opt/fame/timeiq/lib/linux_x86/", local = F) and after that I also load my own via library.dynam("fame", package = "fame") The code in uses
2001 Apr 02
Run out of memory
I am trying to use R to cluster 7129 samples, my data set is a 7129 x 38 matrix, when I trying to get the distance matrix using function dist( ), the memory exhausted, and I tried to set the memory when I run R by R --vsize=250M --nsize=1000k no matter what I set for vsize the result is the same, it says: Error: heap memory (256000kb) exhausted [need 198498Kb more]
2001 Apr 12
Install Packages
Hi, I am trying to install "Rstrams" package, I have download the Rstreams_1.1-2.tar.gz in my computer and I tried the following 1. install.packages("Rstreams",lib=.lib.loc,"c:/R/package/Rstreams_1.1-2.tar.gz" ) I got 'lynx' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Error in httpclient(url,
2001 Apr 12
Write to a file
Hi, I am trying to write a vector of list in to a file. I used the following write(result,file="ttest.txt") I got an error message Error in cat(list(...), file, sep, fill, labels, append) : argument 1 not yet handled by cat Then I tested the property of my object > is.vector(result[]) [1] TRUE > is.list(result[]) [1] TRUE > is.list(result)