similar to: BIOMOD: the format of background data

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "BIOMOD: the format of background data"

2010 Aug 24
how to plot y-axis on the right of x-axis
Dear List, I have a richness data distributing across 20 N to 20 S latitude. (120 E-140 E longitude). I would like to draw the richness in the north hemisphere and a regression line in the plot (x-axis: latitude, y-axis: richness in the north hemisphere). The above demand is done using plot. Then, south hemisphere richness and regression are required to be generated using the same y-axis above
2012 Dec 16
average X value of specific Y
Hello I have a table describing butterfly range traits. It is composed of three columns as below Species name range size (X) latitude of range midpoint (Y) There are 11 kinds of butterflies. Each has its range size, and the latitude of each range midpoint ranges from 9 to 19. I would like to have the average range size of every degree of latitude. For example, the average range
2012 Dec 16
averaging X of specific Y (latitude)
Hello I have a table describing butterfly range traits. It is composed of three columns as below Species name range size (X) latitude of range midpoint (Y) There are 11 kinds of butterflies. Each has its range size, and the latitude of each range midpoint ranges from 9 to 19. I would like to have the average range size of every degree of latitude. For example, the average range
2011 Jul 14
plotting x y z data from an irregular grid
Hi, I'm trying to plot some data (z) that is linked to lat&long coordinates (x&y). These coordinates are not however on a regular grid. I also have some shapefiles on which I would like to overlay the data. I can plot the shapefiles (country/city outlines) and overplot the data, but only using quilt.plot because I otherwise always get the error message that 'Error in
2012 Aug 08
map axis on projected shapefiles
Hi, I have overlayed 2 projected shapefiles using the "plot" function. When I plot them the numbers next to the x-axis ticks are printed in scientific format (e.g. -4e+05, -3e+05,...,), and the problem is these dont match up to the projected point locations I also wish to overlay from my dataset. For example, according to the x-axis ticks the prime meridian (0?) is in totally the
2017 Nov 21
How to produce rainfall maps
Hi, You might get more help from the R-sig-geo list, which is devoted to spatial topics. However. The *.asc file is an ArcGIS raster export format. You should use whatever the appropriate import commands are for your own gridded rainfall data. If you have a different format, you might or might not be able to import it directly with raster. ?raster will tell you more about the kinds of formats
2008 Feb 18
how to plot image() without painting a map (the background)
Hello, I'm trying to plot dayly evolution of the temperature over France from Global Forecast System files ("I'm trying" is the right expression...). akilonlat03 is the temperature for different latitudes and longitudes ? 3 o'clock. akilonlat06 is the temperature for different latitudes and longitudes ? 6 o'clock. I would like to plot akilonlat03 and then akilonlat06
2011 Jul 25
Selecting unique values
Greetings I have a dataset with occurrence records of multiple species. I need to get rid of multiple listings of the same occurrence point for a species (as you see below in red and blue typeface). How do I create a dataset only with unique set of longitude and latitude for each species? Thanks in advance. Species_name Longitude Latitude Abies concolor -106.601 35.868 Abies concolor -106.493
2012 Sep 02
why variations in accuracy between R to ARCGIS for the same point reprojection?
Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone knows the reason why the outputs of the same reprojection in r and arcgis are different?. The magnitude of the change can be up to 40 km in the poles. Basically, I have a database of points equally separated by one degree over the globe. In ARCGIS, I am projecting the data in GCS-WGS-1984 and then reprojected it to Berhmann to ensure equal area
2017 Oct 21
Help_urgent_how to calculate mean and sd in biomod 2
Hello I am new in R. I am trying to implement Biomod 2 package. However, I have a doubt. I want to calculate the mean and sd of "" (ROC and TSS) > # let's print the ROC scores of all selected models > myBiomodModelEval_55["ROC","",,,] RUN1 RUN2 RUN3 RUN4 RUN5 RUN6 RUN7 RUN8 RUN9 RUN10 0.938 0.938 0.926 0.931 0.939
2011 Jan 14
Fwd: helps in data analysis
Dear List, I posted this in R-mixed and did not receive any feedback. I might post it in the wrong place. I re-post in R-help and hope to receive any suggestions and\or thoughts regarding data analysis. The objective of the study is to investigate effects of soil properties on insect outbreaks. There are four study fields (or sites). Data were collected from 1996 through 2009. Below is
2013 Jan 21
Regex for ^ (the caret symbol)?
Hello R-helpers, I am trying to search for string that includes the caret symbol, using the following code: grepl("latitude^2",temp) And R doesn't like that. It gives me: > temp<-c("latitude^2","latitude and latitude^2","longitude^2","longitude and longitude^2") > temp [1] "latitude^2" "latitude and
2010 Nov 01
function: colvolve
Hi list, I have a problem to solve which I believe I shoudl use the convolve to solve it, but I could not figure out how to do it. I got mydata, which is a dataframe which has 7 locations, each location has a longitude,latitude and a value. considering a step of 0.5 degree for longitudes and latitudes, I got 15 points for longitude and 15 points for latitude. Then I created a grid, mygrid, which
2017 Oct 26
Help_urgent_how to calculate mean and sd in biomod 2
Ol?, Please keep this in the list, I'm cc-ing r-help at And yes, I am Portuguese but R-Help is a mailing list in the English language. As for your new question, I believe that you should start a new thread. This is completely different from the question on computing mean and sd. Ask a new question. Font "arial" is a Microsoft font and as far as I know is not
2009 Apr 08
Reshape - strange outputs
Dear R Users, I am using the reshape package to reformat gridded data into column format using the code shown below. However, when I display the resulting object, a single column is fomed (instead of three) and all the latitude values (which should be in either column one or two) are collected at the bottom. Also, the NA values aren't removed, despite this being requested in the code. Code:
2009 Mar 06
help to use ppp in spatial analysis
Hi, i am using spatstat package for spatial data analysis and now i have a problem to create a point pattern. The points are in file "points.txt" (first column for Latitude and second column for Longitude ) and I imported them and separated each columns in two arrays x and y. If I plots x and y ( e.g plot(x,y) ) the result appears in square area without problems and the scale is
2010 Jan 25
R Output and ArcGIS
Dear all, I've been using R on a Mac to process some data for export to ArcMap GIS (which only runs on Windows). ArcMap seems to require tab-delimited data (my data are in 3 columns), so I've been using the sep="\t" argument. However, this resulted in strange end-of-line characters when displayed on a PC. I looked in the write.table help file to find that eol="\r\n"
2011 Oct 17
Hi Everyone, I am new to R Language and was wondering if someone could help me convert my latitude-longitude coordinates to cartesian coordiantes using geoXY() from SoDA package? I have been uploading my coordinates from a text file into R (they originate as a dataframe) and them converting them to a matrix using the data.matrix() function. But I think I'm running into trouble when I try to
2008 Sep 12
Join data by minimum distance
I am wondering if there is a function which will do a join between 2 data.frames by minimum distance, as it is done in ArcGIS for example. For people who are not familiar with ArcGIS here it is an explanation: Suppose you have a data.frame with x, y, coordinates called track, and a second data frame with different x, y coordinates and some other attributes called classif. The track data.frame has
2002 Mar 10
lattice library: xyplot and polygons
Dear R-Helpers, Is there a way to draw shaded (filled) polygons in panel graphs produced by xyplot ? I made different trials (see below) with polygon() and grid.polygon() but polygons are not drawn (probably for the same reason that prevents the use of lines, points, etc. in xyplot panels). Thanks in advance, Renaud > Water id label longitude latitude 515 21 Zone inondable