similar to: Searching untokenized fields

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Searching untokenized fields"

2006 Sep 25
Odd indexing issue
Hey Dave, I just contributed $100 to the ferret donation box. My project is earning no money yet (but hopefully will), for now I hope this helps you out and covers me for asking stupid questions ;). To get a distance sorted output, I am passing an array of the id field from a ferret search through to mysql in a custom select statement. SELECT ... id IN (#{ids.join(",")}) This has
2007 Jan 01
Possible Bug when Creating Indexes
I''m running: ferret (0.10.9) ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) [i386-mswin32] on Windows XP(SP2) When I create an index as follows: field_infos = => :yes, :term_vector => :no, :index => :yes) field_infos.add_field(:id, :index => :untokenized) field_infos.add_field(:subject) field_infos.add_field(:author) field_infos.add_field(:tags, :store => :no) index =
2006 Sep 09
search_each segmentation fault and parser anomoly
The included test script turned up the following anomolies (run against Ferret 0.10.3, but had same problems with 0.10.2): 1. When the content word is not in the index the inclusion of a wildcard file term causes search_each to throw a segmentation fault. $ ./test.rb zzz file:*.txt query: +content:zzz +file:*.txt ./test.rb:28: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24)
2006 Sep 05
No matches
The following script creates a search index and then searches it. I get no results? Where am I going wrong? Thanks. -----------BEGIN SCRIPT---------------- require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret path = ''/tmp/myindex'' field_infos = field_infos.add_field(:name, :store => :yes, :index => :yes)
2006 Jul 15
FieldQuery not returning anything
Hey .. The QueryParser RDoc page explains to me on how to search for a specific value in a specific field. This is not working the way i thought it should be, what am i doing wrong? Here''s an example .. I''m storing model data in the index like this: doc << "object_id",, Field::Store::YES) doc << "type",
2006 Jan 20
Questions about Searching
Hi, I have some questions about searching with Ferret. I have a user index with first_name, last_name and full_name (which is just first plus last with a space). Here are a couple of questions: 1) If I store the fields tokenized, it appears as though queries are case-insensitive. However, for untokenized, the query is case-sensitive. How can I make the untokenized searches case-insensitive?
2007 Jul 13
More sorting problems with untokenized index
I''m having problems sorting on untokenized fields. I have one field that sorts fine, but there are others that seem to sort on a different field. Here''s the index description: acts_as_ferret :remote=>true,:fields=>{:name=>{:boost=>2},:name_for_sort=>{:index => :untokenized}, :city=>{:boost=>2}, :city_for_sort=>{:index=>:untokenized},
2006 Dec 07
crash on repeated search
I have found another crash in ferret; this one just uses a regular search. It''s similar to an issue reported by Matt Schnitz a while ago, but unlike his, mine does not go away if I turn off omit_norms. It does go away if I turn on the garbage collector more often, but I''m not sure that''s a stable workaround under the circumstances. This one isn''t a
2007 Mar 28
Questions on tokenized x untokenized and date sorting
Gents, does this definition will allow me to search inside title, sub_title and url and sort by score, rank_sort, last_updated_at_sort ? acts_as_ferret :fields => { :title => {:boost => 2, :store => :yes}, :sub_title => {:store => :yes}, :url => {:store => :yes}, :rank_sort =>
2006 Sep 18
Dynamic fields and AAF
Hi, I have a model which has properties, these are your standard name/value pairs, but also have attributes that affect how I want to store them in ferret. I was using 0.9.5 with 0.2 of aaf, which seemed fine, I just copied and pasted (yes, I know, ick) the to_doc method and added code to iterate though the properties that that model had, and add relavent fields to the document. It seems
2007 Jun 17
highlighting and range queries
Hi there, Is highlighting for range queries supposed to work ? It doesn''t work here. here is an non-working example: (highlighting works when q="test:2007*") require ''ferret'' include Ferret index = #index.field_infos.add_field(:test, :store => :yes, :index => :untokenized) i=1 for a in [ "20070505", "20071230",
2006 Aug 29
uninitialized constant UNTOKENIZED
I''m getting "uninitialized constant UNTOKENIZED" when I try to do something like the following: class Url < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :fields => {''name'' => {}, ''description'' => {}, ''url'' => {:index => Ferret::Document::Field::Index::UNTOKENIZED},
2007 Mar 01
Dave, thank you so much for the 0.11 release(s). You have solved many problems for me. As part of my appreciation for your good works, I am offering up for public consideration a silly little class that I wrote. (Code is below.) This class offers a simplified Hash-like interface to (a very restricted subset of) Ferret. Hence I call it FerretHash. FerretHash comes with its very own pet Ferret
2006 Mar 08
indexing a document object fails
Hi, I''m trying out the example (more or less) straight from the tutorial: doc = doc <<"id", "a", Field::Store::NO, Field::Index::UNTOKENIZED) doc <<"title", "b", Field::Store::YES, Field::Index::UNTOKENIZED) doc <<"data", "c",
2007 Apr 10
ferret-0.11.4-mswin32 not compatible with Ruby1.8.4
Just a quick note for future reference - at least for me, ferret won''t work on Ruby 1.8.4. gem install ferret Successfully installed ferret-0.11.4-mswin32 ruby -v ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i386-mswin32] irb irb(main):001:0> require ''ferret'' A windows error message box appears - ruby.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point rb_w32_write could not be
2007 Jul 25
DRb not starting
Hi, I have my Model as follows: class Mutation < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret ({:fields => {:description=>{}, :product_id=>{:index => :untokenized}, :product_description=>{}, :product_label_description=>{}, :product_label_free=>{}, :product_product_id_supplier=>{}, :product_description_supplier=>{}, :supplier_description=>{}, :pub_date_sort
2005 Dec 14
Query question
I have an index in which I want different records to be accessible to different users. I think I can do this by adding a "users" field to each record in the index and narrow down my queries to only those records matching the current user''s userid. I have the userids separated by commas. What would be the right way to query for a certain user? I have to make sure that I
2006 Dec 28
Sorting/Ordering Search Results
Hello All, I am having an issue with AAF and sorting results of a search. Right now, I have results being split onto pages of 10. The results are being sorted alphabetically, but not across multiple pages - it''s just sorting the 10 it pulls down on each page. I noticed another post from April regarding this same issue ( where the issue was
2007 Aug 03
can''t search for OR (as in the state)
I''m trying to search a Model by the state field using Acts As Ferret. The query for this is ''+state:NY'' (substitute state abbreviation for NY). This works find however ''+state:OR'' returns nothing, though just ''portland'' will pull up matches within that state. I''m pretty sure it''s reading OR as an or conditional
2006 Oct 02
Another web app using Ferret
I am apart of a team that runs a student site called Studicious ( We have been using Ferret from the beginning, and recently added acts_as_ferret and sorting to the system. As you can see if you try the search, sorting is not working as expected. I am using this code (w/ find_by_content): :sort =>, :reverse => false)