Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Help with beanplot fromatting"
2018 Feb 13
Suppress horizontal mean line in beanplot()
I would like to use the beanplot() function from the beanplot package.
Unfortunately, I can't find out how to suppress the dashed horizontal
line, that shows the overall mean.
In the help I've found the argument "overallline", but it only allows
for "mean" or "median" .
I have tried overallline = F, overallline="n", and
2011 Nov 10
beanplot without log scale?
Is it possible to force beanplot not to use a log scale? I want to be able to create multiple beanplots of different data on the same specified y-axis.
When I try to force a ylim, I get the following...
> beanplot(reg5vel,ylim=(c(0,12000)))
log="y" selected
Warning message:
In plot.window(xlim = c(0.5, 7.5), ylim = c(0, 12000), log = "y") :
nonfinite axis limits
2012 Jan 13
beanplot-Error: sample is too sparse to find TD
Hi all,
Since two days I am trying to find a solution to be able to create
beanplots for my data. When I call the beanplot function the following
error appears:
> beanplot(y1 ~ x1, log="", what=c(1,1,1,0), ylim=c(0,1))
> Error in bw.SJ(x, method = "dpi") : sample is too sparse to find TD
What is really strange: I have 32 different vectors and the problem occurs
2010 Jun 29
Performance enhancement for ave
grp1<-sample(1:750, n, replace=T)
grp2<-sample(1:750, n, replace=T)
d<-data.frame(x=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n), grp1=grp1, grp2=grp2)
d$avx1 <- ave(d$x, list(d$grp1, d$grp2))
d$avy1 <- ave(d$y, list(d$grp1, d$grp2))
# user system elapsed
# 39.300 0.279 40.809
d$avx2 <- ave(d$x, interaction(d$grp1, d$grp2, drop =
2011 Jan 31
identify subsets based on two grouping factors
Hi, I have a data.frame that has a categorical variable, for which I
would like to look at the distribution of levels of this variable,
based on a grouping of two other variables.
As an example:
x <- data.frame(obs=sample(c('low', 'high'),100, replace=TRUE),
grp1=sample(1:10, 100, replace=TRUE),
cut.grp1 <- cut(x$grp1, 3)
cut.grp2 <- cut(x$grp2, 3)
2011 Jan 31
arranging pie charts in a matrix layout with row/col labels
Hi, I have a vector of data, that I group based on two factors via
tapply. For each such grouping I would like to plot a pie chart. I
can layout these pie charts in a matrix layout, correpsonding to the
levels of the two factors. But I am getting stuck on how to label the
rows and colums. My current approach looks like this:
x <- data.frame(obs=sample(c('low', 'high'),100,
2018 Dec 05
Restricting sending mail to domain or group
On Wed, 5 Dec 2018, Alexander Dalloz wrote:
>> I have a group alias (all at company.com).
>> (1) Only company.com accounts should be able to send an email to everybody
>> in that company via all at company.com.
>> (2) - rather optional: refine the restrictions, e.g. two groups,
>> grp1 at company.com and grp2 at company.com. Grp1 members should be able to send
2004 Oct 22
ave gives unexpected NA's
[R 2.0.0 on Linux]
I tried:
> df <- data.frame(
grp1=factor( c('A' ,'A' ,'A' ,'D', 'D' ) ) ,
grp2=factor( c('a1','a2','a2','d1','d1') )
> df
grp1 grp2 val
1 A a1 1
2 A a2 2
3 A a2 4
4 D d1 8
5 D d1 16
I got:
> with( df, ave( val, grp1, grp2, FUN=sum ) )
2011 Feb 08
Convert the output of by() to a data frame
I'd like to summarize several variables in a data frame, for multiple groups, and store the results in a data.frame. To do so, I'm using by(). For example:
2018 Dec 05
Restricting sending mail to domain or group
Hi folks,
has anybody a simple solution for the following request?
I have a group alias (all at company.com).
(1) Only company.com accounts should be able to send an email to everybody in that company via all at company.com.
(2) - rather optional: refine the restrictions, e.g. two groups, grp1 at company.com and grp2 at company.com. Grp1 members should be able to send mails to grp2 but not vice
2009 Feb 06
beanplot, Error in shapiro.test(x)
Dear all,
I am trying to create beanplots from a dataset for which boxplot works fine.
(MACOS, R 2.8.1 GUI 1.27 Tiger build 32-bit (5301))
I am getting the following error message:
Error in shapiro.test(x) : sample size must be between 3 and 5000
I am not even sure why the shapiro.test is being used, but is there any
workaround ?
Thanks !
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Apr 07
plyr workaround to converting by() to a data frame
Dear all
Is there a clean plyr version of the following by() and do.call(rbind,
...) construct:
> df<-data.frame(a=1:10,b=11:20,c=21:30,grp1=c("x","y"),grp2=c("x","y"),grp3=c("x","y"))
> dfsum<-by(df[c("a","b","c")], df[c("grp1","grp2","grp3")], range)
2009 Nov 24
Help: Beanplots calculating wrong average
Hi there,
I have a set of data that looks like this:
As1988<-c(1254.0, 22.0, 4.2, 1081.0, 35.0, 6.0, 1772.0, 192.0, 7.6)
The mean of this (as calculated by R) is: 485.9778
The median of this (as calculated by R) is: 35
If I then make a beanplot(As1988), I find that the beanline (average) is now
77.68561 while the beanline (median) is 35.39739 (using the locator function
to check the
2008 Aug 18
Samba 3.0.x access rights issue with secondary groups or Unix rights
Hi experts
I have a trouble in access rights
I am running Samba
3.0.31 on Solaris 10 x86 64 bits as member server of an Active
Directory 2003 R2 domain (MYDOMAIN) using Identity Management for Unix
I set rights to access a sub folder of a Samba share. On Solaris the user
"toto" jdoe can write a new file. From Windows, the same user can't.
Itlooks like OK when the primary group
2010 Aug 11
help to polish plot in ggplot2
I wanted to generate a plot which is almost like the plot generated by the
following codes.
category <- paste("Geographical Category", 1:10)
grp1 <- rnorm(10, mean=10, sd=10)
grp2 <- rnorm(10, mean=20, sd=10)
grp3 <- rnorm(10, mean=15, sd=10)
grp4 <- rnorm(10, mean=12, sd=10)
mydat <- data.frame(category,grp1,grp2,grp3,grp4)
dat.m <- melt(mydat)
p <-
2013 Sep 26
Less than equal to symbol in ggplot2 legend text
I am trying to add a less than equal to symbol in a ggplot2 legend text.
See sample code below. I have tried using the expression function and
\u2264. I also tried adding labels to legend.text under theme.
Neither of these 3 options work.
Please help,
Grp1 <- "\u2264 1.5"
Grp2 <-
2010 Jan 12
Unable to map the group
Hi All,
I am using Samba 3.2.11 on sles 10. I have create a Unix group 'grp1' and
mapped it to a ntgroup "Group One". Unix group 'grp1' has one user i.e
'usr1'. 'net groupmap' command show the mapping with correct SID and gid
value. Please, have a look here.
# cat /etc/group | grep grp1
# net groupmap list
Group One
2018 Mar 06
Capturing warning within user-defined function
1. I did not attempt to sort through your voluminous code. But I suspect
you are trying to reinvent wheels.
2. I don't understand this:
"I've failed to find a solution after much searching of various R related
A web search on "error handling in R" **immediately** brought up ?tryCatch,
which I think is what you want.
If not, you should probably explain why it
2018 Mar 06
Capturing warning within user-defined function
tryCatch() is good for catching errors but not so good for warnings, as
it does not let you resume evaluating the expression that emitted
the warning. withCallingHandlers(), with its companion invokeRestart(),
lets you collect the warnings while letting the evaluation run to
Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com
On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 2:45 PM, Bert Gunter <bgunter.4567 at
2018 Mar 06
Capturing warning within user-defined function
You can capture warnings by using withCallingHandlers. Here is an example,
its help file has more information.
dataList <- list(
A = data.frame(y=c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE), x=1:5),
B = data.frame(y=c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE), x=1:5),
C = data.frame(y=c(FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE), x=1:5))
withWarnings <- function(expr) {
.warnings <- NULL # warning handler will