similar to: acts_as_ferret and Fuzzy Searching

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "acts_as_ferret and Fuzzy Searching"

2008 Jan 21
fuzzy search question
Hi, I''ve got a question about FuzzyQueries. Say I''m doing a search for people by name, and I want to allow fuzzy results if there aren''t enough hits with a regular query. This is easy enough; just redo the search with the fuzzy query if original_results.total_hits is less than some threshold. However, I would like the exact-match results to have a higher score
2006 Jul 14
Whitespace Issues
I am trying to build up a filtered search using the logic below. bq = bq.add_query("section",section.downcase!)), Ferret::Search::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST) filter = @vobjects = VoObject.find_by_contents(search_input,:filter => filter, :sort
2006 Aug 08
acts_as_ferret to search partial phrases and fuzzy
Hi All, I was wondering if anyone had experience of extending AAF plugin for Rails to implement a broader query ? The documentation and the demo provided on the wiki seems to only match full text queries, or partial when using a * wildcard. Ideally, I am trying to acheive something similar to the following (pseudo code): def search @query
2006 Sep 20
Updating to the bleeding edge version of Ferret
Hey guys, It has occurred to me that a lot of people need some of the fixes I make to Ferret ASAP and don''t like having to wait to long for the gem. On the other hand, it is a bit of a pain to download and install from subversion because then you need to uninstall when the next gem comes out. So I thought I may as well put some instructions out as to how you can build your own Ferret gem
2006 Oct 16
acts_as_ferret: can i specify a search on 1 field as suppose
to the ones i defined in my model? for example if in the model i specify acts_as_ferret to index only column 1, 2, and 3 in my can i perform a search just for column 1 if need be. for example, id like to give the user the ability to just search on title name vs description, etc... thanks! -- Posted via
2006 Aug 25
acts_as_ferret with conditions
Hello guys, Having a slight problem with acts_as_ferret, specifically using a condition. I have the following code @results = SupplierProduct.find_by_contents(params [:search], :conditions => [''area_id = ?'', @area]) and it seems the condition isn''t being applied. Does anyone have any pointers? Cheers, Alastair ------ Alastair Moore Standards compliant web
2006 Nov 27
find_conditions in acts_as_ferret find_by_contents
Hi all, Every time I try to add options for the find_conditions argument of find_by_contents I get the following: a = AnnotatedLink.find_by_contents(''test'', {}, {:conditions => ''category_id IS NOT NULL''}) >> NoMethodError: You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occured while
2006 Jul 10
acts_as_ferret 0.2.2
Hi all, I just tagged acts_as_ferret 0.2.2 as the current stable version, so get it while it''s hot ;-) new features: - added support for the multiple models/single index approach. - find out the total number of search results by calling total_hits on the array returned by find_by_contents. fixes: - trac tickets #20 (find_by_contents breaks ferret sorting) and #24
2007 Oct 03
Pagination problem with acts_as_ferret
Hi, am using this wonderful plugin acts_as_ferret and according to the tutorial at ? rial#basic I worked it out except the pagination feature. If I have 12 records and I give limit to 10, its correctly displaying 10 records in the first page and is giving the link to the second page too. But when I go to the next page I find the same 10 records instead of
2007 May 25
how to update index with acts_as_ferret?
Hey all, I have movie has_many :medias and media belongs_to :media this is how my movie class looks like: class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :medias acts_as_ferret :fields => [:title,:medias_name] def medias_name return self.medias.inject("") {|name,m| name + " " +} end end when I do Movie.find_by_contents("title:bob") it does return a movie
2006 Nov 21
acts_as_ferret with STI models
Can acts_as_ferret search only one of the inherit models in the hierarchy of STI models? Say you have Contents, with types articles and comments. I know that you do Contents.find_by_contents, but can you also create indexed for Comment and Articles? Thanks for you help Miguel -- Posted via
2006 May 01
pagination in acts_as_ferret
I''m just wondering where I would put the pagination for search results when using "acts_as_ferret". At the moment my search code is.. def search @query = params[:query] || '''' unless @query.blank? @results = Tutorial.find_by_contents @query end end Cheers SchmakO -- Posted via
2006 Jul 09
acts_as_ferret.. what does it actually do?
Okay in this plea for help I''m going to repeat some of what i posted before but with a larger amount of background info in the hope that i can get a decent grip on ferret before it wriggles away.. Firstly, what does installing the acts_as_ferret plugin actually do? I install it and add it to my model and then the index is automatically generated and a few methods are added to it and
2006 Mar 17
Fuzzy searching using act_as_ferret
Hello, My Ferret integration has gone quite well. I''m now returning all the results I need from two models using "id_multi_search" and combining the results in the view using a couple of partials. Is there any way that I can turn on fuzzy searching? Would fuzzy searching pick up basic spelling mistakes such as "Bnadit" instead of "Bandit" my experience
2007 Jul 19
Acts_As_Ferret only returns results when searching for "*"
Hey, I''m probably just missing something really obvious but I''ve been stuck on this problem for a while now and I''m not getting anywhere. I have installed the acts_as_ferret gem, as well as ferret according to the tutorial on RailsEnvy. My model, controller, and environment.rb files have all been modified as per that turotial. However any attempts to use the
2007 Nov 13
acts_as_ferret : cannot use a customized Analyzer (as indicated in the AdvancedUsageNotes)
Hi all, I cannot make aaf (rev. 220) use my custom analyzer, despite following the indications @ To pinpoint the problem, I created a model + a simple analyzer with 2 stop words : "fax" and "gsm". test 1 : model.rebuild_index + model.find_by_contents("fax") # fax is a stop word. => I get a
2006 Jun 19
fuzzy search
This may be offtopic to Rails, but what are people doing to find records based on fuzzy string matches? For example, if you wanted to find a Person with name "David Heinemeier Hansson" but searched using the string "Dave Hansson". Currently I am find_by_sql that calls the PostgreSQL function "levenshtein(string1, string2)" which returns results with a score
2006 Sep 01
Ferret/acts_as_ferret don''t seem to be doing anything
I''m having an odd problem with Ferret 0.9.5 and acts_as_ferret 0.2.3, on RedHat Linux Enterprise 4. All of my find_by_contents calls return 0 results. When I try Foo.rebuild_index via the console, it returns nil. This is happening on my production machine, during deployment of my app. Everything works perfectly on my development machine (Windows). I have no idea where to start
2006 Oct 12
Ferret::StateError while using acts_as_ferret
I''m fairly new to ferret / aaf and finding it much easier to use than HyperEstraier (which I migrated from). However, I am getting a few errors and I need to figure out if they''re problems with my usage of ferret or a bug I should report. I''m currently running Ferret 0.10.11 with acts_as_ferret (latest via svn external) and 3 times today I''ve seen the
2007 Jan 31
GeoQuery with acts_as_ferret involved
So, I''m working on a search engine of sorts that restricts results to your local area. I can successfully return all entries within 15 miles of a particular point, and I can successfully return all entries that match a search query, but I''m having trouble combining the two together and doing pagination on them. Basically, for the range query, you do a SQL query that returns all