similar to: category with respect to category

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "category with respect to category"

2008 Apr 24
changing format of a float value to another
hello How can I change a vector's float value from ("1.085714e-01") format to a simpler format (like 0.1xxx). regards -- Ahmet Temiz Jeo. M?h. Afet ??leri Gen. Md.l??? Deprem Ar. D. Ahmet Temiz Geo. Eng. General Dir. of Disaster Affairs -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
2003 Oct 31
Therotical basis of Kriging
hello I want to know about therotical basis of Kriging in elemantary level. I will appreciate if anyone sends me address,link,e-documents, etc.. kind regards -- Ahmet Temiz General Directory of Disaster Affairs Ankara TURKEY ______________________________________ Inflex - installed on mailserver for domain Queries to: postmaster at
2007 Apr 24
problem in tapply command
hello when I entered following command, I got NA values for some catagories. > tapply(slp_jeo2$slp,slp_jeo2$jeo,mean ) 999 Ca Cka DCy Jh JKi Kk 14.06665 NA 14.60445 NA NA NA NA NA KTa KTac Ku Kua Kus Ky Kyk ODe NA NA NA NA NA NA
2003 Jul 21
R commands from a text file ?
Hello I was wondering if it was possible to enter R commands from an external text file. If it is possible, it will be easy for repetetive tasks. Does anyone have an idea ? thanks in advance Ahmet Temiz TURKEY ______________________________________ ______________________________________ The views and opinions expressed in this e-mail message are ...{{dropped}}
2010 Jan 13
convert factor data to numeric
hello could you give me a hint to convert data in factor type to numeric (float) ? regards -- Open WebMail Project ( -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
2004 Aug 04
which package for spatial autocorr.
hello which package do you recommend for spatial autocorrelation ? regards Ahmet Temiz ______________________________________ Inflex - installed on mailserver for domain Queries to: postmaster at ______________________________________ The views and opinions expressed in this e-mail message are ...{{dropped}}
2006 May 10
subselect in a matrix
hello I confused one point in matrix constructed with cbind I want to subselect 6. column > 1000 what should the syntax be ? regards -- Ahmet Temiz Jeoloji M?h. Afet ??leri Genel M?d?rl??? Deprem Ara?t?rma Dairesi Tel: (312) 287 89 51 veya (312) 287 26 80/1547 Faks: (312) 287 89 51 E. Posta: temiz at Ahmet Temiz Geological Eng. General Directorate of
2005 Jun 24
definition of variogram
hello I need basic explanation of variogram and how to use in R. I will appreciate if you supply them. regards Ahmet Temiz ______________________________________ XamimeLT - installed on mailserver for domain Queries to: postmaster at ______________________________________ The views and opinions expressed in this e-mail message are ...{{dropped}}
2003 Apr 07
hello I have spatial data which contain number of landslide presence cells with respect to landslide predictors and number of landslide absence cells with respect to same predictors. predictors are essentially categorical data. I tried logistic regression. But because of providing interaction capability of predictors, I want to use log-linear method. I hesitate the way I should use
2003 Mar 14
logistic regression
Hello 1* I need to use logistic regression. But my data file is very huge( appx. 4 million line). R doesn't handle such a file. What can I do ? ------------------------ 2* So, I thought whether I could perform sta. analyses on summarised data (count of yes/no values) of the huge file. Normally, summarised data file short and R could handle it. Then I used this command. > lo
2006 May 08
package contains stepAIC ?
hello I would like to know which package contains stepAIC function ? regards -- Ahmet Temiz Jeoloji M?h. Afet ??leri Genel M?d?rl??? Deprem Ara?t?rma Dairesi Tel: (312) 287 89 51 veya (312) 287 26 80/1547 Faks: (312) 287 89 51 E. Posta: temiz at Ahmet Temiz Geological Eng. General Directorate of Disaster Affairs Earthquake Research Department Phone: +90 (312)
2006 May 08
ob.step$anova interpretation
hello I built logistic regression model. To model check I used stepAIC. But I don't know how it is interpreted . I could not any find any explanation about it For instance which model is preferable ? What are the critarias to choose beter model I will appreciate if you give me an explanation ? models --------- > lo1.step$anova Stepwise Model Path Analysis of Deviance Table Initial
2005 Jun 30
installation error
hello when I follow this procedure: ~~~~~~~~~~ rS <- "" install.packages(c("Matrix"), repos=rS, dependencies=TRUE) ~~~~~~~~~~ installation gives this error: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ make: *** [] Error 1 ERROR: compilation failed for package 'Matrix' ** Removing '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/Matrix' **
2003 Oct 16
Interpolation of azimuth values
Hello I will make an interpolation of data which represents azimuth direction ( angle from north in clockwise direction) values. But there is a problem. Say, for instance, while 1 and 359 indicate somewhat same direction, interpolation puts values in the range from 1 to 359. What can I do to solve the problem ? Anything you offer ? thanks in advance Ahmet Temiz General Directory of
2010 Jan 13
need a clarification on logistic regression
hello I need a clarification. in logistic regression, saturated model having all combinations and interactions of variables should be constructed in this way ? : > rsat2=glm(cbind(landp,landa) ~ as.factor(rlito)*as.factor(rslp)*as.factor(rasp)*as.factor(rplc)*as.factor(rwi),family= binomial(link=logit),data=rdf46) then using stepAIC to eliminate some models having high AIC values. >
2003 May 30
cbind order
Hello I need to use this command: cbind(ftable(xtabs(cnt~geo+slp+con+hey,data=dt3)) hey is in count of success /failure value but cbind gives failure/success counts. I want to change the order of this cbind as success /failure counts. for instance: I want cbind to give counts as 32-4552 rather than 4552-32 what should I do ? thanks in advance Ahmet TURKEY
2007 Feb 23
open webmail error
Hi, I installed openwebmail on centOS 4.4 using tarballs MIME-Base64-3.01.tar.gz libnet-1.19.tar.gz Text-Iconv-1.2.tar.gz openwebmail-2.52.tar.gz and fianlly I did the below /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ --init Then I browse as below http://IP/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ then I got the below error. Please execute
2010 Jun 10
Openwebmail dependency problem
Ok, I have to ask. I tried to yum install the latest openwebmail (from the openwebmail repo), and got a transaction check error about a conflict with some packages which are needed by amavisd and spamassassin (packages originating from rpmforge, I think). Below is the yum output. By googling I found a lot of descriptions of the problem, but no solution. - Jussi (...) Resolving Dependencies
2008 Jan 07
error message in having subset
hello I want to have subset of my dataset that is equal to 0. But, I got this error message. > hs2=hs[hs$hey60==0 ,] Error in hs[hs$hey60 == 0, ] : (subscript) logical subscript too long regards -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
2020 Feb 27
Hello Everyone: ????? Is it possible to direct dovecot to modify dovecot-uidlist automatically??? I have some user who use ancient MUA(i.e. Openwebmail) and IMAP/POP3. Since Openwebmail will insert "Status: R" in the eml file,the size of the eml file will increase by 10 bytes. If the user use Openwebmail first,then the size record(S=xxxx) in dovecot-uidlist will be fine. But if he