Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Aligning Diagonally Oriented Labels Under Bar Chart"
2009 Dec 15
Diagonal Labels on "Beside" Bars in Barplot
My question is based on an example provided in the following:
Statistics with R
Vincent Zoonekynd
<zoonek at math.jussieu.fr>
6th January 2007
a <- as.table( apply(HairEyeColor, c(1,2), sum) )
# Provided Example
barplot(a, beside = TRUE,
legend.text = attr(a, "dimnames")$Hair)
# I
2011 Apr 16
Rotating the x-axis labels of a barplot
Dear listserv,
Here is my latest formatting problem. I would like to rotate the x-axis labels
by 45 degrees on a _barplot_. Apparently this is slightly different from the
example given in the R FAQ, which is for rotating the x-axis labels on a
I have adapted that code, as best I could, and
2009 Mar 26
How to rotate axis labels? 2009
while searching for a solution i found many solutions in the internet.
But the postings seemed to be many years old and the workaround was a
dirty hack like this:
Now its the year 2009 and there might have been some improvement...
Does anyone know a nice and easy way to turn labels on the y axis in the
2006 Feb 08
rotating axis / mtext labels
Hello list.
Is it possible to use par(srt=45) to rotate text by 45 degrees along the
x-axis of a plot. Using:
x_names<-c("C57 Nv", "C57 Vacc", "129 Nv", "129 Vacc", "IFNgR Nv", "IFNgR Vacc")
mtext(font=2, x_names, side=1, line=1, at=l, cex=1.2)
doesn't seem to work in R 2.2.0
2010 Aug 12
x-axis label print in 45 degree
Hi how can print x-axis labels in 45 degree in boxplot() (or plot in general)? I
can use las=2 to print in 90 degree, but it looks ugly. Is there a simple option
to do 45 degree easily?
2010 Nov 20
Setting a Red->Yellow->Green Color Transition in Image(...) with yellow corresponding with the Mean Value...
In the following example I would like to have the color transition from
Red->yellow->green in the image(...) function, and if possible have the yellow
be set to correspond with the mean value (for the below 75).
I was able to figure something like out when using filled.contour(...), e.g.
filled.contour(ak.fan, levels = c(70, 73, 76,?80, 90), color = terrain.colors)
(I still
2006 Mar 08
How to plot the xaxis label at 45 degree angle?
Hello there,
I would like to plot a graph with the x axis's label displayed at a 45
angle to the x axis instead of horizontal to it as the label is very
long. What should I do?
Thank you for your help in advance
Lisa Wang
Princess Margaret Hospital
Toronto, Ca
2010 Jan 04
Adding a distance scale to a plot?
Do you know what steps I need to take to add a scale to a plot?
I'm pulling my example out of "An Introduction to R: Software for StatisticalModelling & Computing" (see the R code around Figure 76).
I would like to add a scale to the image produced by the following code.? I would like to the scale to list the distance?and units:?
x <- 10*(1:nrow(volcano))
2004 Oct 27
ploting axes and rotating strings
I have two question that rose from trying to tacle the same problem in two
differnet ways.
What I want to do is to plot axes (only values or labels, no tick marks) in
such a way that 'cex' can be very small, text can be perpendicular to the
axis (as in axis(las=2) ) and the text is stil at the right position.
Let me demonstrate with a small example:
2008 Apr 08
diagonally fill a rectangle with color gradient
Is it possible to diagonally fill a rectangle with a color gradient? I
noticed that the gradient.rect of plotrix could fill a rect either up and
down or from side to side. I am looking for something similar but fills
diagonally instead, e.g., from the upper left corner to the bottom right.
Does anyone know how to do it in R?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Aug 16
equivalent of Splus command axis(..., srt=45, adj=1) in R
Dear R-users
moving from Splus to R (under Windows), I notice that command "srt" within a
plot in the original Splus code is ignored by R.
For example, if a plot something and then include the line of code
axis(1, at=Time, labels=Text, srt=45, adj=1)
the srt=45 command within the axis() command fails to draw Text at 45
degrees on the x-axis in R but it works properly in Splus.
I will
1999 Aug 16
axis ignores srt/crt (PR#249)
Rotated text for axis labels should be possible with one of
(or similar with crt instead of srt)
None of these works in pre0.65 or in 0.64.2
platform sparc-sun-solaris2.7
arch sparc
os solaris2.7
system sparc,
2008 May 27
Rotated text on a regression line
Dear all,
I stumbled over a problem recently when trying to use srt with text() on a
windows device.
What I intended to do was to plot a simple regression line, and to rotate
a piece of text such that the text has the same angle as the regression
However, the text is always plotted in a slightly wrong angle:
x=1:10 #create arbitrary x and y values
2010 Jan 22
Rotating the axis labels in the basic graphic device ?
Hello dear R help group,
I learned recently that one can change the rotation of labels in the axis,
when using a lattice plot, for example:
barchart(yield ~ variety , data = barley,
groups = year,
ylab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre)",
scales = list(rot = 45))
My question is: Is there an application of "rot" in something like
2012 Feb 02
Vertical string with horizontal letters
I'm trying to format text on a plot such that the string is vertical but the letters are horizonal. I tried
text(1,1,label="output", srt=270)
This gives the string rotation I want, but that rotates the entire "output" so the letters are also rotated. I've also tried
text(1,1,label="output", srt=270, crt=270)
to no avail. par()$crt doesn't seem to affect
2008 Mar 01
jpeg and margin text
Hi guys,
I use R 2.6.2 and Windows XP.
I’ve got the following question: I wrote a lot of text into the margin of a
plot. When I use the “jpeg”-function, only a little part of the margin text
is displayed in the final jpeg? Any ideas to change it?
2004 Oct 15
R plot problems
Hello Everyboby:
Could I consult everyboby two problems about plot.
Recently, I am doing some analysis in plot.
Now I can draw boxplot in R , but the result's plot loss some of the x-coordinates. I want to rotate the direction of x-coordinates' letter so that it can show all. But I don't know how to write this option or function . Or Could you carry out some
2005 Feb 02
(no subject)
can you recommend a good manual for R that starts with a data set and gives
demonstrations on what can be done using R? I downloadedR Langauage
definition and An introduction to R but haven't found them overly useful.
I'd really like to be able to follow some tutorials using a dataset or many
datasets. The datasets I have available on R are
Data sets in package 'datasets':
2006 Mar 06
barplot names.arg
How can i set a rotation for the names.arg in barplot?
2006 Feb 21
rotated labels in barplot with beside=T and multiple groups
I have a data set that I display using barplot. I don't know what you
call it, but when I look at it, it looks like this:
> lsu
(0,0.1] (0.1,0.2] (0.2,0.3] (0.3,0.4] (0.4,0.5] (0.5,0.6]
A 0.052631579 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
B 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.001007049 0.003021148 0.000000000 0.000000000
E 0.200000000 0.000000000