Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "lme4 and incomplete block design"
2008 Sep 17
ANOVA contrast matrix vs. TukeyHSD?
Dear Help List,
Thanks in advance for reading...I hope my questions are not too ignorant.
I have an experiment looking at evolution of wing size [centroid] in
fruitflies and the effect of 6 different experimental treatments
[treatment]. I have five replicate populations [replic] in each
treatment and have reared the flies in two different temperatures [cond]
to assay the wing size, making
2006 Jan 29
extracting 'Z' value from a glm result
Hello R users
I like to extract z values for x1 and x2. I know how to extract coefficents
using model$coef
but I don't know how to extract z values for each of independent variable. I
looked around
using names(model) but I couldn't find how to extract z values.
Any help would be appreciated.
2009 May 18
Overdispersion using repeated measures lmer
Dear All
I am trying to do a repeated measures analysis using lmer and have a number
of issues. I have non-orthogonal, unbalanced data. Count data was obtained
over 10 months for three treatments, which were arranged into 6 blocks.
Treatment is not nested in Block but crossed, as I originally designed an
orthogonal, balanced experiment but subsequently lost a treatment from 2
blocks. My
2009 Aug 19
Sweave output from print.summary.glm is too wide
Hi all
I am preparing a document using Sweave; a really useful tool. But I am having a problem.
Consider this toy example Sweave file:
options(width=40) # Set width to 40 characters
hide <- capture.output(example(glm)) # Create an example of the problem, but hide the output
summary(glm.D93) #
2009 Jan 20
Poisson GLM
This is a basics beginner question.
I attempted fitting a a Poisson GLM to data that is non-integer ( I believe
Poisson is suitable in this case, because it is modelling counts of
infections, but the data collected are all non-negative numbers with 2
decimal places).
My question is, since R doesn't return an error with this glm fitting, is it
important that the data is non-integer. How does
2005 Sep 07
FW: Re: Doubt about nested aov output
Further to my previous posting on your Glycogen nested aov model.
Having read Douglas Bates' response and Reflected on his lmer analysis
output of your aov nested model example as given.The Glycogen treatment has
to be a Fixed Effect.If a 'treatment' isn't a Fixed Effect what is ? If
Douglas Bates' lmer model is modified to treat Glycogen Treatment as a
2005 Apr 05
nlme & SASmixed in 2.0.1
I assigned a class the first problem in Pinheiro & Bates, which uses the
data set PBIB from the SASmixed package. I have recently downloaded
2.0.1 and its associated packages. On trying
I get a warning message
Warning message:
replacing previous import: coef in: namespaceImportFrom(self,
after library(nlme) and a
2008 Oct 09
Interpretation in cor()
I am performing cor() of some of my data. For example, I'll do 3 corr()
(many variables) operations, one for each of the three treatments.
I then do the following:
i <-lower.tri(treatment1.cor)
cor(cbind(one = treatment1.corr[i], two = treatment2.corr[i], three =
Does this operation above tell me how correlated each of the three
treatments is? Because this
2002 Sep 11
Contrasts with interactions
Dear All,
I'm not sure of the interpretation of interactions with contrasts. Can anyone help?
I do an ANCOVA, dryweight is covariate, block and treatment are factors, c4 the response variable.
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
dryweight 1 3.947 3.947 6.6268 0.01076 *
2004 Dec 19
PBIB datataset
I'm looking at Pinheiro & Bates "Mixed-Effects Models in
S and S-PLUS" at the moment. Several datasets are used,
one of which is called "PBIB" (a partially balanced
incomplete block design).
All the other datasets can be found somewhere or other in R.
However, I cannot locate PBIB, and it does not seem to
be mentioned in the latest edition of the R Full Reference
2000 May 09
Dispersion in summary.glm() with binomial & poisson link
Following p.206 of "Statistical Models in S", I wish to change
the code for summary.glm() so that it estimates the dispersion
for binomial & poisson models when the parameter dispersion is
set to zero. The following changes [insertion of ||dispersion==0
at one point; and !is.null(dispersion) at another] will do the trick:
"summary.glm" <-
function(object, dispersion =
2009 Nov 22
Repeated measures unbalanced in a split-split design
I have a experiment with block, plots, sub-plots, and sub-sub-plots
with repeated measures and 3 factors (factorial design) when we have
been observed diameter (mm), high (cm) and leaves number (count).
However, we don't have one treatment in one factor, so, my design is
On a previous message here, a friend tell me that "It appears to me
that your design is a split-split
2008 Apr 04
lme4: How to specify nested factors, meaning of : and %in%
Hello list,
I'm trying to figure out how exactly the specification of nested random
effects works in the lmer function of lme4. To give a concrete example,
consider the rat-liver dataset from the R book (rats.txt from:
http://www.bio.ic.ac.uk/research/mjcraw/therbook/data/ ).
Crawley suggests to analyze this data in the following way:
Treatment <-
2006 May 09
post hoc comparison in repeated measure
Hi, I have a simple dataset with repeated measures.
one factor is treatment with 3 levels (treatment1,
treatment2 and control), the other factor is time (15
time points). Each treatment group has 10 subjects
with each followed up at each time points, the
response variable is numeric, serum protein amount. So
the between subject factor is treatment, and the
within subject factor is time. I ran a
2009 Feb 16
Overdispersion with binomial distribution
I am attempting to run a glm with a binomial model to analyze proportion
I have been following Crawley's book closely and am wondering if there is
an accepted standard for how much is too much overdispersion? (e.g. change
in AIC has an accepted standard of 2).
In the example, he fits several models, binomial and quasibinomial and then
accepts the quasibinomial.
The output for residual
2007 Mar 13
lme4 and mcmcamp
Dear R users
I am trying to obtain p-values for (quasi)poisson lmer models, using
Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling and the command summary.
> My problems is that p values derived from both these methods are
totally different. My question is
(1) there a bug in my code and
(2) How can I proceed, left with these uncertainties in the estimations of
> the p-values?
> Below is
2002 Jul 16
Can't find PBIB data set
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2006 Nov 16
lme4 package: Fitted values and residuals
Dear all,
I have three concerns:
I am running models with the lme4 package. I cannot find a way to pull
out a vector of the fitted values and the residuals. Does anybody know
how to do it?
How can I nest a random effect variable into a "two-level" fixed effect
Suppose I have the following model:
y = a + b|c + d + error,
where 'a' is a fixed effect, 'c'
2006 Oct 10
compiling error R-2.4.0
Hi there,
I am trying to install from the source R-2.4.0 on my mac (osx 10.4.8
G5 DP)
The error imply Tcl/Tk.
I install it by all the way I know: darwinport, the Tcl/Tk package
from the dmg available from CRAN but without success.
The PATH is correct.
tclConfig.sh is localised in /opt/local/lib and have those permission:
-rw-r--r-- 2 root admin 7K Oct 9 09:49 tclConfig.sh
Here is
2010 Oct 28
xyplot and panel.curve
Hi All
I have regression coefficients from an experiment and I want to plot them
in lattice using panel curve but I have run into error messages.
I want an 3 panel conditioned plot of 2 curves of Treatment 2 in each panel
conditioned by Treatment1, the example curve expression is x+value*x^2
A rough toy example to give an idea of what I want is:
data = expand.grid(Treatment1 =