similar to: Escape bytea binary data in postgres SQL

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Escape bytea binary data in postgres SQL"

2006 Jan 18
Rails and PostgreSQL bytea
Hi! I''m trying to insert binary data into a PostgreSQL database where the field is of type ''bytea''. This works fine if a do Base64 encoding but I just want to do character escaping. How do I do this????. What I get is this: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Init_test#save_file ArgumentError: Invalid Ruby/cstring: INSERT INTO
2006 Dec 04
I need help to connect Postgres and Ruby on Rails Please.
Hello to everyone, I have a problem that is giving me a headache, and trying to do a project in Ruby on Rails and I need to connect with a Data Base that is en Postgres, the truth is that I didn’t think that it was so hard to connect a DB with postgres because I was working with Msyql and everything was easy. This are the thinks that I have install in my computer. 1. Debian GNU/Linux, kernel
2007 Apr 18
Postgres-pr interface not found
I''ve installed the postgres-pr gem, and it is found using gem list v0.4.0. In my active record source, inside the postgresql_adapter.rb file, I''ve changed line 7 from: require_library_or_gem ''postgres'' unless self.class.const_defined?(:PGconn) to: require_library_or_gem ''postgres-pr'' unless self.class.const_defined?(:PGconn) try and
2007 Mar 05
postgres barfage revisted
First of all, I''d like to do what I''ve seen several others here do: thank Ezra and any other contributors for producing a really great plugin. Even though I''m having some minor problems, this is all so approachable and easy to work with and dig into... I hate to think of the hoops you''d need to jump through (both as creator of such a system and as a user) to
2009 Mar 27
UTF8 postgres args saving issue
Hi, All I have an encountered an issue where the args field is not saved correctly to the database. I encounter an error like this: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (RuntimeError: ERROR C22021 M invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xcb3a H This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match the encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by
2006 Oct 30
pg_escape_bytea / pg_unescape_bytea (php) alternative in Rails?
Is there a built-in function that handles the problem of bitstreams in postgresql? The problem occurs when the stream contains for example the " character. Postgres will think that the string has ended with that character. Is there a function that changes all such characters into "\[ASCII-number]"? And the other way around when getting the stream back from the database? References:
2006 Nov 24
Anyone know whats going on with PostgreSQL async_exec errors?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Anyone know what''s going on with ActiveRecord Edge and 1.2RC1 unit tests. I get 13 failures from the "async_exec" method call. ie: test_callback_rollback_in_save(ConcurrentTransactionTest): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: NoMethodError: undefined method `async_exec'' for #<PGconn:0xb75a8754>: SET
2006 May 11
Verifying Good Setup of RoR + PostgreSQL
I''ve been reading the RoR tutorials and wiki help stuff, but I''m stuck. :( I''ve got RoR installed properly and get the "Welcome aboard! You''re riding the rails." I have an "article" controller, "article" model, and both an "article" and "articles" views (one is a remnant, I think, and no longer needed) (the
2006 Jan 16
PGconn class doesn''t recognize all the function export from
Hi, I''m trying to write a new postgresql adapter which interited the old postgres adapter and I try to use the PGconn class, But I find out I can''t access to some of the exported functions in (I''m using LINUX) In fact, only the methode export with rb_define_singleton_method can be used, only function s exported with rb_define_method, the PGconn ruby class
2006 Mar 05
Which postgresql adapter to use for rails core? How about production?
I wanted to fix some things up in the trunk, so I set up the databases and ran the unit tests. A bunch fail for postgres, and even more error out. I know of two postgresql adapters: postgres-pr and ruby-postgres. Strangely, they each fail different tests. So if I want to fix things up, which one should I be using? For that matter, which adapter should I be using for production? Finding out
2006 Jan 13
How to disconnect to a database????
Hi, We have experienced some problems with ActiveRecord::Base class of Ruby-Rails. We are building a web-application based on the Ruby-rails framework and the web-application needs to access to difference databases, so we do not pre-define our database accesses in the database.yml file. In fact, we are using the ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection() to connect to our database, the function
2006 Jan 18
Helps!!!!! Rails database connection guru needed!!!!!!!
Hi, I really need help to understand what is happening while Rails connect to a database, (we area actually using postgresql, so my example will be with postgresql) What I understand is Rails is able to connect to different DB. Actually, this is what we want, and we have made some tests, everything is juste fine. However, all these tests lead us to some important questions that we did find the
2006 Feb 09
postgres connection problems
Hello, I''m a newbie to rails and I am trying to do the Demo in the November Issue of Linux Journal. Things go fine go fine until I try to connect to my Postgres database (ver 8.1). At this point I get the following error message ---- RoR error and trace back ---- PGError in Admin#index could not connect to server: Permission denied Is the server running on host "localhost"
2006 Apr 21
Bus error in ./script/console with postgres (ext. library)
Is there some special magic that needs to be performed so that the C-based postgres extension library works with the Rails console? I have installed the postgres extension library (replacing the pure Ruby version: postgres-pr) from <> Everything works great from WEBrick, but as soon as I fire up the console and try to use it, I get a bus error:
2011 Apr 06
CentOS 5.6 will not install due to Firefox error
Hello all, Well, my local mirror now has CentOS 5.6! Yay! But, I cannot get it to install. A "yum update" and a "yum --skip-broken" yields me this: --> Processing Conflict: firefox conflicts xulrunner >= --> Finished Dependency Resolution firefox-3.6.13-2.el5.centos.i386 from installed has depsolving problems --> firefox conflicts with xulrunner
2006 Jul 05
ActiveRecord / PostgreSQL Performance Issue
I''m currently using ruby-postgres (the compiled interface to PostgreSQL), and I''m seeing a huge performance hit with larger :binary fields in ActiveRecord subclasses owing, it appears, to the use of the bytea field type and the fact that using that datatype necessitates an in-memory "unescape" conversion. The best I can tell from looking at the Postgres Active
2009 Mar 31
external equiv to R_serialize()?
I'm trying to efficiently allow conversion of R objects to PostgreSQL bytea (raw binary) datatype within PL/R for persistent storage in Postgres tables. I have found R_serialize() which looks like what I need, -- e.g. R_serialize(object, NULL, FALSE, NULL) -- except that it is marked attribute_hidden. Is there some other externally available interface that I can use? Thanks, Joe
2011 Oct 26
Help wanted: pg vs. postgres-pr gems
Hi all, I installed Rails 3.0 + PostgreSQL 8.4. Installed the gem postgre-pr I added " gem ''postgres-pr'' " to my Gemfile I defined my database.yml with: # PostgreSQL 8.4 development: adapter: postgresql encoding: unicode database: testdb pool: 5 username: test password: ****** I run rails server which starts, but application environment returns this error:
2004 Jun 23
UPDATE Patch for postgres enabled app_voicemail.c
I forgot to take out the portion that would read in the voicemail boxes from the text file. If you want to leave it in then you could have some voicemail boxes defined in the text voicemail.conf. I do not, so I have removed it. Below is the new patch: *** app_voicemail.c 2004-06-23 07:55:54.000000000 -0600 --- 2004-06-23 07:55:47.000000000 -0600 *************** *** 49,61 ****
2004 Jun 23
Patch for postgres enabled app_voicemail.c
Hello all, I am just getting going on building my system, but I thought I'd send you all a patch that I wrote so the command: show voicemail users issued from the CLI works properly when there is a postgres backend for the voicemail. The current version of the app does not display the voicemail boxes found in a database. It is called in the load_config function. I haven't done