similar to: predict.lm() out-of-sample predictions - problem with data classes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "predict.lm() out-of-sample predictions - problem with data classes"

2009 Oct 07
error using predict() / "fRegression"-package
Hello! I'm puzzled by the following problem. It occurs while trying to predict responses in a test-dataset using a linear model fitted with regFit from the rMetrics "fRegression"-package. All goes well when I call "predict" using the training dataset. However, a call using the test-dataset retuns an error message - telling me that the latter dataset provides variables
2003 Nov 11
Mismatches in predict(newdata)
One of the reports recently was of predict.lm misbehaving if newdata=data.frame(x=rep(NA, 10)) was given a logical column when it had been fitted as a numeric one. The exact problem was because model.matrix was trying to handle a 0-level factor (which is what that logical column got converted to by contrasts<-). However, the problem is more general and I have added to R-devel a layer of
2011 Apr 19
How to Extract Information from SIMEX Output
Below is a SIMEX object that was generated with the "simex" function from the "simex" package applied to a logistic regression fit. From this mountain of information I would like to extract all of the values summarized in this line: .. ..$ variance.jackknife: num [1:5, 1:4] 1.684 1.144 0.85 0.624 0.519 ... Can someone suggest how to go about doing this? I can extract the
2008 Nov 19
mle2 simple question - sigma?
I'm trying to get started with maximum likelihood estimation with a simple regression equivalent out of Bolker (Ecological Models and Data in R, p302). With this code: #Basic example regression library(bbmle) RegData<-data.frame(c(0.3,0.9,0.6),c(1.7,1.1,1.5)) names(RegData)<-c("x", "y") linregfun = function(a,b,sigma) { Y.pred = a+b*x
2015 Dec 14
Tablegen definition question
Hi, That's what the DecoderMethod is for. Similarly ParserMatchClass for the asm parser and PrintMethod for the asm printer: def CondCodeOperand : AsmOperandClass { let Name = "CondCode"; } def pred : PredicateOperand<OtherVT, (ops i32imm, i32imm), (ops (i32 14), (i32 zero_reg))> { let PrintMethod = "printPredicateOperand";
2001 Aug 12
rpart 3.1.0 bug?
I just updated rpart to the latest version (3.1.0). There are a number of changes between this and previous versions, and some of the code I've been using with earlier versions (e.g. 3.0.2) no longer work. Here is a simple illustration of a problem I'm having with xpred.rpart. iris.test.rpart<-rpart(iris$Species~., data=iris[,1:4], parms=list(prior=c(0.5,0.25, 0.25))) + ) >
2009 Jul 14
Proper Paste for Data Member
I imported a spreadsheet into a variable sh e.g. sh$aaaa, sh$bbbb, etc... doing the following: tsSource <- ts(paste("sh$",NAMEVARIABLE,sep="") ... ) fails. The paste isn't evaluating properly. What is the proper way to concatenate a data source with a member name such that they evaluate properly. actual code below: doEnv <-
2008 Oct 01
xpred.rpart() in library(mvpart)
R-users E-mail: Hi! R-users. says: data(car.test.frame) fit <- rpart(Mileage ~ Weight, car.test.frame) xmat <- xpred.rpart(fit) xerr <- (xmat - car.test.frame$Mileage)^2 apply(xerr, 2, sum) # cross-validated error estimate # approx same result as rel. error from printcp(fit) apply(xerr, 2,
2015 Dec 14
Tablegen definition question
Hello James, that was also what I've planned to do but just wasn't sure. Thanks for that. On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 11:52 AM, James Molloy <james at> wrote: > Hi, > > You can't nest operands like that - it must be a flattened list. So: > > def *Xpred* : PredicateOperand<OtherVT, (ops *i32imm, i32imm*, i32imm), > (ops (i32 14), (i32
2009 Sep 07
Rmetrics: Problem with "align"
Hi there! I'm stuck with a problem aligning financial timeseries and haven't found a cue how to fix it... When I run that simple script, everything goes well until the "align"-command: ------ rm(list=ls()) x <- yahooSeries("^GDAXI") head(x) xAligned <- align(x = x, by = "1d", method = "before", include.weekends = FALSE) ------ Here's
2015 Dec 14
Tablegen definition question
Hi All, In predicate is defined this way: *def pred : PredicateOperand<OtherVT, (ops i32imm, i32imm),* *(ops (i32 14), (i32 zero_reg))> {...}* I use the same definition in my code. But I have another version of predicate which is exactly the same but it is a condition code plus a quantifier! (e.g. Xpred = (pred + i32imm)). I was wondering how we can define a sub sub
2009 Jun 09
rpart - the xval argument in rpart.control and in xpred.rpart
Dear R users, I'm working with the rpart package and want to evaluate the performance of user defined split functions. I have some problems in understanding the meaning of the xval argument in the two functions rpart.control and xpred.rpart. In the former it is defined as the number of cross-validations while in the latter it is defined as the number of cross-validation groups. If I am
2006 Jun 26
[klibc 14/43] Remove in-kernel nfsroot code
The in-kernel nfsroot code is obsoleted by kinit. Remove it; it causes conflicts. Signed-off-by: H. Peter Anvin <hpa at> --- commit 161e1dc16ec1129b30b634a2a8dcbbd1937800c5 tree c30da837d746fe65d8a13ccf6f27bd381948edb4 parent 018604e070e143657abcf0cb256a1e2dda205d97 author H. Peter Anvin <hpa at> Sat, 20 May 2006 16:24:05 -0700 committer H. Peter Anvin <hpa at
2012 Jan 05
delete.response leaves response in attribute dataClasses
I posted this one as an R bug (, but Prof. Ripley says I'm premature, and I should raise the question here. Here's the behavior I assert is a bug: The output from delete.response on a terms object alters the formula by removing the dependent variable. It removes the response from the "variables" attribute and it changes
2004 Jun 18
interpreter change from RW1.7 to RW1.8 reviewed at RW1.9
Dear r-developers, on January 23rd I reported on this list a dramatic performance loss of R1.8 compared to previous versions. As I did not receive any answer for this important observation, I try again with some more recent results. The slowdown happens when manipulating parts of objects in other environments. This severely impedes Henrik Bengtsons oo extensions and usage of my package ref. It
2009 May 26
cross-validation in rpart
Dear R users, I know cross-validation does not work in rpart with user defined split functions. As Terry Therneau suggested, one can use the xpred.rpart function and then summarize the matrix of the predicted values into a single "goodness" value. I need only a confirmation: set for example xval=10, if I correctly understood a single column of the matrix obatined by xpred.rpart gives
2008 Feb 26
predict.rpart question
Dear All, I have a question regarding predict.rpart. I use rpart to build classification and regression trees and I deal with data with relatively large number of input variables (predictors). For example, I build an rpart model like this rpartModel <- rpart(Y ~ X, method="class", minsplit =1, minbucket=nMinBucket,cp=nCp); and get predictors used in building the model like
2012 Mar 06
PLS Error message
Hi, I work with hyperspectral remote sensing data and I try to built a pls model with this data. I already built the model but if I try to calculate the RMSEP and R2 with a test data set I get the following error message: Error: variable 'subX' was fitted with type "nmatrix.501" but type "nmatrix.73" was supplied The problem is that I don't get the message for
2010 Jan 13
Hi I would like to understand how to extend the function (FUN) I am using in rollapply below. ###################################### With the following simplified data, test1 yields parameters for a rolling regression data = data.frame(Xvar=c(70.67,70.54,69.87,69.51,70.69,72.66,72.65,73.36), Yvar =c(78.01,77.07,77.35,76.72,77.49,78.70,77.78,79.58)) data.z = zoo(d) test1 =
2019 Apr 05
subscripting a terms object
Someone sent me a bug report for survival2.44.1-1 that involves a model with both cluster and offset.? It turns out to be a 3 part issue with [.terms and my own untangle.specials routine.?? I've spent an evening sorting out the details. ? 1. The delete.response() function doesn't remove the response from the dataClasses attribute, which leads to a later failure in [.terms for