similar to: bad interaction of ferret (0.10.5) and mongrel on linux

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "bad interaction of ferret (0.10.5) and mongrel on linux"

2006 Aug 17
Ferret locks up when adding items to an index
I''m running Ferret 0.9.5 on a MacBook Pro (OS X 10.4.7) under Locomotive 2.0.7. I have a problem where Ferret is hanging when I try to add items to the index. It doesn''t happen with every object that''s being indexed, and I''m not sure what the objects in question have in common (they are not all instances of the same ActiveRecord object). The process
2007 Aug 10
Different ferret fields for instances of the same model?
Hi all, So far as I know, while using acts_as_ferret, we should add the following declaration in the ActiveRecord model which is going to be indexed: acts_as_ferret({:fields => @@ferrect_fields}) in which @@ferrect_fields is a hash containing all the field to be indexed. This is pretty much for some simple situations. But I got a more complex situation that I want to define the fields to be
2006 Sep 16
nfs shared and ferret segfault
Hi, I use ferret 0.10.4 whith shared index over NFS directory. There are 2 applications servers. The web server is Mongrel and mongrel_cluster 0.2.0. There are 20 Mongrel processes on each server. Each time my application update a model, Mongrel process stops running with this errro in its log: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ferret-0.10.4/lib/ferret/index.rb:663: [BUG] Segmentation fault
2007 Nov 11
undefined method `add''
We''ve been running into problems with ferret indexing lately. The problem is intermittent and some times it persists. Just got this after wiping the index and redeploying: NoMethodError (undefined method `add'' for Solution:Class): (druby:// /data/releases/20071111152414/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:1238:in `method_missing''
2007 Apr 18
Fatal error running Picasa2 on FreeBSD 6.1-R w/0.9.35
After reading of a recent success getting Wine to run the Win32 version of Google Picasa2, I thought I'd give it a spin on my FreeBSD 6.1-R system. Compiled and installed wine-0.9.35 without complaint. A local copy of (native) Notepad.exe runs fine: $ wine /win2k/WINNT/system32/notepad.exe After installing Picasa2, running it under wine fails: $ wine c:\\Picasa2\\Picasa2.exe
2006 Nov 28
how to update index from a script
Hello all, I''m using AAF right now to index my ~3million db records. However, any additions to these records are added to the database through an external script so the aaf activerecord hooks will not catch any updates. Since new records are only added rarely, I figured I could just add the new records manually in ferret from some type of script. I''ve been looking at the
2006 Nov 28
Update/Create record only if field is true
I have a sellable flag in my database. I''m trying to have ferret only add/update records where sellable == true. What is the best way to do this? I''ve tried editing instance_methods.rb in the AAF, but I still can''t get it to work. Thanks for the help -- Posted via
2007 Jan 11
ASF: cannot determine document number from primary key
I''m getting this exception from acts_as_ferret: A RuntimeError occurred in search#similar: cannot determine document number from primary key: #<MyClass:0x9feba20> [RAILS_ROOT]/vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/lib/instance_methods.rb:132:in `document_number'' As a result of this call: object.more_like_this The relevant backtrace:
2007 Jun 13
Do delegates work properly in Drb mode?
Hi folks, I have several models that index well in Drb mode. However, I have one scenario where it works in normal mode, but not in Drb mode. model A field :one end model B belongs_to :a field :two delegate :one, :to => :a acts_as_ferret :fields => { :one => {}, :two => {} }, :remote => true end If I leave off the :remote parameter, it works. Or, if I don''t
2007 Jan 05
Hitting Files per Directory Limits with Ferret?
Hey all! We''ve been using Ferret to great success these past six months. But recently we''ved tried adding many new ContentItems (only thing being index by Ferret at the moment), and things came crashing to a halt. ferret gem: 0.10.9 acts_as_ferret plugin (not sure which version) How we''re using the plugin: class ContentItem < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret
2007 Nov 07
Ferret-talk Digest, Vol 25, Issue 2
> From: Jens Kraemer <jk at> > Subject: Re: [Ferret-talk] Performance before and after optimization > On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 08:49:17PM +0800, Alex Neth wrote: > [..] >> 2) Can I keep a second index so that it doesn''t get locked during >> optimization and then switch to the optimized index? Perhaps the >> index >> is not really
2006 May 24
Ferret slow after a while
I''m building a new index from scratch based on a number of documents stored in a database loaded using my Rails env (using Ruby Ferret 0.9x (installed today with Gem) on Windows). At first everything goes nice but after a number of documents it starts to go slower and slower until it grinds to a halt (at least feels like it). Am I doing something wrong? Is there some way to work
2007 May 22
Ferret file not found error on item delete
Hi ferreters: I''ve already posted this in rails, but someone there suggested this would be better. I''m getting a ferret error when I try to delete any item that has been previously indexed. I just installed ferret, so the indexes aren''t big or anything. What I''m trying to do is to just delete an item on a table that has been index. Here''s the error
2007 May 09
Hi, I''m using acts_as_ferret in my rails application and I''d like to use more_like_this to retrieve some ''similar'' item suggestions. I have a class ''items'' which has a status field and I need to retrieve items that only have one of the two possible statuses. Looking at the more_like_this method indicates it supports an :append_to_query
2006 Sep 05
ferret finds ''tests'' but not ''test''
Hello all, Quick question (possibly!) - I''ve got a few records indexed and doing a search for ''test'' reports in no hits even though I know the word ''tests'' exists in the indexed field. Doing a search for ''tests'' produces a result. I would have thought that ''test'' would match ''tests'' but no such
2005 Dec 02
ANN: acts_as_ferret
Hi all This week I have worked with Rails and Ferret to test Ferrets (and Lucenes) capabilities. I decided to make a mixin for ActiveRecord as it seemed the simplest possible solution and I ended up making this into a plugin. For more info on Ferret see: The plugin is functional but could easily be refined. Anyway I want to share it with you. Regard it as a
2005 Dec 02
ANN: acts_as_ferret
Hi all This week I have worked with Rails and Ferret to test Ferrets (and Lucenes) capabilities. I decided to make a mixin for ActiveRecord as it seemed the simplest possible solution and I ended up making this into a plugin. For more info on Ferret see: The plugin is functional but could easily be refined. Anyway I want to share it with you. Regard it as a
2006 May 23
acts_as_ferret 0.2.1 segfault
Hi, I just installed via script/plugin from the stable svn tag. (Revision 54) I''m running Rails 1.1.2 and have Ferret 0.9.3 (with C extensions. no compilation problems) I put together a simple model to test it and I''m getting a segfault. The model: class Report < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :fields => [:title, :name] end $ script/console Loading development
2006 May 18
acts_as_ferret 0.2.1
The svn repository for acts_as_ferret has just been tagged with version 0.2.1. This is the first version of aaf to support the 0.9.x branch of Ferret. See *Features* * High speed full text search across the contents of any Rails model class, without any hassles. The index will be kept up to date automagically while you work with your Rails
2006 Mar 15
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in search results act_as Ferret
Hello, I''ve installed the Ferret gem and also got the act_as_ferret code from the wiki. I''ve set up my model "Branch" to act as ferret using the code below. acts_as_ferret :options => {:fields => [''name'', ''body_text'', ''address'']} I''ve also set up a ferret_controller with the code below def find