similar to: acts_as_ferret limit on multi_search not working?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "acts_as_ferret limit on multi_search not working?"

2006 Dec 07
Search Multiple Models
Hello folks, I have four models, each with their own separate index. Models = Articles, Blogs, MusicTracks, and MediaFiles I have individual searches within each section of the site working just fine, but I want to have a gloabl search that searches across all of them at the same time and returns the results ordered by score. Here''s how far I am now... def search query =
2007 Jun 01
Is aaf multi_search broken?
Hi all, I want to use acts_as_ferret''s multi_search to search two model classes (Reviewable and Blog) at a time like @results = Reviewable.multi_search("jemen", [Blog]) and I''m always getting the error You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating
2006 Oct 09
multi_search problems, Never go away!
Hello, I am trying to use the multi_search method, but I keep getting type error on nil objects, I send it [Model1,Model2] and it seems as though the class names keep getting clobbered and turn to nil, somewhere along the multi_index area. I tried to trace what was going on, but I got nothing, also, this only happens when there are actually hits(thank god, most of the time). Perhaps some insight?
2006 Aug 19
Need help with multi_search
I have been trying to use multi_search to search accross multiple associated models, but I have had no luck at all. I have scoured the net and this forum for all similar posts, but none of them contain enough code for me to get it to work. I am successfully able to search individual models, and then display the results without a problem. I have the following 2 models, Product and Component.
2007 Oct 03
Pagination problem with acts_as_ferret
Hi, am using this wonderful plugin acts_as_ferret and according to the tutorial at ? rial#basic I worked it out except the pagination feature. If I have 12 records and I give limit to 10, its correctly displaying 10 records in the first page and is giving the link to the second page too. But when I go to the next page I find the same 10 records instead of
2006 May 18
multi_search problem
I am running into the following error when I try to search across multiple models with multi_search() I have rebuilt the indices and can search on each model individually using the Rails console. Here is the output from the console. >> Post.multi_search(''new'', [Message, WikiPage]) ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) from
2007 Feb 28
How to use find_options in multi_search
Hello everyone, I''m using multi-search to search in some attributes of two classes. One of the attributes is the id of the customer. For each multi_search I want to do a give the id of the current customer as a parameter. This should only return results for the given customer. My current code looks like this: Folder.multi_search(@search_query, [Myfile]) I noticed in the API you can
2006 Oct 10
sorting results with aaf multi_search
Is it possible to sort the result of acts_as_ferret multi_search the way you can with find_contents? I''m using the latest ferret and aaf. I have an interface that offers multiple search options which search different fields of a single model. In addition to these, I also have an "all" search type which is meant to pull in one additional model and consider all indexed
2006 Sep 07
counting occurences of words in the result set
Hello, I need to be able to count the occurences of certain terms in the reults. Currently my setup is Ferret 0.10.1 aaf bleeding edge. results = VoObject.find_by_contents(query,:offset=>page, :limit=> 20,:sort => sort_fields) I use results.total_hits for pagination. This all works really nicely. However i need to be able to know how many occurences of certain predefined terms occur
2007 Jun 24
I only want one type of model returned from a multi_search
I am trying to use acts_as_ferret''s multi_search to search across multiple models, but i only want it to return one type of model. for example i have a page that lists out people. on this page it shows email addresses and phone numbers. I want to be able to search by any fields directly from the person model and search the fields from the email_address and phone_number models, but I only
2006 Oct 14
How can I do my own search limits?
I''m trying to add a way to query across associations for a model in acts_as_ferret. Say I have a model A and it has a relationship with model B. Like say a Book has many pages. I want to search across the pages of the Book and produce a list of unique books who''s pages match the terms. So if I have a page that hits then I will add that book to my list of results. Right
2006 Dec 16
Getting "ArgumentError ( isn''t a valid directory argument.
I''m hoping someone has encountered this before. I''m using AAF trunk and trying to multi_search across 2 models. It works fine on my windows (Webricks) dev env but now that i''ve deployed to linux, (Apache, FastCGI) I''m getting the following error: ArgumentError ( isn''t a valid directory argument. You should use either a String or a Directory):
2006 Nov 24
Strange error. Index corrupt on production server
We''ve been running Ferret for a few months on our site with great result. But, just a monent ago the index suddenly became corrupt. It all started with this error message: :108250 is out of range [0..108183] for IndexWriter#[] /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ferret-0.10.9/lib/ferret/index.rb:382:in `[]'' And after that every search resulted in this error: A IOError
2006 May 18
acts_as_ferret 0.2.1
The svn repository for acts_as_ferret has just been tagged with version 0.2.1. This is the first version of aaf to support the 0.9.x branch of Ferret. See *Features* * High speed full text search across the contents of any Rails model class, without any hassles. The index will be kept up to date automagically while you work with your Rails
2006 Sep 03
using highlight from aaf
Hi, I''m trying to use highlight ferret method with trunk aaf and 0.10.1 ferret. In my search display I use: Myindexedclass.ferret_index.searcher.highlight(@query,, :content) * searcher is a protected method; how can I access to the searcher from aaf ? * is the doc id in aaf the same as my model id ? * is the first param, query, the string query or the query object ?
2006 May 01
pagination in acts_as_ferret
I''m just wondering where I would put the pagination for search results when using "acts_as_ferret". At the moment my search code is.. def search @query = params[:query] || '''' unless @query.blank? @results = Tutorial.find_by_contents @query end end Cheers SchmakO -- Posted via
2006 Oct 02
Strange Sorting Issues
Hi there, I''m having some strange sorting stuff goign on. Here''s my search method: sort_fields = [] sort_fields <<"name", :reverse => :false) @results = Listing.find_by_contents @search_criteria, :limit => :all, :sort => sort_fields page = (params[:page] ||= 1).to_i items_per_page = 9 offset = (page - 1) *
2007 Dec 19
multi-model search best practices
Hi folks. If I am indexing ModelA and ModelB and I want to search both of them, I usually just pick one arbitrarily and use it for #multi_search. Is there a slicker pattern, regarding from which model to invoke #multi_search? Can it be invoked directly from the Ferret library? Has anyone put together some sort of "dummy" search class? Thanks for any ideas. John
2007 Apr 16
AAF: merge search results
Hi, I have a user model that has a couple of other models(like street address, tasks). suppose User has a name field Address has a state field. so I want to provide a detailed search form each field in the user and its related models can be specified. Suppose I have a user that has a name "california", and that user has a address with the state field being "california" as
2007 Jul 04
Inconsistent results when using wild card queries
We get some unexpected results when using wild card queries. We''re using aaf and Ferret 0.11.4 For exampel, when seraching on a part of a collegues name (kristofer) and limiting it to a specific source_id: Query: source_id:25 AND kri* Result: 2 documents. None of them containg the word kristofer, but other matching words, as "kring" and "kring?" (swedish) Query: