similar to: How to deal with this :" object ' obs' not found.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "How to deal with this :" object ' obs' not found."

2010 Mar 13
Making multiple columns to a single column
Hi guys, I have a very simple question. I'm trying to make multiple columns to a single column. For example, *ttx1* is a 46*72 matrix. so, I tried this. *d1=ttx1[,1] d2=ttx1[,2] ... d72=ttx1[,72]* now, d1, d2, ...,d72 become a 46*1 matrix. And then.. I tried.. *dd=rbind(d1, d2, ..., d72)* I thought *dd* should be 3312*1 matrix; but it becomes 72*46. I really wanted to make it a single
2009 Sep 27
Teach me how to transpose in R
Hi guys, I need your help!! My goal is to make a csv file from ncdf file. This is the code i've used : > hyo=open.ncdf("C:/") > hyo [1] "file C:/ has 4 dimensions:" [1] "longitude Size: 72" [1] "latitude Size: 36" [1] "unspecified Size: 1" [1] "t Size: 1916" [1] "------------------------"
2013 May 01
Factors and Multinomial Logistic Regression
Dear All, I am trying to reproduce the example that I found online here However, when I run my script (pasted at the end of the email), I notice that there is a factor 2 between the values for the coefficients for the categorical variable female calculated by my script and in the online example. Any idea about where this difference comes from? Besides, how can I
2006 May 24
Sortable: Ajax not firing?
Using Rails to generate a sortable list, I get the draggable/sortable page elements, but Ajax never fires back the post-sorted list. (I''ve checked with IE & Firefox, the "save this order to the DB" controller hasn''t been called.) The View: <p>Drag to sort.<span id="sort_info"></span></p> <ul id="sort1">
2013 Jan 11
Error with looping through a list of strings as variables
Dear R users: I have been trying to figure out how to include string variables in a for loop to run multiple random forests with little success. The current code returns the following error: Error in trafo(data = data, numeric_trafo = numeric_trafo, factor_trafo = factor_trafo, : data class character is not supported In addition: Warning message: In storage.mode(RET@predict_trafo) <-
2009 Nov 12
barplot at specific x values
Dear useRs, I search for a possibillity to plot stacked bars at specific x positions. I tried and tried, but the only way i got something adequate was by using lowlevel plots segments(). That is quiet ok, but will not please eyes without a lot of par() lines. dh<-data.frame(longitude=abs(rnorm(5)),deers=abs(rnorm(5)),humans=abs(rnorm(5))) plot(dh$longitude,apply(dh[,2:3], 1,
2009 Mar 06
help to use ppp in spatial analysis
Hi, i am using spatstat package for spatial data analysis and now i have a problem to create a point pattern. The points are in file "points.txt" (first column for Latitude and second column for Longitude ) and I imported them and separated each columns in two arrays x and y. If I plots x and y ( e.g plot(x,y) ) the result appears in square area without problems and the scale is
2013 Jan 21
Regex for ^ (the caret symbol)?
Hello R-helpers, I am trying to search for string that includes the caret symbol, using the following code: grepl("latitude^2",temp) And R doesn't like that. It gives me: > temp<-c("latitude^2","latitude and latitude^2","longitude^2","longitude and longitude^2") > temp [1] "latitude^2" "latitude and
2012 Jun 05
Converiting longitude/latitude to utm
Dear all, I have been trying to convert coordinates from longitude/latitude to utm but I got an error. As soon as the longitude coordinate is greater than 90, I get the folloowing error message: "error in pj_transform: latitude or longitude exceeded limits" Here is what I did: SP<-SpatialPoints(cbind(126.59,-14.30),proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat"))
2012 Feb 23
saving all data in r object
I have 100 data files, which contains very huge data sets of location details ( e.g latitude, longitude, time, temp) Now I would like to save the all data of these 100 files in r object, so I can reload data any time. * Every file has different length of data latitude <- NULL longitude <- NULL time <- NULL temp <- NULL for ( i in 1:100) { data<-
2008 Jan 15
Overlay plots from different data sets using the Lattice package
#After spending the entire day working on this question, I have decided to reach out for support: #I am trying to overlay a densityplot from one data set over a histogram of another, if I were to plot the two individually, they would look like: # data frame construction data.frame.A <- data.frame(rnorm(12*8), c(rep("one", 4), rep("two", 4), rep("three", 4)),
2002 Oct 02
help to make a map on R
Hi all, I need a little help for construct an state's map on R. The first problem is to get the data. I have a datafile of longitude and latitude in the follow format: trajectory latitude longtude T -22.045618 -51.287056 T -22.067078 -51.265888 T -22.067039 -51.207249 T -22.059690 -48.089695 T -22.075529 -48.074608 T -22.072460 -48.044472 T -22.062767 -48.298473 T -22.077349
2008 Jul 15
Melt (reshape) question
Dear all, I have a grid of 720 columns by 360 rows of global population density values, and hope to convert this to column format using the 'melt' command in the 'reshape' package. I'm not receiving any errors as such, but when the code has finished running, my output looks like this: > head(PopDens.long) Latitude Longitude PopDensity 1 -84.75 V1 0 2
2002 Mar 10
lattice library: xyplot and polygons
Dear R-Helpers, Is there a way to draw shaded (filled) polygons in panel graphs produced by xyplot ? I made different trials (see below) with polygon() and grid.polygon() but polygons are not drawn (probably for the same reason that prevents the use of lines, points, etc. in xyplot panels). Thanks in advance, Renaud > Water id label longitude latitude 515 21 Zone inondable
2012 Sep 19
Help reproducing a contour plot
Hi All, I am trying to reproduce this using R instead. [image: Full-size image (38 K)] I tried using the following code *SChla <- read.csv("SM_Chla_data.csv")* *Atlantis <- SChla[16:66,]* *head(Atlantis)* * * Seamount Station Depth Pico Nano Micro Total_Ch dbar Latitude Longitud 16 Atlantis 1217 Surface 0.0639 0.1560 0.0398 0.2597 2.082 -32.71450 57.29733
2009 Aug 25
latitude and longitude distribution
Good day to you all, I have lightning data containing date, time, latitude and longitude. I hope that distribution of latitude and longitude will give number of lightning occurrence in a region. I have used factor function to sum up the number of events on latitude and longitude axis and saved as x and y. But when I tried to plot the two, I had and error message ( Error in image.default(x, y, z) :
2009 Aug 17
Reshape package: Casting data to form a grid
Dear R Users, I'm trying to use the 'cast' function in the 'reshape' package to convert column-format data to gridded-format data. A sample of my dataset is as follows: head(finalframe) Latitude Longitude Temperature OrigLat p-value Blaney 1 -90 -38.75 NA -87.75 17.10167 NA 2 -90 135.75 NA -87.75 17.10167 NA 3 -90 80.25
2012 Sep 14
plotting points on a map, assigning vectors to values from dataset
Dear everyone, as a newbie I fear I have made an easy mistake and am just too blind to see it. Can anyone help me seeing the (possibly) obvious? I have a command that creates a map of South America. In a separate txt-file I stored data about latitude and longitude of languages, and in a third column values that differ from language to language. The command should read that file and assign the
2009 May 01
Problems with 'valid columns' when using merge
Dear all, I am trying to use 'merge' within a loop, however, I receive an error relating to the 'by' argument of the command, as follows: > merge_year <- 1986 > > for (i in 1:10) { # Number of file pairs + assign(paste("merged_arunfek_", merge_year, sep=""), merge(x=paste("arunoff_",start_arunoff, sep=""),
2013 Oct 31
Make Multiple plots in R
Dear All, I would wish to make multiple plots and give title/ headings same time, is there a simpler/ tidier way compared to below(, especially the headings as they are missing)? See output attached. #####################################Making multiple Plots start######################## plot(mybrick9, y = 2, col = terrain.colors( length(seq(0,1, by = .2))-1),breaks= seq(0, 1, by = 0.2), axes =