similar to: Using Aggregations in HTML forms?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Using Aggregations in HTML forms?"

2006 Jul 22
refactoring commonly used aggregations
I have a number of models that use an aggregation to combine First Name, Middle Initial and Last Name and they have been working fine. I am looking to clean this up, DRY it if possible. I have things like this in application.rb class Clwholename attr_reader :first_name, :middle_initial, :last_name def initialize(first_name, middle_initial, last_name) @first_name = first_name
2005 Dec 16
Validation with Aggregation
ActiveRecord supports composed_of for value objects which is fantastic but one thing that it doesn''t seem to support (or at least I am unable to find any documentation for) validation of the value objects. For example, given the following: class Message < ActiveRecord::Base composed_of :sender, :class_name => ''EmailAddress'' composed_of :recipient,
2005 Dec 17
How to use validation with aggregation (composed_of)?
At the risk of being banned for posting the same question twice, I thought I''d try once more with a question for the title rather than a statement (on the basis that perhaps questions get answered and statements ignored ;-) ) ActiveRecord supports composed_of for value objects which is fantastic but one thing that it doesn''t seem to support (or at least I am unable to
2009 Jan 16
Aggregation: problem with uninitialized composed_of object
Hi, I''m getting this error: >> p = >> p.amount TypeError: wrong argument type String (expected Fixnum) Apparently this happens because the aggregation isn''t initialized. Here''s the code: class Plan < ActiveRecord::Base composed_of :amount, :class_name => "Money", :converter => { |s|
2006 Jul 13
Incorrect composed_of I think
I am trying to use composed_of in my model, but I not succeeding. With the code I pasted below, I cannot perform this action in the console: property =, "px") I get NameError: uninitialized constant Property when I try to perform that action. It''s not finding my class I made I suppose. The Property class is in the same file as the Element class, element.rb.
2009 Nov 18
Composing Data from THREE models with Aggregation
Hello! I''m looking for assistance EXTENDING an example from the Agile Web Development With Rails book: Composing Data with Aggregation (page 324). I''m trying to map three columns to a single Ruby object. However, unlike the example in the Agile Web Development book, the three columns I want to map into one object come from THREE DIFFERENT models. I want to map the following
2006 Mar 19
Trouble with composed_of
I''m trying to use composed_of within my model. I have a field in my database named ''card1'', which is simply a string. I have this in my model class Player < ActiveRecord::Base composed_of :card1, :class_name => ''Card'' end class Card attr_reader :value, :suit def initialize(s) @value = s[0].chr @suit = s[1].chr end end The
2006 Jul 23
composed_of and validates_presence_of
I''m using composed_of in one of my models, and I''d like to validate that the attribute is present. class Hand < AR::Base composed_of :level, :mapping => [ %w(sb sb), %w(bb bb), %w(ante ante) ] validates_presence_of :level, :message => "must be set" end The Level class itself is very simple: class Level include Reloadable attr_reader :sb, :bb, :ante
2009 Feb 26
composed_of, aggregate object isn't saved
I am relatively new to rails and I cannot figure out what is going on here. I am using the composed_of method in an ActiveRecord class to create two aggregate properties: shipping_address and billing_address. The object properties are getting populated from the form and validation is working - no problem. When I call, though, everything is being saved except the address fields. I am not
2006 Mar 03
unused composed_of bits
I implemented a Temperature model for my application. It is pretty basic, composed of a temperature, a unit and some conversion methods. In my app model I decided to store temperature values in Fahrenheit, so there is no need to remember the units between invocations. I am having a little trouble composing my app model. A little bit of my temperature class: class Temperature # Composed of
2006 Mar 09
[TIP] Making an intelligent form fields
After searching arround I found a quite smart solution to me for binding form fields to model in an active way. I use aggregations with single value objects such as class Percentage attr_accessor :value def initialize(value) @value = (value.is_a? String) ?'' %'', '''').to_f : value end def to_s return unless value
2006 May 18
Patch 5091
Hi, I submitted a patch (for the first time) a couple of days ago ( - the decsription is included below). I''ve noticed some posts to rails-core notifying the world of patches, since there''s been no activity on said patch I thought I''d do the same. Please let me know if this breaks protocol. Cheers, Ian White --- patch summary
2008 Feb 25
NoMethodError: undefined method `<=>' for :zip:Symbol
Long time programmer, but I just started learning RoR last week. I am going through some examples in the book "Ruby on Rails: Up and Running". The example I am on had me add a table to the database that looks like so: CREATE TABLE people ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `type` varchar(20) default NULL, `name` varchar(20) default NULL, `email` varchar(30) default NULL,
2006 Feb 26
auto_complete on steroids
I am trying to get more out of auto_complete than it apparently was designed to deliver. My problems seem to be two fold. 1 - I use aggregations on names... :first_name, :middle_initial, :last_name and then aggregate them using a composed_of :wholename thing auto_complete_for seems to be wired to only use table columns directly and gags on the aggregate form. 2 - foreign table columns -
2008 Jul 07
ActiveRecord in Rails 2.1.0 misbehaving for Aggregate Attr.
I am not sure if this is a bug in ActiveRecord or is this the intended behavior. If it is then it does not make sense to me. In a nutshell: If you change an aggregate object attribute created via composed_of method (see Agile Web Development - Second Edition Chapter 17 page 313 onwards) and then save the model, the change to the model (composite attribute specifically) will not be saved UNLESS
2007 Mar 28
rsync patch -flags fails to compile on Mac OSX
I am trying to compile rsync 3.0.0cvs with the flags.diff patch on a Mac OSX G4. It fails because the flags UF_NOUNLINK, and SF_NOUNLINK do not exist on this platform. sys/stat.h only gives the following flags * Definitions of flags stored in file flags word. * * Super-user and owner changeable flags. */ #define UF_SETTABLE 0x0000ffff /* mask of owner changeable flags */ #define
2006 Jul 11
Validating composed_of
Hi, How do I validate a composed_of attribute in my model? I have a product model with: composed_of :price, :class_name => ''Money'', :mapping => %w(cents cents) This maps the price attribute to the Money ( class. I want to make sure that the price only contains a price to 2 decimal places i.e. 1.25. This is because if someone enters
2006 Jan 30
Introduction & time_zone_select with mapped TimeZone question
I''m new to this list, I''m a student in History, Computerscience and a bit of Philosophy from the Netherlands... I have started using rails a few weeks ago, I did read the Agile Webdevelopment with Rails book, and I generally started to love Rails for it''s sheer beauty and intelligent structure... However I came across something that puzzles me quite a bit. It''s
2008 Dec 01
more friendly "dtrace --actions" , "dtrace --aggregations", "dtrace --varib
To remember all dtrace actions, aggregations and variables is a headache, even worse, they are not include in dtrace(1M) now. So here is a chance to have a CLI RFE - to have something like "dtrace --actions", which will list all actions, like this page: "dtrace --aggregations", lists all
2006 Jan 22
Validation on composed_of problem
I am having problems with this: validates_presence_of :amount validates_format_of :amount, :with => Money::PATTERN, :allow_nil => true composed_of :amount, :class_name => Money, :mapping => [[:amount, :to_s]] The problem is when I use this field in a form, and the text is blank, ActiveRecord gives me two errors: "money is invalid" "money